The Philadelphia Inquirer from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (2024)


WRECKING 12TH AND SPRING GARDEN STREETS WE BUY AND SELL EVERYTHING New 2d Hand Doors 3000 new doors all sizes, lot fencing, etc. Special pried Terr Largs assortment of fine household Continually advancing. manufarttTr-rs thmnfh-ont the entire countrv are raising price. Fait of 191!) will see paint and Tarnishes at highest prices ever known. It will par tti buy now for present or future use.

Buying; from manufacturers of high Trade products in larjre quantities to get the price, paying for same, selling at a small profft. a is the simple reason enabling nods will be sold at a SACRIFICE to pay storage charges, such as dining, parlor, library, mission and bedroom furniture, in all REFRIGERATORS, All Sizes Unclaimed Freight WE HATE SUCCEEDED IN BUYINO FROM THE P. A- G. R. R.





5 I 1000 CHAIRS AND ROCKERS. $1 CP Refrigerator. Gas Range. Kitchen Music Roll and Record Cabinets and 1000 other household need. Six Days of This Big Sale at the Big Red Corner OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9 Philadelphia Furniture Merchandise Co.


Chiffoniers China Closets. China Mantel Clock Genuine Bronzes, Etc. Also LUDWIG PIANO Mahogany ret desirable dining-room set; piano, tables, china closets, wardrobes, davenports, enameled and Brass Beds, Bookcases: lot miscellaneous furniture. 1127 Arch Street wuno ana latest nyies. ana r-1 rpiTCCCrv pirrc 8-R enamel beds, fine bedding, davenports, ward- DfcLICA 1 bbbbN CASES -wr 1 Dopacases.

Pianos. plNT CASES. LARGE AND SMALL oiryei. line kkiuku w. CAHKS WITH DkAiVKIK rnBVTHW I to sell at these low prices.

toods tnat are rat packing an deli front doors and glass doors, i i i standard and not made to sen at any KOlI, llat and typewriter deSkS, 'old price. Paints and varnishes that will tfO rn inot satisfaction, bnt durability. We all standard and not made to sell at any kitchen dressers, etc. Keystone Storage CIGAR WALL CASES have on band and contract enough goods listed below to last a year and under no condi pc.uu Bureaus, Chiffoniers, $7.00 up 2 STEAM BOILEF 4000 and 2500 ft. radia' Pipes, radiators and fittin 856 N.

7th St. Market 12-73 Bought, Sold Exchanged EXHAUST FAN, 36-inch' SHOE BENCHES, 4-6-8-Foot BOOKKEEPERS 'SThNY Window Frames (complete) 150 new window frames, Pbone Walnnt 2563 An to Del'd. STORE FIXTURES fLoon cases, nickel 1 small sizes, suitable for bunra- PAINT VARNIJJ SOUTHEAST CORNER RIDGE AVE WALLACE ST. SPA YD 819-821 Walnut st. 'Several Roll Top Desks all sixes, all styles, $20.00 up.

Flat Top. $10.00 op. Oak and-Mahogany. Filing Devices of Every Description for Cards. Letters.


S. W. Cor. Ridge Ave. and Jefferson St.

SLICING MACHINES Government Snsr Tarnish left nT.fl CAfES. ni AIIUalUi CLOSETS. COt.MEKS 1 tar! shops and lows, ana otner building, 400 2d i rtULcamvrs: stools, dis- play tables, any sizK am. length. nana trames, all sizes.

war contracts. M.TO gal. Rattle ehii insiM her 150 DOORS Must Be Sold This Week On account of lack of space, can be nsed for fences, bunralows. chicken houses, quantity. lead and oil saint.

ral outride paint. 12.0 gallon: othe SI. UtLlVbKY CoU tion, will raise the price. 20,000 Gallons Ftttleship cray for porch floors, nsefl la palming war vessels, war color wears like steel: also bine for porch ceilings, used for camouflaging steamships daring the war. Hie-best grade paint manufactured Also liefct gray or silver gray, a beautiful shade.

75c Quart Can Per Gallon Inside white, outside white, bronze green, brirht BTeen, pea green, chocolate brown, buff. Colonial yellow and ivory. 1.00 QUART CAN $3.00 PER GALLON A first-class Mint for country homes. LOOK FOR THE RED FR Central Light Paint 227 S. 10THST.

3 Doors ab. Locust walnut THE DAYTON" MEAT SLICER is now rec-ogTilred as the logical machine to bay. Equipped m-ith safety-guard, while glass meat tray and the only perfect meat clamp, which holds all meats down to the very end without changing clamp. Pri'-e verr eav terms. DAYTON SLICING MACHINE 1313 Arrh Street.

Phones locust 4010 Race 3000 sash all sizes, quantity of sash suitable for chicken houses, at cheap prices. Porch Sash Now is the time, for porch 40c EACH Central House Wreckng 12th and Spring Garden Sts. Show Cases, Store Fixtures New and Second Hand CONFECTIONERY CIGAR FTXTCBX3 CAFETERIA EQUIPMENT NEW AND SECOND-HAND B. BERNHEIM SONS 1401 3D ST. (COR.

MASTER). Thones Park 627. Kens. 537 isash, have large quantity in al Furniture Bargains 200 Sample Rugs 100. Parlor Suits 25 Latest Dining Room Suits 100 Bedroom Suits Wonderful Values 65 Refrigerators LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF NEW AND rSED FURNITI UK IN THE CITY AT A V'.


S. E. Cor. 9th Sp. Garden LWTK FOR NAME AND ADDRESS tcairs.

Mirror Cases. Mirrors, CdTDerS wpn and Revolving Poles. and Pedestal Vibrators Hot Towel 3Gd Xoo sterilizer; Children' Chairs. Hair Drrer. Clothes Trees; Cuspidors.

ae. Stand Rori. Tni i--n. inr most any size. Mantel Pieces Office Furniture Special Sale of 4-Drawer Steel Filing- Cab" LETTER AND LEGAL SIZFS AN.

FINISH. EFST MAKE National Furniture Co. 909 Walnut St. iVases. Stand Bottles," Tools and SnpYlies.

i LEO C. BKMTZ. ARCH STREET. 65 mantelpieces, various PAINT, $2.50 the (rood, heavy kind that sells for $4 elsewhere. Beautiful shades, browns, blu.

grays, greens, buffs, heavy white, $3 gal. These paints are made of lead, zinc and government oil. and will give satisfaction. Special bronze preen. $2.25 pail.

If you want a pood, cheap paint for roofs, fences, we have it at red. brown, black and green. Linseed oil (compound), the practical equal of pure lin-; seed. $1.50 gal. better than turpentine.

50e gal. Tarnish, $1.50 to $3 gal. Stew- i art. 1005 Callowhill AUCTION SALE Entire contents of household goods, consisting of modern and antique furniture, rugs, cut glass, china, piano. Vic trola.

statuary, etc. Also entire stock and fixtures of up-to-date wall paper and paintinj business. 10.000 rolls of domestic and imported wall paper, mouldings, trimmers, ladders, scaffolding, oils, paints. Tarnishes, safe. etc.

