You Have 347 Unread Messages - Chapter 21 - Red_Feather (Ze_Red_Feather) - Pocket Monsters | Pokemon (2024)

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[Scientific Test]

Ash: We’re almost to Saffron City!

Leon: Fourth badge!

Cynthia: That’s great!

Steven: How far out do you think you are?

Ash: A day or two, maybe? There’s a path that goes around a cliff here, and Brock says it’ll take us straight to Saffron City

Alder: doesnt sound like youre too far out

Kate: Be careful on that path!

Ash: We will be

Ash: Oh, hey, there’s a bunch of Butterfree flying over the ocean

Lance: Oh.

Steven: What is it?

Lance: It’s Butterfree’s mating season.

[Scientific Test]

Ash: I just got done talking to Butterfree

Kate: How’d it go?

Ash: He wants to go

Diantha: Oh Ash…

Cynthia: How are you feeling about that?

Ash: I don’t know. This is what Butterfree wants, and I’m happy for him, but

Lance: But you’ll miss him. Part of you doesn’t want to let him go. Part of you wants to selfishly keep him with you. And part of you is disgusted with yourself for even thinking that.

Ash: Yeah. I don’t… I won’t… I can’t get in the way of Butterfree’s happiness

Alder: That’s good. Yes, you’re allowed to be selfish sometimes, but not like this

Ash: Yeah. Yeah, I know

Ash: We’re on our way to rent a hot air balloon now

Lance: Ash, do me a favor?

Ash: What is it?

Lance: Put away your phone. Just focus on Butterfree until it’s over.

Ash: Yeah, yeah I will

Cynthia: Lance?

Lance: Yes?

Cynthia: Didn’t you used to have a Butterfree?

Lance: I did.

Leon: Did you have to…

Lance: Yes. She stayed with me for just over a year. And then she met another Butterfree she wanted to start a family with. I couldn’t stand in her way, so…

Alder: I’m sorry, Lance

Lance: It’s fine. It was a long time ago, and she was happy.

Alder: Still, it can’t have been easy. It never is

Lance: No, it wasn’t.

[Scientific Test]

Ash: Team Rocket just attacked!

Lance: What did they do?!?!

Cynthia: I hate that I’m not surprised

Alder: what did they do this time

Ash: They took all the other Butterfree! They just flew in with a helicopter with a giant net hanging under it and scooped up all the Butterfree! Mine tried to fight them off, and did manage to damage the helicopter a bit with psybeam, but they just flew away with the rest of the Butterfree!

Lance: I’m on my way. Where are they now?

Ash: They’re flying into a canyon. Butterfree damaged their helicopter enough that it’s a lot slower now

Lance: A canyon between Vermilion and Saffron… I know that area!

Kate: You do?

Lance: Yes! One of my gym leaders likes to use it to train! I’ve even joined him a couple times!

Kate: How fast can you get there?

Lance: An hour, maybe two.

Ash: I don’t think you’ll need to

Cynthia: He won’t?

Steven: Why not?

Lance: Are the Butterfree okay?

Ash: I told you we were following Team Rocket, right? Well, as soon as they landed beside a cabin in the canyon, Butterfree flew in and hit the edge of the net with an attack. It looked kinda like tackle, but way stronger. He broke through the net with that one attack. He took a moment to catch his breath and then started attacking Team Rocket

Leon: Was that giga impact?!

Alder: i think it might have been

Ash: Butterfree’s using a mix of whirlwind and psybeam to herd Team Rocket away from the net so the rest of the Butterfree can’t escape. Every time they try to send out one of their Pokémon, he just uses whirlwind to send them right back into the Poké Ball

Diantha: That is terrible battle etiquette. I approve

Cynthia: Go Butterfree!

Lance: That is genius!

Ash: The rest of the Butterfree flew away now. Except for the one Butterfree tried dancing with earlier, she’s still here

Cynthia: Is she now?

Lance: Focus!

Lance: How’s Butterfee doing?

Ash: The other Butterfree is helping him now. They’re both using whirlwind on Team Rocket

Ash: Hah!

Diantha: What did they do?

Cynthia: They did it!

Lance: Obviously.

Ash: They forced Team Rocket into a line. Butterfree used giga impact again and hit Meowth. He flew back, hit Jessie and James, and the three of them were sent blasting off

Cynthia: Hah!

Lance: Good. They deserved it.

Steven: What’s going on now?

