Times Herald from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)

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TIME WASHINGTON' SUNDAY DECEMBER 28 1952 TelephonaJtEpublie 7 1234 Come Early Wash VOICE THE PEOPLE i 8555 ENTON ST Silver Spring appointed by the President A Castle LYNNS SEL SERVICE i Choice These Days By George Sokolsky LYNNS SEL SERVICE $39 Easy Terms Months to Pay $39 $39 Chest with 8 Drawers $39 and Attractive $39 Double Dresser $39 House committee on un American1 Rail and Ladder Double Chest $39 $39 LYNNS SEL SERVICE AN AMERICAN DYNASTY IVE YEARS LATER Continued from Pace 8 Easy Credit Terms! STORE HOURS Hand will apeak at the dinner ANOTHER LUCKY PURCHASE! to Presidents Roosevelt and Truman who voted OOP for the first time Communists and Americans who acted as spies for another coun try in the United Nations the Vincent Service Davies situations In the State department these The Benjamin Cardozo award of Tau Epsilon Rho international legal fraternity has been awarded to Judge Learned Hand the fra ternity announced yesterday Presentation of the award to Judge Hand for many years chief judge of the Second Circuit (New York) Court of Appeals will be made by Chief Justice red Mj Vinson of the Supreme Court of Convert Into TWIN BIOS 751 Whitehair Insisted however and joined the Navy as a lowly day night I The dinner will be the highlight ea me "iioerai new ueai Looking back five years wOer ceive that Mr Tebbel wrote his book as part of the conspiracy to injure if possible destroy me because I stood for the rights of thi United States against Roosevelt Anglophllism and Com munism It did not succeed nor did the effort to indict the man aging editor succeed or the at tempt to cut off our paper sup ply succeed Nor were the 48 de Jxat lln Crfl auring incir long ucyuuj sealedjhto office for life all those half Indian father mil I VMihlicHkxri a Doniih1ion Other Open Stock Pieces also sale priced! See Chest on Chest Single Dresser Regu lar Chest or the Double Panel Bed I home and no one can be excluded rs li rv Rem from its operations We are at war (Blu Double Dresser 1 i a Long Rancher Desk and pre unristmas editorials reany worthy of Addison Chesterton or: Belloc themselves! God keep you merry gentlemen Joseph A Gkourke GIVE JIGGS A REST If Commissioner Donohue is In deed the point of physical and mental exhaustion" as he recently told the group who visited him urg ing him to reconsider his an nounced resignation then I think it was both brave and forthright of him to admit to the strain with which the rigors of public life can beset a man Mr Donohue humbly said that he would the proposal that he remain in office but he should first consider his health and should take a long rest somewhere after Jan 20 Men in public office must oper ate at maximum efficiency for the good of the community and them selves Commissioner Donohue's devo tion to duty is but he need not worry there are otner devoted and civic niinded men among us who will both under stand and sympathize with him and will be ready to carry on lor him relieving hinj of his burden No he need not worry 1 Citizen ONE MAN'S CHRISTMAS Because I do not fancy getting crushed to death getting in or out a church as I almost was last! the grand jury and McCarran i ever aids our enemies in small or committee exposures of American great ways is a peril to our coun 4 Piece Bunk Bed Outfit $39 tne snopxeeper ngure out toia him: you find made mis take please send the money to me at the American The next morning Georgia (Swept into the office triumphantly waving a note sne snoutea me snopxeeper senas an apology and Georgia whp tearfully leaves office 20" will spend a few days with friends in Roanoke Va before returning to the presidency ui ner own uanaiii tmy xiicmanu Kan during campaign to keep from embarrassing the Republi can brain trust The taxpayers fervently hope that Mrs Ivy choice for Treasurer will be as sparing of their money as the present incum bent Mrs Georgia Neese Clark is of her own The Kansas banker soon to be succeeded by the lady politician from Utah exhibited her respect for the almiehtv dollar on a re cent trip to Europe Georgia properly mindful of her high position as the autog rsfer of all our American green backs determined to master the foreign exchange in every country she visited In Denmark she went shopping for'royal Copenhagen china with our lady ambassador Mrs Eu genia Anderson After completing her purchases Georgia carefully totaled up the amount and' trans lated it into Danish kroner So did the shopkeeper but their alas were several dollars apart Madame Ambassador trying to make like a diplomat murmured that she was sure the' shopkeeper make a mistake The treasurer whose father trained her in the banking busi ness for nothing assured her friend that she could be always have" Well 1 1 1 Barkley admits that he was a wee bit wrong about the election reaultsbut he claims that he merely had the Eisenhower prophecy backwards "Instead of General Motors tak ing care of he grins looks like Gen Eisenhower has taken