1913 Ford touring car: Monday. July 21. 10.30 A. 61J0 Locust cor. MusgTave East Germatitown.

TYPEWRITERS Rented 3 Months, $5 SEND FOR LIST The Liberty Typewriter Co. DEALERS IN ALL MAKES 1029 Chestnut St Typewriters Rented Non-Visible 3 Months, $5.00 Visible 3 mo. for $7.50 up FACTORY REBUILT TYPEWRITERS AMERICAN WRITING MACHINE 02 CHESTNUT ST. WAL MAIN 321. FOR SALE, set of table silver (10 dozen).

solid sterling, complete in a beantifnl walnut case, almost new. without initials: cost $f00, will sacrifice to a quick buyer for Call at 2421 E. Allegheny ave. until Monday. Also young shepherd dog.

a bronze cigar stand, war trophies. FOR SALE SLICING MACHINES We have all kinds at prices aad tern ta alt. Manufacturer's guarantee will save yon money. The best la the cheapest. We repair, rebuild or exchange your old machine for the "World's Best." U.

S. SLICING MACHTNB Phone Walnut 716. 1024 Arch at. stvls akn mirrored. Slatf lah-? 1 'B yomg breeiisg 5 pen or white In profit.

etc i Cai' Sunday, from to 12 non; fr-Tn 5 to davs- 5 to P. M. Harrison, i 162 E. Hewson st. Master Electric Coff ee Mills AND Meat Choppers ARE THE BEST Sold on Easy Terms Convince Yourself Before Baying Office, 1235 Arch Street, Phil.

Bungalows. Seashore Cottages and will give eou-plete satisfaction. 20,000 Gallons ROOF. PAIN1 SHOO PER GALLON Frown. Venetian red and black cement: giv that leaky roof a coat and foreet about it.

Good Quality, mends small leaks, covers 5 ROLLING chairs. 23 baby earriac i isoies. 2d-hand hoed 1 1 cents to smgie beds and 5-P1ECE mohair, cherry frame 11 3 nor f--i. Steiner Mfg. Co.

Electric meat choppers and coffee mills are considered best by people who have used other makes. The only meat chopper that is safe against loss of fingers oa account of lever feed. Anti-choking cutting ring saves current. We repair your obi machine or ex-Change. 1216 Filbert street.

Household Furniture Anyone can furnish home, cottage or apartment in good used bureaus. he1s. sideboards, tables, chairs, a' aln nt half what they cost new. and tlier the same. old Church.

Cor. 12th and Cherry. TYPEWRITERS gooa condition. 17. SolM n9L- Ki i'" iuii aize enamel oi in oak bed room set.

i i.t.s i. m.rm-Ma i 1 1 lull I1TK I iwm nave yiaie Iwt- i. eled mirror. 517 Kii.tri. h- 1- range, jot Special This Week I MISS KIT SC1TS I MADE BY THE BKT TAILORS I LATEST STYLES FABRICS.

CI chandeliers. Callahan t. wardrobe. iarhe de. 5fi.

Ivorr enamel Bath Tubs Toilets Washstands Enameled Sinks Porcelain Laundry Tubs rtreing tahl tnpli-at j.iate mirror. I'AINT 30.00 gallons pare paint, grr I'vred- Ha-T'-irfl are. 'ot jn S'mday. lineed oil. making alterations, will 500 so.

ft. to gal. The black is especially nee in large or email or: TO CIjOSK an aw.unt. thw fine i bargain pi r-i3l prices. for barrel lots.

251 E. pe-ial Pn hello tft nn- 15 l- 10 and $15 Suits Sold for S5 if 25 and S30 Suits Sold for Sl5: SINGLE COATS AND VETS. VALCFD I FOR TROCiERS. $1 AND UP. inednn t.

an oin jri-n narp, double a-tion, nade by SHOW CASES Fonr five and stx-foot display floor cases, plate glass mirror barks. "The kind that sells your goods." Prices far below regular Also several line delecatessen refrigerating floor cases and one counier. Delicatessen good as new, at old 12th and Cherry. iFv.min: a mrre violins hll 1 sizes, 5 up.

ail all" week. Campbell. FOR SALE Two cooking ranges, one 1 t. One alrt two r.fri.rrnr. Dl'PLICATOliS.

II I IS l-S LESS THAN WHOLESALE. recommended lor rubberized and slag rooia. Will last for years. Both Phones. 25,000 Gallons SPAR VARNISH GOVERNMENT We bny.

sell, rent or excnanre. MAY ntDl'nW'lTV in go1 condition: can be een on HOI'SEHOLD bed et and burean. bed Rentals. 3 mm, S.Tt-0 up. Sells th-ra Ha.flii; ulivh I trt iion.

Kensington 7T. set. aiao'caar: larse wardrobe 4 rrlnr Anti-Freezing Toilets up. Cash, installments. Fpayd.

SJl ainut street. chairs, trunks, clothe Isnnr .11 sOVor en-. 1i tirir! rn Soapstone tllbS "rtfr; also other god. 3J41 North Wood- lid. dmihle motor, ti-.

I perfect in every war. $24. Model ljy. DESKS, tiling cabinet, tables, chairs, parti- tion. telephone txjoths.

adding machine. TYPEWRITERS i. i ranges, hot-water heaters, larre hlcomr and uoke popeom machine: 1 1 14'' CASH REGISTERS SLICING MACHINES DELICATESSEN CASES REFRIGERATORS SAVE 2' TO J2" typewriters, fireproof safe and other -m- 1 art noor case: 1 wall case: 1 H-ft CA-H rrgiiters. fmm 7 i i.j. i I plete oftu-e equipment, some if It used onlv ALL MAKES SALE OR RENT REPAIRED nice condign: i Guarantee Typewriter Co f.Vjj ST "livery lui- 1 waier POlierS, irOm JO lO 0U wall all in i condition.

Must and other small ones. chea. i v--- a few months una all in ir Vsf.w- priw Trr reaonMe. free r'is iJUiri, JAt.r&v.L IliU Ul I rtl ind T'l'lJIlWl. gallons.

Storing fiariion. Phone Market 50M. jWILI sell, install and guarantee for one year' SIX joO gal. wooden tanks. 120 gal.

UNITED CASH REGISTER COJ i. er. 30-mile range. ea uim: i'ael by Counters liot. witli lid: kfiifSne Iwt mH instantaneous hot water heater: hot water ShP VinCT I mintPK ir.

new: big bargain. M11 senft f. i l.ii BOTH rnnES of pulley and shafting; 300 libs, of lii Moore. Walnut 12w. Model Ijiian 4'o.

30 counters, one stA'le. various r'i1 prnttr r- complete vw privilege of eiauiination Don't bny new cut 8. 10. 12 foot sections. 1 45 Market st.

Rot 5402. ONE combination safe, 1 3A4 in. and 8 in. face wood pulleys, 18 in. 6 ft.

steel shafting, 2 hangers, 2 shelf bolts, Hx3 ft. iron. B. A C. cutting knife.

36 cutting sticks! Call after 6 P. 5351 Webster st. r. gl.00 QUART 1.75 HALF, GALLON S3.00 GALLON 1 nsed nxtnres; cost half: will go into any tore i sr.r-li range, f-r sale. 2- also Wocl fibre mg.

fix. beantiful rugs and carpets on band. city Shop. Sooth Second. other 1 MI1J.I0N bricks tnrt be sold eheap: tm SiZCS, Che3P water' nd set price: we wMl cn-er 100 without caiToter work.

See us abuat It. rr vt tt'intlfMl frrfT. HOT Or4 MLL Mutable bed room suite. pieces, i latest style. ierfect condition, cfceao at I S1s-.