Ash: They’re dancing together now

Diantha: Does that mean what I think it does?

Alder: i think so

Lance: Butterfree perform a courtship dance with Pokémon they intend to take as their mate.

Cynthia: True love!

Alder: good for them

Diantha: The rest of the Butterfee are all safe, right?

Diantha: Ash?

Kate: He won’t answer.

Lance: He’s saying goodbye

Ash had had less than a day to prepare himself for this. It wasn’t enough time. Nothing would have been enough time. He crouched down in front of Butterfree and the Pink Butterfree. “Hey,” he said softly. “So… I guess this is it, huh?”

Butterfree slowly moved closer to Ash, tears pooling in his big red eyes. “Free,” he muttered, his voice lacking the usual happy trill.

Ash reached out and gently wiped the tears from Butterfree’s eyes. “Hey now, no tears. This… this is supposed to be a happy day.” Butterfree gulped and nodded. His mouth twisted into what Ash had long since realized was his own version of a smile. Even if it didn’t look quite as full or genuine as it usually did. But it was still a smile. Ash looked back at Brock. “H-how long until they have to leave?”

Brock looked up at the sun. It was quickly sinking down to the horizon. “You have a few minutes.”

Ash nodded. He could probably hold back his tears for that long. Pikachu slowly walked up to them, standing beside Ash. He gently rested a comforting paw on Ash’s leg. Yes, Ash could be strong for a few minutes. “What am I doing?” he asked himself, reaching down to his belt. “The others will want to say goodbye.”

Ash grabbed the Poké Balls from his belt and, one by one, pressed the buttons to send out the Pokémon. Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle, and Krabby all appeared in a flash of light. They clearly already knew what was happening. Charmander had tears running down his cheeks, Krabby’s eyes were shining with tears of his own, and Squirtle and Bulbasaur both looked solemn. Ash looked down. Pidgeotto wasn’t there. It wasn’t fair that she wouldn’t get to say goodbye.

Ash’s phone warmed up in his pocket. He felt something appear inside his pocket, gently brushing his side through the fabric. Ash reached into his pocket and found a Poké Ball. He smiled softly. “Thank you,” he muttered. He wasn’t really sure who he was thanking, but he hoped the message got through. Ash pressed the button and tossed the Poké Ball forward. Pidgeotto appeared in a flash of light. Pikachu quickly ran up to Pidgeotto and started talking to her in a hushed voice.

Ash stayed back for a minute while the Pokémon all took a moment with Butterfree. He didn’t know what they were saying. He couldn’t understand them, after all. But that didn’t matter. What they were saying was for them and them alone.

Bulbasaur reached out with a couple vines and straightened the yellow scarf around Butterfree’s neck. He nodded in approval and stepped back.

Charmander slowly approached, shaking slightly and with tears still spilling down his face. He wiped them off his cheeks and jumped forward, wrapping his arms around Butterfree in a tight hug. He held it for a long moment before pulling back.

Squirtle held out his hand for Butterfree to shake. Butterfree had to jump up and down a bit to properly shake his hand. They both let out short laughs at the movement.

Krabby scuttled up to Butterfree. He hesitated then nodded at Butterfree, clicking his claws. Butterfree’s mouth twitched and he let out a few clicks, copying the clicking of Krabby’s claws. Krabby nodded again and scuttled away.

Pidgeotto flapped her wings and flew up to Butterfree. She trilled in a soft tone, flapping her wings for emphasis. Butterfree nodded and flapped his wings the same way, floating above the ground for a moment. Pidgeotto nodded and leaned in to nuzzle the side of her head against Butterfree’s for a moment then pulled back.

Pikachu walked up to Butterfree. He didn’t say anything at first. Butterfree looked over his shoulder and at Ash. He said something to Pikachu. Pikachu nodded seriously and then backed away to join the others.

Ash shook a bit. He… he wasn’t ready. He didn’t know what to say. But he had to go. He had to say goodbye to Butterfree. He was about to step forward when Brock gently grabbed his shoulder. Ash glanced at his friend. Brock silently nodded over to Butterfree again. Ash looked back and saw Misty saying goodbye. He couldn’t stop himself from smiling slightly at that. Misty really had come so far with Butterfree. He could tell it made Butterfree happy to really be Misty’s friend.