care of General Motors" His reference is to appoint ment of Charles Wilson presi dent of GM as defense secretary and of Arthur Summerfield and Douglas McKay as postmaster An outstanding (election of beautifully designed Colonial bed room pieces with genuine SOLID ROCK MAPLE tops and maple finished hardwoods! And look at these LOW LOW PRICES! Imagine furnishing your room with Double Dresser Double Chest Bookcase Headboard and two Night Stands all master size pieces for only $117 And you choose any piece any combination you like! All have handsome leaf overlays knob pulls and sturdy lasting construction! Writers Siotud eonlne tneinnelvei to 200 or JOO words Give full names and addresses No manuscripts can be returned Space for letters is obviously limited Incoming mail far exceeds it tf a letter is not printed attribute it to lack ot room Address letters to Voice of the People The Times Herald OOL EH? (Sunday at St Patrick's I at Here we go again! a Now Mr Editor I want to ask you How many times have the New York Times and other majestic exponents of freedom queried Stalin on 'the overall chances of peace in the world? And What has ever come of these loueries? Nothinz 1 I Now Uncle Joseph he ia willing to meet with Ike etc etc 1 just a lot of baloney 1 1 aav we ouvht to stoo worrvinz WHAT AGE UNCLE SAM? What is the best "age" for our country? Should it be kept at the kindergarten stage at the teen age adolescent stage at the 20 30 stage at the not over 40 stage at the retirement stage at the infirtp senile stage? A National 865I6 I uur sons may aunng ine next! few years die violently in war be cause our national security is I weak They may die because a Russian spy like Gubitchev when caught is sent back to Russia with all the information in nis possession It is not that we are generous it is only that we are incompetent and that those who are functioning have been stupid Tlnth Annditiflne nan ha ine Americans in tne united Nations who are betraying their country were found out by the un tiring persistence of two young lawyers Robert Morris and Roy Cohn supported by the McCar ran committee and Attorney Gen eral James McGranery They were fought by many who now hope to establish credit for their work and the job could have been i wrecked had their stupidity pre vailed The national security can i not be entrusted to position proud I stuffed shirts with a habit of cov ering up tne errors of an admin istration Copyright 1152 King eature Syndicate Inc 0 disgusting A New Refubiican Reader ZEALOUS COPS As a long time citizen of Arllng ton county I was "burned up" to observe the fervor with which Arlington cops were handing out tickets to Christmas shoppers during the last few shopping days Altho I was fortunate enough not to be' a recipient of a ticket I feel the' authorities showed an utter lack of the co operative sometimes lying in wait 2 until they 'caught'a stop ping to unload passengers in a re stricted zone or parking a few Inches too close to a The worst place to my observa tion was Shirlington shopping center which had overflow busi r'ness but which would hae had much larger volume had not many motorists been driven away by over zealous police all for safety on the high ways afid believe in sensible regu lation but I fail to see where the cause either of safety or of good will was furthered by the dicta torial action of the Arlington po lice force during the Christmas season 1952 With shoppers being driven to the suburbs by the unspeakable Washington traffic congestion it seems to me the least the nearby Virginia authorities could do would be to co operate instead of browbeating not let it hap pen again next year John Paul New Deal burocracy on the citt I quests the lawmakers are also discovering that for every friend 1 am giaa i aia The celebrant of tbe Mass was 'enemies among the disappointed apartment rent at the Mayflower i than he receives in compensation from the Pentagon AS AZvWI wO UMU 0 i do was to convict a few crackpots of the legal thirty ln jurisdictions where only weak second annual convention opening kneed newspapers were published tomorrow at the Statler Both and now at long last the New Deal Chief Justice Vinson and Judge has been destroyed By Ruth Montgomery Washington The" ele Atomic Energy Commission And Dhuiit oartv boys are beginning you've guessed a take a hai second look at all that Republican juicy patronage which tney nave waited 20 lean years to dispense I Undersecretary of the Navy streaming out of our Potomac The Republican senators and rancls Whitehair altho he rjver town that the packers are ine nepuuiiLBu once ran successfully for cover CARDOZO AWARD urr Df 'rivru ot public sentiment which at last has denounced and destroy TA fff UANn the Now Deal 1 A 11 'at his Navy desk lob Whiteaifltaota'? Georgia Neese Clark pays 850 more a month for his could add Alter some more naggung over facts and figures Ambassador An derson tAetfullv sunvested that The British embassy like a lot lot defeated Democrats is strug gling with moving day Retiring Ambassador Sir Oliver ranks was wined