Free anto delivery. I. Reeder A Sons. boiler, oiie No. 4 Rudd automatic ga heater.

feet of lumber. and Cirard Chairs OLD CHURCH, lth and Cherry. Ion. Noveltv hot h-stcr. Call near ad

w-wiianl ave. bootblack parlor for sale cfcej hell at reasonable price. Call or wrn S. Pi.kinon all dav Sunday. anl Hunting n.

400 chairs, suitable for almost for sale Bcki. water motor. 3 h. tVE HAVE several hundred feet of metal coiling and moulding, newly painted, for sale, at building operation, alterations and addition. Teeth National Back.

1645 North Broad street. See Mr. Myers. Snperinterdent. on Thousand of people from all parte of Penn MECHANICAL DRAWING COCRSE-ments and full instruction included DAYTON SCALES "WITH 13 TO 7-CXNT CFIA RTS TVE CAN RECHART TOCU I.I HAVI'IS IGAS WATER IIF.ATEP.S-A fcich gra-le low1 i t.iT77Ft I price, rapid hea'rr.

Ai- -tvlra of, EAT I 1 I LIE? hbjm bt water tv.llera. 1 Poi'ers. Jiot wav-r. m. tsr.k sylrania.

New Jersey, Delaware. Maryland and Virginia, both mountain and seashore anv purpose, 150 lunch stools. pr-- c.nditi,.n: iirbe ou cheap, a. w. Eley.

PlKieci'tville. Pa. mirrOrS, 1 Urge elegant mahOg- FIELD and.marine classes, day and at fio. Call Sunday. 32-4 Van Kir gas 3'r r.

12 FT. WAIJL, FIXTURES, several pla from warehouse to inn'r a special prices. milTC; unclaimed, from merchant tailor, resorts, nave taken advantage or the kbove JU11 1-arrams in first-class Paint and hieh-srade ARCH STP.EET n.gni. vmi!" range, inciuaing I'liijfr case. anv counter.

ana scin maoogany, bargaii value ii Loan l-io market st, i xA and Master sts the price of tailoring some as low as ST. n(1 tne satisfaction too goods have i BATH TI BS. PORCELAIN STANDARD. IN I'll mr. I r-.

I IIVfiPT? Open rill 8 P. M. jgiven 13 attested by the many additional re-j STALLED. ENAMELED 1 DISMANTLING proto brewery -ak' Office Partitions orders t-ent in for same goods: can fur- si vks wkiktivin i.i.hv v.nil'tis ere. I rirrpt st i ''cial price.

J. p. ATBrcTPO RCH ES IrterchargeaM'r cr MsVeT a- rite art-Tj. rrrsn-town 3t it-; li ce, ti- 670 N. 15th st.

J. P. Wo-! 23ft N. 4iii H. 'I'hf'" Market 127 POOL TABLE.

$2: refr-gersp-r. gs racje. dei. -board. parlor suite.

$12. bedrm wardr-be. 'safe, counter. wall ta-, Na kriv. Dianv ti TO HIKEFOR SALE rntnivr.

ruitiN ivii Tircrs pumps, steam brewery FOR m-: ntr. rraTikiorn M. rti i i cieti.n. xreigiit eie- im jnedliltelv.

on receint of munv oritur 1 rl I -f I I v. I I I TjiWT-'CT IriiT Oak and mahogany partitions. I va CTTAIR rX. HANi.E. E.

err A Vlrse 1 ATtNT of a very UM-fal kitcLen ar COR. sr. lift; can be seen and inspected: erect- i lrjDe1 cLect- ,34 SPHIX, EN i. story r' T- II i rx- a. ed here, 31 e.

flirillllirc; GUITAR solo, sweet. i.r!ci ton-. Iceless Ice Cream Packer na. toll SALE. 1 piece wala' room a y.o..

amaqua. ABytbiDg that worth erectiar ls 1 worth while Drotectlne and pood nalnc I. a Pa. suit nrn.fiire. uel 1 nor a.i gas rnv.SiC stand.

err. fn. 5 '18 crP n-1 T- 35 slightly used sanitary flat street, wyomin 4mhv. 1 ACCOCNTING course in the International Cor- Ors-t-class insurance against decay. respondence Schools with full set of bound books.

C. P. A. course, reasonable. C-164, fse no ire: will keep cream for 9 hours.

1 qiart sise sell for SI N. 2-1. MAP. KET3-4. MR.

MERCHANT mcge. Ln.iieum. ct.t. krifn and ta-ble lee N.t. Jt 'is FLESHLY ENAMELED P.ABY C.P.RIA;E.

condition: 1 f.r ne-tlvwed with It by. Hcawrsli. 2434Ve-t Clearfield t. 1 TWirjtili Knigut ti.n--k:l ueveV been cvt take 4 top desks, bookkeepers desks, coi NTEns. shelving and -how butch-1 tyre-A-riter desks, tables, inz chairs, clothes trees, roll top j- Kood desks, bookcases, all at very sSi ca- non poisonous Cy killer for tiae In restaurant, hotel, grocers" and meat market: guaranteed to kai ni'ney refunded.

Ucaco.k. N. 2d. Market SKV. WILLIAM E.

HINCH 1706 Market Street, 1706 Philadelphia, Pa. Inquirer ot9e. BATH TLBS, laundry tubs, sinks, washstands. toilets, doors, sash, frames, lumber, en- gines. scales, office railing.

Penna. Wreck- ing Glerwood rear 2520 Diamond, i FOR SALE cheap. Novelty Kitchener range. with circulating boiler; good as new. Call 152 North Sixth street.

C. F. Bachler. i 1000 Men's Fine Suits GREATEST EVER sin li' up w. mi mt.

trr.o sts. Oak Of flee" Partiticns V.ahog. New end -vd hsnl sh-w Eenlv fiT ielierr. A Sn 1 N. 31 t.

f. y. AKIN E. fel.l Cwt lens. ne.tvl ifi'l cw and bit Open Tl-nrdav Srvir-iav even- ir.

Weil's S. I MF VT STAND rrix-ilece cn l-e ivty I nr's Stat.d Dauphin street entrance F'rm un: I'rk. BRAND NEW Toledo seale. never h. H-wer.

Ta. prices o.iiiBtK iHilts. white poreelain. cushions. Koch make: like new; sell for 35.

4155 Ridge are. will nell at a sacrince to quick buyer. CaljjFINE larae desk. 21 i-e. ul day Mond.iv.

partment for l-ks and fii-nc of bn! Market street. and letters, snap $. S.ier. aui IT St 1.., nf tirk 'j 1 1 nd hCStUllt tl. TEN C.

arthmetic instruction from addition to logarithms. Louie ry. 52 Yocnm st. 1 panel bae partition with easily put FU SALE 1" folding canva. cots: 200 also about 40 ft.

of stained np. CAMERA outfit. set of boots. Gny De Maupassant, circular sawbencb and eru- -ry stone. 112 W.

Uxfort St. HANDSOME extension table, brass bed. bureau, dressing table, hall rack, combination bookcase, chain-, dishes, pictures. 125a Ni-rth Sixth. AT A SACRIFICE.

Sve-Mry Sre escape, also elevator cage, drums, cables, be-l longed to Hotel Ottens. WHdwood. Address feather 10O blur.kets. Arpi Trleptore Rnorr, 13o A ppir mahogany partition at $1-2T Old Church. 12th and Cherry.