After Misty, Brock walked forward. He pulled his backpack off and rummaged through it. He held out a few pieces of food to both Butterfree and the Pink Butterfree. Butterfree ate it happily. After a bit of encouragement from both him and Brock, the Pink Butterfree took a piece as well. She seemed to enjoy it. Brock said a few things to them both then stood up and moved away.

It was just Ash and Butterfree now.

Ash slowly walked forward. He crouched in front of Butterfree and the Pink Butterfree again. He turned to address the Pink Butterfree first. “This is a really great Butterfree,” he said. “So take care of him for me.” The Pink Butterfree nodded seriously, giving a soft trill of agreement. Ash turned back to his Butterfree. “And you take care of her, you hear me? Take care of each other.” Both of them nodded and trilled in agreement. They moved a bit closer together so their wings were brushing.

Ash took a deep breath. No tears yet. Just a bit longer. He jolted slightly. “Oh!” He reached down to his belt and pulled the last Poké Ball off of it. Butterfree’s Poké Ball. “I… I guess I should release you now, shouldn’t I?”

Butterfree yelped and jumped forward, pushing Ash’s hand and his Poké Ball against Ash’s chest. “Free!”

Ash blinked. “You… don’t want me to release you?”

Butterfree nodded. “Free, Butterfree!” he insisted.

Ash hesitated. “Wherever I go,” he began slowly. “And wherever you go, you’ll always be my Pokémon. Is that it?”

Butterfree nodded again. “Free,” he said.

Ash smiled softly and put the Poké Ball away. “And I’ll always be your trainer,” he promised. He looked past Butterfree. The sun was almost completely set. He could see the rest of the Butterfree flying off in the distance. “It looks like it’s time for you to go now. They’re waiting for you.”

Butterfree looked back, first at the Pink Butterfree, then at the flock in the distance. He gulped. “Free,” he agreed. More tears pooled in his eyes. He jumped at Ash’s chest. Ash choked back a sob and wrapped his arms around Butterfree. If a few tears fell onto Butterfree’s head, nobody mentioned it.

“Bye bye, Butterfree,” Ash whispered. He let Butterfree go.

[Scientific Test]

Ash: Lance?

Lance: Yes?

Ash: Did you ever see your Butterfree again?

Lance: No. No, I didn’t.

Ash: Oh

Lance: Hey, just because I didn’t, doesn’t mean you won’t.

Ash: I guess…

Lance: Do you believe you’ll see Butterfree again?

Ash: Well, yeah

Lance: Then you’ll see him again.

Ash: Yeah, yeah I will. Then he and the Pink Butterfree can introduce me to their family

Cynthia: Pink Butterfree?

Ash: That’s what I’ve been calling his mate

Kate: Is that a shiny?

Steven: No, I thought shiny Butterfree were darker than that

Lance: They are. Pink Butterfree are very rare and only ever documented as originating on one island.

Leon: Which island?

Lance: That’s all I can say.

Leon: Gotcha

Alder: How are you holding up Ash?

Ash: I… I don’t know

Diantha: You know it’s okay to not be okay, right?

Ash: I know

Ash: But it’s not that I’m not okay

Kate: What do you mean?

Ash: I… I’m sad Butterfree’s gone. But I’m also happy that Butterfree was able to leave to start a family. I’m proud of him for everything he’s done and will do. I miss him so much already. So much it hurts. But even with all that… I’m okay. This was the right thing to do, and I know Butterfree’s gonna be happy

Diantha: He is. He really is

Leon: He’ll be the happiest Butterfree in the world!

Ash: Can I ask you all a favor?

Leon: Absolutely!

Cynthia: Anything

Diantha: Of course

Kate: Go for it

Steven: What is it?

Lance: Yes.

Alder: Always

Ash: If you ever meet a Butterfree with a yellow scarf and a Pink Butterfree, could you be nice to them?

Lance: Yes.

Leon: You got it

Kate: I will.

Alder: Always

Steven: Of course

Cynthia: I’d be happy to

Diantha: You have my word

You Have 347 Unread Messages - Chapter 21 - Red_Feather (Ze_Red_Feather) - Pocket Monsters | Pokemon (2024)
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Author: Horacio Brakus JD

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Author information

Name: Horacio Brakus JD

Birthday: 1999-08-21

Address: Apt. 524 43384 Minnie Prairie, South Edda, MA 62804

Phone: +5931039998219

Job: Sales Strategist

Hobby: Sculling, Kitesurfing, Orienteering, Painting, Computer programming, Creative writing, Scuba diving

Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.