and dined so much in part ing that he confided to friends felt like a mouse eating his way out of a big None of the British fixtures around the embassy will be hap pier to welcome th? iftw ambassa dor Sir Roger Makins and his six children than a cat named Mrs Tibbs The story of Mrs Tibbs dates back to the arrival in this country of Sir Oliver and Lady ranks During their voyage on the Queen Elizabeth to the New World the pet cat disappeared Word of the ranks' bereavement reached the press and an Amer ican sent the youngsters" an alley cat Happy again they christened her but after the cat had roamed the embassy lawns and produced 14 kittens 7 year old Alison ranks kindly changed her name to Mrs Tibbs The children back in England i general and interior secretary re since early fall wrote their father Ispectively The latter two have to "be sure and bring Mrs General Motors automobile agen but Sir Oliver like fathers the'eies as long as he continues to spoil Herald Raphail Tempi Ma which direct the gargantuan De all the things that stand for honor donna Christmas Messages rom! tense Department and decency in the world (Three aiths Are We HerelIots of RePubican Why do Americans continue to whpr qo and VQur( Already On the Job baby that mustachioed goon? rn Out of the 1235000 civilian em ployes in our huge military ejtao weeks behind on their orders One Democrat however 'is greeting the Republican onrush with welcom ing arms'1 George Allen crony ofr "Loolc told you so cnnufprt ehAnVaonar credible In World war I he en listed as a private and was mus tered out a first sergeant At the (outbreak of World War Il'he was' 142 years old and sitting on top oi (the world A successful lawyer wif a van 11 InOAfYla iti ai ifP lishment only an incredibly small ures he hjs family lived In number 22 top are a iorjda showplace with 1000 appointed by tiie President acres Qf land a 26 room house Of these 22 the patronage dis piling stables tennis courts and pensers are beginning to discover a swimming pool an embarrassing percentage of Qne day he pleaded a case be the current incumbents are Re fore the Supreme Court and then publicans try If the laws are Inadequate to curb his activities new legisia Large Rancher Desk VAwxi oiAUUiu Vv ynoocu The committee on foreign rela a uanntA fna qiiisriarv me KePUDllUHil aciiavvio with power at la st tended 10 Mass on Christ to rd mas day at St whose con nautical one can claim that Whitehair gregation has been considerably0 Not onlHs GDP Capitoi a 1 honest to goodness reduced by' the encroachment of Hill office inundated with job re Hes onMuarter Osage fendants jailed for want of bail the United States at the frater convicted by Mr Rogge after nity's Cardozo award dinner Tues wards counsel or communists AU the New Deal was able to Ofien stock MAPLE Bedroom Grouping the American people are not (to be distrusted because they are: ull or Twin Size accustomed to concerning them 1 merely following popular fashion g00kcase a ci selves over the questjpn of na which is not good enough A col tional security because in the past i lege president who fought for a board and 2 Night i such problems did not arise We ipro Russian professor cannot place Stands S39 have had traitors of the type of i himself in anti Communist leader 1 Rnrtiet Arnold or bitter intran 1 shin and exoect anv support from! sigeants such as Aaron Burr but those who know his record as he BookcaSU Headboard in peace or war Americans have made it himself LI Life A been habitually loyal to their National security begins at With Night country The Alger Hiss case the ington and Copion cases the ex today we are engaged in an ac jwfxL Cjmad Mirror posure of the Harold Ware cell itive bitter daily war in which 'the suicide of Laurence Duggan Americans are being killed Who jw nftikU A'CAV Alli an AmlnG in email nr I II VII YT IMG lUUU The celebrant of tbe Mass was'enemies among the disappointed Civil War Republican President roiuCklng author of "Presi probably Chinese His Latin was 'Job seekers I VI sses i Gone wnn tne jjemuuiaws kj uiuv quieuy ouu ox uie picture ivn naann hl A kJ 1 0 (Tn 0f1ien It IT AWHe I nriH nll Ar ahrr lafi 1 uupuuuaMiu xixj nnptimfi bonanza: tne postmaster ouuvccuua auoaucaaw iori nn RPrvo'r Arm mr Christ aiaT villa and rftv IniDlM in tmS DOSt Until WOOuTOW i mas day! (America The donaey party ooys clavcu umm wumv 1 hntirlow nf Crat' A Of course I was in th (proper Whitehair' half Indian father mood to appreciate this deep re nnstmasters published a Republican news about what Mr JI Stalin thinks i ligiosity and inspirng universal who had won their jobs through! paper the Chapman Advertises from now on and 'just go about fratemalism without in any way political patronage our own business (deprecating own nation by Another headache son here the Eisen ding about 2 am The mes cn publicans i wearing his morning Two of the three assistant sec stopped off at a Navy recruiting retarles' of Charles A station in Washington to enlist as Coolidge cousin of silent Cal andan apprentice seaman The re McNeil who handles thecrUiters