2d treet SODA FOUNTAIN. 12-foot marble counter. 2 ice cream cabinets. 12 pumps; immediate delivery: write, arranging appointment. U-1871.

Inquirer Branch. 11th and Poplar. BARBERS Electric pedestal massage machine. Earl make, good as new, $30 to troiek buyer. P.

O. Box 121. Frenchtown. New Jersey. NEW WIRE ICE- CREAM CHAIRS $32 PER DOZEN Regnlar price $3f; wire tables.

$5.50 each. Chair Exchange. S. E. cor.

6th and Vine. FOR SALE Two cpholstered waU arm chair. Call Monday between P. 112 W. Ijood-n G-rgigntv LATHER scrvw cntting lathe, powe feed.

13x5 hollow spindle with char, MOTOR EXCHANGE. 327 N. 3d. IIJ.Z1- FOR SALE IS" S. W.

Cor. 12th and Spring Garden Sts. Bell Phone Poplar 1 136 HOUSE PAINTS $2.50 PER GALLON For lnsid- and ontald- use. Made by a reputable Philadelphia firm. Floor and Porch Paint Regular Price, $3.75 Gallon dir with leaded gia.s tor and d.r trim, tall P.

42'3 ylr.Jj-i4 SAXOPHONES Melody and Alto Low 'pitch, good condition, including caae. GUITAR Concert size, fine tone XTLOPBONE Sa Octaves with Kesonatora. Low pitch on roLiers. DRUMS DRUMMERS' SUTPLIES Chas. 8.

Walton. 902 Walnut st. N. C.Ol Street. I und-rwood Cochran.

Atlantic City. N. J. Printer Presses, cutter. starler type.

1-ads. stands. caie ONE ICE BOX 8x10. worth will sell for must be soil at once. South Fif ty-firt i'reeU Woodland 2T.5.

INCH GALVANIZED o.ver-I r--iler gs hea'er attached. wM as new: fpt $2r. takes it. tw7 lx- cut ROYAL-COFFEE rater erl trM. cr mr'te ect of raddles.

f.rt-cLs Purdsy or 2I2 N. lngton. copy cf the original by Stewart: alo 1 oongnt ana economy, lift parlor and sitting room uratrrire and walnnt ir ring, blue whl'e bkcas. Phone Tioga 31.6 J. PJ-J Feeder's Loan Offiee.

12' COFFEE URNS Wire tables, wire chairs bentwood chairs, restaurant tables. deliaiessen counter, glass grtard. 1401 N. 3d st. S300U 5427 WESTMINSTER six rooms and bath, inrch front, lame back yard; good location and gx-l condition.

WILLIAM li. KERR. 3. 57th. $11 BUILD your-own phonograph.

We will supply yon all the parts from $110 macbine for $11. Come and see, B.g bargain. Mud- el Loan 145 Ma rke tj t- AT A BAKOA1N Fmit and produce store. COAL RANGE. 8 holes; gas range, steam.

hot water and gas radiators; automatic wa-ter heater. 414 E. Allegheny. REED BABY COACHES. Pullman coach.

new reed stroller. JS: sulkies. open evenings. Auerbach. 3952 Glrard ave.

Rt l'D. gas hot water heater. No. 4 i V. 1 -mw.

SHOW CASES, delicatessen floor any bnsiness. ch-gpet in city. 157 all week after Sunlay. 1434 near i.Mfc rirnti ladles" a rn -nd rr.e-S" Our Price, $2.50 per Gallons WIDOW will sell six rooms, eompietf nished: no dealers. A -271 Inqnirer DIAMOND lavalliere pawned $24.

cost about 30 tiimHi set in platinum; sacri- fice Octet. $JO. 22. Inquirer office. SOLID brnss fixtires with glnle.

cranging t- electrie. fall Sunday, 5 to 32 A. 3412 N. 22d t. WINDOW SHADES We make and hang them to order at short notice; go everywhere: price reasonable.

rite or phone Belmont 12i and oar men II call with samples to estimate. STERNS WINDOW" SHADE MFG. 272 S. GOth st. Open evenings.

No other store. ACTIVt" Fortune coal ranges for s.v for s.v WINDOW SHADE, and awnings, prompt it-tention. Write 162S South Conestoga street. Phone Woodland 71S0. vorvc 1 ni-fi PkT rr I 1 K' ment ring wt in flaunum.

weigh-, very high gloss paint Is made express- hLV il.m y' a t-. Painting Coors. 'pores. walnsccaring suite1 fT. e'TuixuTs" 'sV'W.

Interim work r-onSng a uick dryins m.i sr miAT feet Lire. P. durable glos paint. In s'x shades. street.

fan. OHM P. I rT.I r. v. i STTTTr 1 ALH.B.UlMr el-Ctnc Including horse and huckster wagon, mu ne ffn at ir" ncmir IlttT mfin 1.11 er.n.ti..n: for celling owner can- i sr v.rraa motor, can r- en at ir-i i Atnr lilt innn till -Ii eiis innosity tm ELECTRIC FANS, all standard makes.

Makes 30 per cent, off list price. Keystone Elec-tric Supply Wyoming 4S62. Time Sheets Job Tickets. sheets. Contract GROCERY and delicatessen store.

North $500 cash weekly business. W-165. Inquirer office. Forms and other printed and advertising mat-tec for plumbers, carpenters, builders, etc Samples mailed with price list. L.

FTNK SONS. 56 North Seventh St. not attend. Imyiir- at 1-10 i hnjnnt. wa 3 5S fft Top 111...

N. J. ll. i A FENCE PilNT ticket. H-203.

Inqnirer office. DIAMOND KING. IS carats, perfect LARGE parlor mirror china closet, table, h- 15 feet. 1U. 1 1 1 ee n-l" 4 3 'a RmUTI AWNINGS.

Lew and second-hand. signs. be sold 193 W. Cambria. mahogany bed room furniture, ladle uek. I'd lea fin tT 'I' 1 1 yCl Udl. KCjana DTOWTl thaies. wlcdow letiffng. Send portal.

1123 J75 St-notype machine f.r sale, ne- rockers, rugs and carpets. Oliver burner. npKK light fo- cheap; fecylmder Twm ar-arrni-nt an a nt fn -T Cnr VimicVi 1 Eri- aec-rt reasonable ogr. Box 54. 770 Orater. Lavi, starter Ford SYj Srr v- 1 A CLCSTEE Piand cost 173: P.w.ed ifT NlTWTd bronze PO-der. che. BENTWOOD chairx. mot dealers haven got car. cheap.

J3.00 ILL GALLON. HALF GALLON recerfly $20. Initcd States Ijnan. Sell! N. Randolph st.

any. but we still have eeral hundred and S. 21t Vl ART ti. kM for lti. K-2." Inonrer effiee.

i S.i PFRIOD stv'e so'id mahoranv selling 2S FEET OF Pul 3 f-t Vo N. 30t 1 A b-rade r.rnish ouide and Lnslde. DIAMOND scarf-Tin r.wned Cni m.rgftSaVll' nS" tjiunh 12tJLandt Kerry sts. and one-half inoh mesh. Call Sun- buyer.

R00f Paint. Si PCf Gallon States Com Li.el-e- ee- FOR SALE Delivery wagon, in good condition. 3. B. VAN SCIVER Camden.

N. J. TWO Co.per Hewitt lights, d.rect current. LOT leather bags. 9Hx7V inches.

2 clasps on top; a bargain for specialty line, advertising or jobber, cost 35c each; will take 5c each to close out; lot 325 gross. Dougherty, 14 24 N. 20th st. NEW LIVING ROOM SET. 3 pieces and table, caned back and seat, latest style; uay.

10... IV R1 brown and black, will cover BOO aa. ft. ilrJL'' r- and a baby coach. 3.4 N.

25th sr. vnji sH. 1 rhisp WE WILL sell entire household goods, almost new, near ISth and Columbia avenue. N-117. Inquirer office.

BED ROOM, dining room and kitchen furniture for reasonable. Call 2501 N. 10th street. 24. la- electric printer, studio camera.

ox mtt. lot William Reed. 323 Jaefcwon St. cah: partus leaving iity 1 i 1 f. in.h niQL'AV 11- w- GIRARD ATE.

LJ fv j.r Thpne. DIAMOND gypsy rine. 5 blue white diamonds. pawn-d $irl. p-rfei g-s. ticket. mat y-n REFRIGF.RATOR fnr saie. cheap. Ca day. N.

2gth st. atch. wonderful Open-faco railroad ELECTRIC sign. vertlcaL Ice eream. guaranteed.

oak. complete ith hrj hx hinees. able front d.wr. rrfi-lenee or store. li.

Hid p. A BY CaKRIAGES. ir.r over 12fh and Cherry. sMlr. ail colors.

S- enr fl? tim-piece. CABINET gas rang-, good conditi Call Monday. 142o Diamond rL WALTER'S PAWN SHtP. i4 vINB. SAMPLE WAIST SALE CANDY, clears and ice coim s'ore fnr sale.

clearance three cf the larest i doing $15o a eek. 4tJ West Cambria manufa- tur-rs have loaded us down with i street. r-Ari 7. Miller. Wli .1 t.

I 'n-n evrriTlg. -liZ store f-r and WHITE baby coach, slightly ns-d. Call all week. 2516 SharswoM. Tnicks.

bars. big vaV- rent onlj Apply peruaaiiy, tlictr t.arrt'1 ISIS in repe IM i Noveltv KitrNener in f.rst-Ias con- i wardeobe trunks. $25 up. 7th st. tYepe i These waits In rerula dition, combination coal and gas.

732 S. DRUG FIXTURES, mahogany soda a nd show casea. quick sale. 711 X. w4Mjtu eeu 81 iroin Ltti AfVfh nT mnst be sold; no dealers.

Apply any day bf-fore noon. 1927 N. Stanley between B-rks and Norris sts. BRASS BEDS, several fine, almost new, win sell, bed spring, mattress, complete. $25: aJso few white enamel, complete, for $10.

Id Church, corner 12th and Cherry. SOWING machines, drop head complete running order, also two very good guaranteed. $7.50 each; almost given away. Old Church 13th aad Cherry. VULCAN gas ranee.

4 b.irners: gjod as new; J'. Is. Vj -Zi 2'. price $75: worth Chair Exchange, i FR ANTZ Premier elertne s.icbtiy S. E.

cor. and Vice. ed. fi-st- la rendition. Call or write.

OAK BUREAU. 3 chairs and bed. go-c go on paie at and 4.t. Trier- ar- sever! htti-rrede wsii in the lot to go FURNITURE FOR SALE key: no dealers 541 Media st. at Several wah fabrie to go at 1 parlor suite.

3 rieces. antique bed TZ 312,. Marv.all REED baby coach. $12. 543 X.

4'tbt sv 1 j) and Trad fif! IJidVs diamond TiTany f-J'uu inent ring, value $Cx. R.eder's WHITE enan-el ted $25; bargain. Write 43 S. Lansdowne. Lans-downe.

BATH TXES. toilets, sinks, basins, draw board, pipe, boilers, fittings, gas heater. wash trays: low prices. Kohn. S12 South st.

Pnrvl TlMf1 New and second-hand bowl-I ULl 1 ttLlw jnf alleys, repairs, supplies Roeatto-Barry-Street 222 South 8th st. REFRIGERATORS and fixtures. Terms if desired. R. T.

RandaU it 321 North Second St. PriTTrrc Pinfiirc Machinery and sud- rnnierb, rjniucri pUes Piants bonrht and sold. Keighton. 609 Commerce. Mkt.

S476, ICE CREAM and confectionery store for sale. reasonable. 300 White Horse Pike. Audubon. N.

with rew nnr mm tr.atiiaeturer. Sa Marks -fT ty rejaest of the i bookcase. "Mj N. 11th sU. Thiia il' 'iiiril'l'Jtw' iVev ankle tie and iocs.

2 M-ndav or Wed. evening only, cie 1445 cheap. Led Lion Storage. iKh lint ft niwanl. I-oan Office.

12S Market st. COLUMBIA grafanola. loud tone: great for canoe. bat house, summer home: worth SI. Weil's Curiosity Shop, 2Q S.

Second. Prinlarc Chandler aad Price. Colts. God-llllllCli dnn j.rsp.,, wire stitcher, rroof press, tyre, I EHL. 1H N.

tit hs t. PARLOR SCITE. dining room ex'ension table. Monday. 3u2 E.

l'rice German-tow Furn. Carpet Needed Badly THahert prices paid. 2tM Ridge. Poplar 3344 TWO VELVET RA7.iU blade sharpening machines: first-class condition; good op- porl unity for bnsiness. 5 S.

10th. ICE CREAM freexer. 4 Quarts: Read cake macbine. no beaters or bowls. 3 speeds.

Arrl-. PAWWII dinmcml rim 1 Kl June L'S STORAGE lat lorg. RON TON SAMPLE WAIST rl 3. SHOP. I.IT: AAaJnut st.

tsevond Coon, opposite HON TON SAMPLE WAIST Westmoreland. sell -ticket need money auicklv: bar-l-AMII'T 4 wtit- cctt-n res scnd i Hits Carlton. gain. I-2o2. IiKinlrer office.

st 21V per ren. 42 ARE YOU MOVING? 2 shfie Ktore Quartered onk c.Tri register, lc to STOVE and kettle popcorn crispette machine and other equipment and bath tub, in A-l condition. Apply E. Uendrick. 1242 E.

11th Eddystone, Pa. I-adles" Diamond. Tiffany enragement OOJ ring, pure white and perfect: valua RIEDER LOAN OFFICE. 125 Market SL To New York.

Baltimore. Washind and upholstered: feet slightly i NATIONAI Great Purchase Sale Two-Piece Suits. S5.00 $6.90 total ad 1-r. f.n- condition, cost Weil's ose.1: low pri-e. 442 Frankford.

I'RIVTIVi: 5 l.l,v,,l any of tee seashore places. Makes ference bow near or far. we can ts anywhere at the lowest prices, estima te. paper cutter, plentv type, all TIFFANY olitare d'an-ond ring, pawned FINE Klotz violin for sale, only tiio wishing fine instrument apply, 13D5 North 24th street. FOR SALE: Drying room snitable for laundry.

good cendition. no reasonable oiler refused Call 3031 N. Franklin St. DIAMOND RING. -CAKAT.

PERFECT. OFF COLOR. $75: COST $100. 1436 10TH. FOUR new 30x3 United States tires, plain.

$0.50 each. Apex Tire Repair Shop. 334 North 13th. 14 karat solid gold Elgin watch. movement.