frankly thought he was money epd of the are crazy when he filled out the forms Republicans The only Demo listing his age and his income cratic' assistant secretary New They knew it when he filled in Anija Rosenberg also the number of eight wants to hang onto her job Whitehair insisted however One of the ablest men in the and joined the Navy as a lowly entire defense establishment is apprentice By the end ot the war Robert LeBaron head of the mill he had advanced to lieutenant tary liaison committee to the commander Now serving tirelessly AtliPt I I JTn re 1 and many other problems raise tlons of the Senate the judiciary the question of national security committee of the Senate and the I WIH JlZe DUIIK D6OS within the government itself House committee on un American 'ixL I in rnam mviui rus uruiuii i rip i shocking theft of the atom bomb I activities need to push into legis by obscure individuals spies on nation at the earliest possible mo behalf of Soviet Russia who ment One of the most urgent acts evaded all the security provisions 4s to remove altogether the statute designed to safeguard ot limitations involving espionage most important: military secret an American ever engaged in And to it must be added the leaks espionage he should be liable for concerning the bomb a horrify Puhishment whenever the case is ing performance which establishes Provable TJiere is no reason why beyond doubt that the security i sPIes should be givqn another HeiAnfe in ar not chance to spy again Our enno mav rinri good and need revision coin as to plan and performance I find that a committee on the present danger has emerged as a wrestler lor ngnteous: However those who been ac tive in anti Communist" efforts in this country who have dug up witnesses for congressional com mittees who have gathered to gether ex Communists to testify and to find data and individuals wno nave risxea ineir careers and their lives such anti Commu nists will not associate themselves with the committee on the present danger because they do not find in the records of those active in it a consistent and prolonged anti communism Thfte is no need to establish sanctuary for those who failed to recognize the danger in the and These Johnnies come lately have world over sneaked off without the prolific feline Embassy servants are feeding the cat during the interregnum iUCI3UU LavLLUliy bUbBvbl tSU Ulab Ithev were late for another an but Mrs Tibbs is moping The moving and stor polntment Georgia reluctant to rags to riches female apparently! age business is booming So many Peave siitti Arf engrossing subject prcfcrs that goes with an! disconsolate Democrat are ambassadorial dinner I Vice President BarKiey fixture who is soon to depart offi cial Washington has already tipped off hi senatorial collegues to expect to see me hanging around Congress after Jan The merry Veep considers it un dignified for forme senators to loaf around the exclusive gentle club as If they had nothing better to do But Barkley will not carry his resolve to the lengths of another ex Henry Ashurst of who served 20 years in the Senate still lives in Washington but has never once visited the senatorial Chamber since he packed up his congres sional belongings and departed 1 1 years ago Barkley is currently boasting about his powers as a prognostica tor At a speech in Springfield last August the Vice President claimed that three generals Gen MacArthur Gen Elsenhower and Gen Motors were trying to run the country Rand has taken care of Gen he con tinued "General Motors will be glad to take care of Geo Eisen hower and the Democrats will take care of the general public after election day just as they inaian i Indian grandfather nicnnuori no iiihi i ijl iuluu 9 au I they make by awarding a patron Joseph Whitehair served in the jjjjg year jn order to help elect his I age plum they acquire at least 10 during the eyen closer pal Ike Eisenhower 00 1 Open Monday 9:30 am to 9 pm Av opoiiw a Bil Ar 1 Illi Sfrr El EsflHmEHL orl vc'7q4 fx 'i 7 xs' L' 1 a uwh I IT 4" isirA 1 ra rf wr A JO' 'T' 1 1 At Ml VI WMMk 1 I 1 LWir 1 II I I 5 1 JU i I III JUSSI il Ml I MSI JTmP i BHMEBk i JIB i 1 iSJ 111 4a III! in II nUMliilllB lliil avw IB Ara a 'aaVaC''' I fe Atr ii'TiiBimntfitnBlinM I Mt KI Ba vMS sKLB a Koe ma mrrtrrrn wntwr ti Mtsmrffww nsi Ji mnn ir A mi'M mmL Hri'l Xo Z1M rj fj MS rr g'Tirti'J'Ll HKEMawgll TWli Wk tBUX wlE issEE 3 I Kl MHO MMSBT MdKM 44 i Z' 4 irtES WKMk MSn Ill I I DM WW SI Sn mnir bh an wwi wu HBi 8 tell I a wjj is i Il 91 HiSStL IWV SI Bk 1 I MB IW A "Wit (J I Jv loamr 1 HMHa MHUaiMaM a i' iiiuwii ZB jwwht 1 7 MwV EjMk wUK MmmMl JMMi Jb jr a MSr a i mi jm red JU HI1 1 PiLLI'iJfcMpdaSh i a i i ia i i IA Jj LJ LJ JJ ji ATT.

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Author: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

Address: 8416 Beatty Center, Derekfort, VA 72092-0500

Phone: +6838967160603

Job: Mining Executive

Hobby: Woodworking, Knitting, Fishing, Coffee roasting, Kayaking, Horseback riding, Kite flying

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.