Rleder'a Loan Of-Itce, 12S Market street. VALUES I TO i(oo Cool cloth. Palm Feaeh and mohair, latest models: otiter suits. JtVSO no. Eon' suits.

$20 Cheap rent: $5o0. Economy. 115 N. Oth. brilliant gem: Uly sell ticket; 52t Addison St.

1HKEE-PIECE FOLDING PORCH SET. con- cheap. SUMERSON STORAGJ A 2.i. lnqiitrer 4 nAfi Diamond ring, absolutely perfect. 1 uvu weiehing over 4Vi carats: big bar- sisting of armchair, settee and table.

$4.50. Including delivery anywhere in city. Chair Exchange. S. E.

cor. fith and Vine. 19vi4-l S. College ave. fODPoaite WAGON loader for handling coal, slightly nsed, first-class condition.

L-265. Inquirer office. Rieder's Loan Office. 128 Market St. College).

Pbone Poplar 27q gain. BLAS1US upright riso ir sale, very res- i t't A AV'XrSC sonnble. Call after Monday. 5417 Baltimore M. HAW 1 ave.

Elite Beatity Parior. K1C-1S WEST GIRARD AVTS. A OMPLETE set of oak drug fixtuees: will Look for the big double store, bet. Sth Mk BARBERS take notice, a complete set of fixture for four-chair shop for sai-. cheap.

273s Girard ave. SINGER sewing machine, drop-head. a cd as new. also Blocti baby coach. 3230 N.

Thillp. Night rhone Popl ar l'Jta J. COLUMBIA model malrogany horn ADDING machine. 9 bank wales, also No. less pnonograpn.

with lid. double spring FOR SALE, cheap. Hardan piano and Pia- THEATRE organ for sale for half the price, in good order. Inquirer office. 11 Remington Wahl adder attaching SIZo notOT, iOUd.

clear tone: cost $37.50. hell cheap for quick delivery. Kernneim cipfc i Model GLENWOOD STORAGj AND CARPET CLE AN 1. 1 z. -r.

Ti TT ..4 v.l flden. each. eOS Chestnut st, 1 1 mmm I lie lam a Loan 145 Market on corner 2d. 1101 Germarttown ave. NOVELTY KITCHENER coal ranee.

No. PARLOR suite, five pieces, old style, hair KARHrnSl" made electric k'r SAFES Cbsign out, slightly used, low price. LnivivJM(lfr n(1 Wvoming Old LOl'SEHOLD GOODS for sale, antique table. cloth, but in perfect condition, $12, left-hand oven, practically new, excellent PIANO, conch. bokeae and

chatr "xf condition. Call 20ri! N. Judon st. other furniture: no dealers. 801 N.

42d Makes TYPEWRITERS Rooillot Typewriter 808 Walnot st. buffet, dining room chairs. Morris chair. Church, cor. 12th and Cherry 2614 RIDGE AVENUI mnniMt.

ret ann most onraoie maae. i reet. "LTT init vonr TiMlMtai vihrator of anv make wen maae ana new. s. vr.n i FOR SALE THAI1 DRUMMER'S OUTFIT.

complete: rerfect condition, 20 IS N. 11th. HOUSEHOLD roattress-pic- NICE reed baby coach, cost $4 sell for $10. Separate locked rooms. Local and lo street.

Phone. first-elsss an -i-ctric hair cutter and vibrator for traveling Position reason for selling: very A KNIGHT TFMT'MR imifot Hires, junior chair, window screens, oak Circassian doors, porch swing. 223i x. Park ave. good LEAVING TOWN Handsome used.

3P Wallace st. In. every particular: 3 pie. es. extra.

Tioga I call, ask tn about it and see new ma- in. tance moving; Packard truck service. Diamond 4GS9. Park U81. Evenings days.

Wyoming 5235. wicker go-cart with hood condition. 4351 X. Franklin. 427' AV.

walnut bedroom set. 7 oiecea. clau tnn I LEO C. BENITZ. K3l A Kt it 3-I10Rsr.

f'-riitiire vsns. rood condition FOR SALE, two ranges, one light -spring wagon. 1 small water heater. 1S2G fc. Madison st.

2 BARBER CHAIRS (Sanitary); like new: price $40 each: worth double. Chair Ei- change. S. E. cor.

6th and Vine. BOOKCASE, sectional: parlor set. bedroom furniture, fireplace set. shovel, poker, tongs. '2131 W.

Pacific Tioga. DIAMOND RING, best offer. C. D. Way, y)S3 East Pacific st, MOVE THE MODERN lox spring and hair mattress.

2716 N. 11th street. LOT GARDEN HOSE, also etcam and con-tractors, also radiator hose, every purpose; LADY compelled to sacrifice her diamond soil-taire. also earrings: large and perfect gems. 2041 Sprin gG arde SMAU.

FOOT i'OWEn LATHE. 6-in. swing. 3S ft. bed: $2.

Call Sunday and even-Ings. f.lS X. 12th st. DIAMOND RING. $35: COST fcaj; perfect bine white.

Haas. 1436 X. 10th. $1.1 FINE old violin, good tone; fine condition. Haas, 1436 N.

10th. FrRXTTTRE AND PIANO MOTI AVE. STORAGE BRASS SITELLS FORTY vards good AVilton carpets: other nc Jt-t r-celved two carloads l-lwj IJrasa carpets and rim: reasonable. Red Lion Stor- I shells from the Government through the Fenn- fin 1 In wardrobe trunks, all makes UF all sii-s. biggest bargains in town.

Walter's Loan Office. 11th and Arch. GOODS STORED IN SEPARATE government joo lot; ait new, very cheap. Haas. 1436 louglierty.

1424 N. 20th sr are. fioth and Arch. sylvanta K. K.

ror sale as eonvenirs. VIOLIN. $00 Joseph Guarnerius. x. imh st.

SPECIAL RATES TO AND FROM Want half or load of household goods from Atlantic Citv 1 i -n ui Sreav urm.uu. JVING ROOM SUIT, magnificent. 3 pieces. tvneureiter 'mnri e.e J.1.1 TF FLOOR CASES, 5 PHONES (51, each with connections, suitable for large offlee; sell separately. Chair Exchange.

S. E. cor. C.h and Vine. Samuel Hur- I win I'e wi 1 one wn.

cost 5225: best Plush, mahoranv. us. SILVER napkin holder and castors, combined. for sale. Child's.

10O0 Market st. THREE drawing tables with drawers. T- square. straight edges. 3714 Market St.

tons: good as new: $7 per ft. 52.50 ARMY" and Navy camp blankets, all colors. Weil's Cnriosity 20 S. 2d. X.

3d st. i.air r.x- 4J, Front St. Bell 'phone. MODERN STORAGE feet cenditiou. strong.

327 Columbia ave. rbanc. S. E. mr.

6th and A'ir-. JO IMPORTED grass rug. -9; 15 different NATIONAL PORTABLE OAK HALL seat aDd rack combined, in ex STORE awning frame. 16 -foot roll up; galvanized iron. $5.

319 AV. Berks SL 20." 4-51 Ridge Ave. rhone Pw'i ONE MONTH FREE. ESTABLliTiZ styles and sues: other rugs and carpets. R-27S.

ADDING MACHINES for sale, cheap. Inquirer office. TWO-HORSE fumitnre moving wagons, good condition. Terminal AYarehnnse Transfer Delaware ave. snd Green St.

cellent condition, 512. 2ti av. Logan lermantown. TYPEWRITER For traveling, office or home use: UrM welgbt fin Tines aiM a nerfeet writer. Call and ex- 6-FOOT confectionery floor case, plate glass; sell cheap: also Hires' Moneymaker.

3023 Westfield Camd en. N. J. MONARCH, late model. $45: L.

C. Smith, $40: Oliver. No. P. $35; Remington.

No. 10, $45. We machines. I2Q4 Filbert st CANDY tools, coal furnace, eocoanut grater. The Exchange Storage Weil's Curiosity Shop, 20 S.

2d. FOR SALE, upright piano, new, reasonable. 3741 st (between Kensington and Pedgley SACRIFICE slightly used $115 Victroln for iRAMOPHONE. cabinet style, with records. win sacrifice, need the money.

Diamond Ask for Mr. Block. BILLIARD, pool, combination. 2d-hand: sold. booght.

rented: exch'd. Keafer. 329 Girard. HOUSEHOLD GOODS, tine walnnt furniture. piano, no dealers.

3720 N. 16th St. PAWX TICKETS for disTond ring and pin. amine. It will pav von.

We are sole agents, sacrifice, private. Inquirer cf ric-. i Central Tynewriter 1524 Sansom st. AH DIAMOND ladies'.

3 stones, over 1 carat. $100. 101 Queen lane. KIND. ftst.

gen-ral purpose, carriage horse. good heme. P12 X. 47th. FOR SALE.

Colt automatic. $15: cost $25. 543 X. 23d st. 1420 N.

NTH STREET We still have a few clean Separt ite rooms vacant for ths Storage of llonsehold Goods. XATIONAL Ch-ck register. 2 drawers, shows makes bought, sold, r-nted and repaired. RANGE, left-hand oven. $60: cabinet size.

S42 Moss West Phila perfect condition, complete. 1713 Francis also No. 442 National Electric r-g- VSOLINE launch for sale. Toppaa dory. OAK BUFFET in good condition; small, mirror.

2721 N. 29th. rHOXE DIAMOND 2471. PACKING. delphia.

ft. Phone Poplar 235S-J. TALKING MACHINE, like new, with or Brussels others. 20 S. 2d.

$7 RUG. 7.6x!. heavy Weil's Curiosity Shop. cocoa nut sucer, scales and show cases. 6M5 Market st.

$15 SINGER dmphead sewing machine with attsc lim ents. Weil's Cnriosity Shop. 20 8. 2d. TINSMITH'S 3(Mnch pipe rolls and crimper.

267 S. loth. NATIONAL CASH REGISTER. 33 keys, one GAS. hot-water heater, new.

$11: has copper coils. 2222 Snyder ave BBAUNN'S express and storage want to Boston or Pittsfield. also I from Baltimore. Washington and New without records, very cheap. 200s lster: open late evenings.

74" Spring Garden, feet by feet, front cabin. ilULTIGRAPH. complete with pica and co*ck rjt. 10 horse power engine sst cov- Elite type and signature device, good VnT.M H.wa. new fT.7 Fe-inVfonl ave Ply lee rsmer.

shipyard. Jeacn Maven, new. ave. where coat can be seen: big bargain, 11 worth Broad st. cent up to Jo.

Apply warehouse. 1023 st. No dealers. Call vicinity. specialize on long distan FOR SALE Electric Shoe Repairing Co.

142) S. 5Mh st. ROUND dining room table, oak. 6 ft. exten r- i cir lio DINING ROOM suite, oak.

9 pieces, worth ung. SMt N. lltrt st. sion, chairs to match, spaya. tizi wal Motor Exchange.

SALE Complete furnishings, almost TIOGA 7T4. Xt-il'. CnWnitr fifin. "0 I'll. If til.

ROLL top desk, small. $15. 327 North 3d. HOUSEHOLD articles, tables, graphonola. ca bi net, chai rs.

refrigerator, etc. 4.0 X. loth Ml'LTIGRAPH and dictation. A-l cond. Call 102S Real Estate Trust Bldg.

PIANO, small, square. J2o. 5243 Wakefield Germantown. nnt st. 5w; price il'Jo.

Evenings. H-2, 6217 Jefferson st. new, for a moderate home, lall sotHisT Part of Load to New Yo GEM EAR PHONE. $19; walnnt dining table. $5: beds.

3434 X. l'th. TEARING DOWX old buildings, good lnmber for sale cheap. Cambridge and Watts. OPTICAL TEST CASE, also large outfit.

BILLIARD parlor. rvasofinMe. g.nvl Income. afternoon or evenings after .30 T. 126 Apply ion Atlantic Audubon.

X. J. Yewdell street. Wet 54th atd PRIVATE sale of all kind of household Race streets. AVeil's Curiosity Shop.

20 S. 2,1. BRUNSWICK home pool table. Urge aize. complete, practically new, cheap.

1S07 X. 12th Street. PLAYER-PIANO, priv. people, tnnst sell soon best new last year. L-153.

Inq. off, BUTTERK1ST po'orn machine," slightly used Also one load or part of load fror $10 DIAMOND engagement rings: very bril- Tor, all immediately o. htoragi 1628 S. FOR SALE, cheap, fireside parlor set. moleskin.

i046 st. goods. 325S Chestnut. FOR SALE Reed baby carriage. r6th st.

liant: va lue S25. WALTER'S. tr4 vine St. Kidge ave. Pbone niimoM 4611.

cheap. 2123 Hunting Park are. Model 16. Gem. ADDING MACHINE TWO OAK SIDEBOARDS, in perfect condi FOR SALE Rosatto pool table, 4 by 8, splendid condition; no dealers.

3424 Lancaster avenue. 4X5 AUTO GRA FLEX, plate magazine. 6x7 FOR SALE, baby coach, reed, good condi- LANDE STORAGE CO. Local nnd long distance hauling. Motor Exchange.

327 N. 3-1. $10. tion. Spayd.

S21 Walnut. Tesssr lens. Pearl. -ion. cheap.

700 Butler. FOR SALE. 6spring Fulton-Walker wagon. 3336 street. GOAT team for sale, cheap.

Walter's Milling 1325 X. 3 1st st. LARGE ICE BOX. cheap, gyving no the holesale business: 12 feet -high. 14 feet wide.

IDS feet long. C. A. Fisher. 1013 on gom cry ave.

FURNITURE elegant home, tapestry and cane suits, pedestals, busts, library; bedrooms, mah. dining room, roll top desks, clocks, gas range. 1703 N. 15th. perfect condition.

TRUNKS, several sizes. STEAM refrigerator, electrle elevator, lot Phila. FOR SALE KitchiD range, cheap, good baser. 34 X. 51st st.

FIRST-CLASS meat market for sale. Meat Market. 1321 S. 21st st. nd hauling reasonable and good serrl, to New York for 30.

40 snd 50 dollars 1646 Ridge are. Poplar 2027. or 644. SOLID mahogany bedroom suite, four-post bed. Apply Mrs.

Dash. 4801 Chestnut Phila. Kpayn. si vainnr. 20x100.

117 Callowhill st. STORAGE battery. 6 -volt, starting: bke new FOR SALE, huckster wagon and harness: PLAYER PIANO. s-note. excellent condi $2Q.

Motor Exchan ge. 327 X. 3d. first-class order. rapper.

ana nace. tion, reasonable. 3236 N. Carlisle st Mt Vrrnon 5stnrap-e Warehsi BARBER boiler. small cabinet gas rsoge.

large ice chest. 1S16 W. Oii-rd. UP-TO-DATE buffets. $25 and upwards.

Red Lion Stcrage. 60th and Arch. CORRUGATED packing boxes, large quantity. 12x18 to 20x24. at a sacrifice.

l'enn Paper 20 X. 6th st. HANDSOME Pierre mirror, hat racks, other "WHITE ENAMEL CRIB; good condition; $6. PHILADELPHIA meat and produce market. household goods.

Ic20 N. ISt no dealers. BUTCHER'S ICR BOX. good condition; price reasonable. Apply 330 Iemonte Rcx-borough.

3731 X. 151 st. terms reasonanie. Jjai s. -isx.

800 clean and moth-proof room Advances made on Furniture and Pit GOLF CT.niS, four sets, bag Included. Ap-, ply N. Felton. Belmont 7077 R. SAFES, fireproof.

60 slightly used: some thin walls; also steel cabinets. 72 X. Fonrth. $10 GUITAR, wondee'til tone, with rase. WA LTER'S PAWNSHOP.

TINE PT. LADIES' diamond ring, sacrifice, private. $40. M-27. I mini rer office.

HOT ranRe, Victorious .128. for sale CONTRACTOR'S ROAD PLOW first $16 STORE fixtures, counters and show case. 151 TWO marine engines, rood cylinder propellers, in coils, battery. Charles Klose. 44 S.

20th Camden. N. J. cheap. 2ol S.

71st. a es it. A. F. Henflcks.

B07 Locust, N. 24th st. FOP. SALE, oak office partition wih bevelled glass. Apply Hagan Ilff Walnut st.

LARGE lish tank for sale, cheap. 31V46 X. Elser et. S. W.

cor. 13th and ait. Vernon i VICTORY STORAGE DIAMONDS fend white gold dinner ring for sale cheap. $75. 224 Ashdale Olney (near 5000 N.

2d). $1.50 ARMY FOLDING COT, good condition. BLOCH BABY COACH FOR SALE, good con CIDER PRESS for sale, first-class condition. Well's Curiosity Shop, 20 S. Second.

dition. Charles Bissey. 71o AA Tioga. (ilea p. Lail taimwum DELICATESSEN cases, show cases.

wall cases, counters, shelving, tables, chairs. 21 tt X. 5th st. 8215 Market, Phone Belmont 467t i ELECTRIC coffee mill, prac. new; also Toledo HOPPER.

BOWL AND HIGn TANK, slightly ADDING MACHINE, second hand, Bnrronghs. $i5o Sol. Tiff. dis. ring, pure white, ner-fect.

cost barg. 43 N. 51st st. Hmate; goods packed for shipment. Arrow Vans, local or long distance.

used: Hendrick's, w)7 Locnst, scales. Greenbiirg. 1416 Germantown ave. for sale. H-Ioa.

inquirer oince looks GENTLEMAN must sacrifice diamond rings, belcher and grysy settings: also diamond rt tln- Arr-h. Monday. 9 to 1. SAFE. Herring-Hall-Marvln.

inside dimensions. 48 1L. 31 29 Third floor. noward and Huntingdon price DIAMOND jolitaSre, very Ibrilnant, FURNITURE, nigs, crockery, pictures, family SIDEBOARD, table, chairs, refrirerator, fire- GET OLtt SPECIAL RATES xR Mt REFRIGERATOR. Belding Hall, $20.

Call Sunday and Monday between 10 and 3, 4802 X. Broad, 2d floor. TWO solid tire wheels. 36x5. $10 each.

5711 Cherry st. GENUINE Croix de Gnerre. one palm; make offer. V-S71. Inquirer Branch.

193! Columbia BICYCLE, coaster brake, very good condition. JS25 Morse rt. (lWh4 Montgomery I. like 2 carats, $17a. 101 Uoeen lane.

less cooker, refs. Chestnut Bt. leaving city, tall 3320 N. 17th. $1.75 XEAV Government Khaki pants, all A-l condition.

6121 ECLIPSE gas range. Berger Storage st- VICTOR RECORDS. 3 for large ones, 50c. War Savincs Stamps accepted. 120S Filbert.

Moopes street. sizes, va en curiosity pnop, a. RANGE and boiler. Active Fortune. ft-haod oveu.

perfect condition. $20. 3748 Xoith Fifteenth. $12 THEATRIC AL wardrobe trunk, others on hand AVei l's uri-s i Shop, 20 S. 2d.

SODA FOUNTAIN (Prouty), cheap, floor case a nd other fixtures. 3133 X. 23d st. FINE selection of oil paintings, also Estey organ. Apply 1127 Cambridge st.

NO. 9 Oliver typewriter, almost new, $30. T-222. Inquirer office. -Furniture for sale.

REGINA VACUUM CLEANER, nsed only short $15. AMERICAN SLICING MACHINES, good con 1320 JEFFERSON Apply $311 VICTROLA style $110. mahogany cabinet talking machine, new condition, latest style. Model Ixtun 145 Market st, VICTORY Moving St Hauling lo ping distance, wanted loads to New OLIVER TYPEWRITER. Xo.

3232 X. 17th et. time. Baring 347 J. dition.

$35 and up. 1Q24 Arcn fnua Call Sunday all day. BED, folding, lull size, quartered oak. Hale KUburn type, reasonable. 2413 W.

Ser tr ntil the very rrasooaoie. K. -HIGH grade moving picture $35 $1D0. $425 ABOUT 2A4 curat, perfect diamond camera. SINGER SEAA'ING Machine, nsed a short time.

Cost sell for $35. 677 N. 11th st. V. S.

8LJCING MACHINE. Beef 62d and Vine lth. "4W. AA'eil's Cnriosity Shop, 2l S. 2d st.

geant st. wamona sum j. solitaire, bargain, w-Zir. inquirer ortice. FOR SALE Two new Fortune gas ranges, at factory prices: also a No.

I cook stove, with high shelf. Apply 3351 X. 2d st. MOVING DAT MADE EAST ANTIQUE mahogany furniture double bass $50 TODD Protectaeraph machine, new will Call cigag store. TYPEWRITERS booght, sold, rented and re VIOLIN, bow and case.

Tr ttadded Tans, expert moveim. ICR CREAM tables and chairs. for sale cheap, new. li s. 22d st.

paired: all makes; get oar prices. Relia 5235 Arch st. sell very cneap. rx x.m. xnta qjxw.

Phila. Storage 2033 Lehigh. Est. INDIAN side car, 1917. for sale, cheap.

2612 S. Mh st. CHINA CLOSET, sideboard, oak folding bed. others: no dealers. 121 X.

13th. ble Typewriter Exchange. 1324 Columbia are. cheap. 2403 Coral vioim.

-cello. violins. 1343 Kldge ave. REED stroller, $8: high chair, leather seat, $2. 1535 Seybert st.

BABY coach lor sale. 65-EGG Buckeye inenbator. never nsed. Cheap. Shibe Park -proof building.

TUg. FOR PALE Stelnwiy square piano, fins tone: good condition: $10. 615 X. 17th at, 22 Paragon Camden. 10x15 GORDON PRESS.

$50: cutter. $iiO. 2310 Howell St. UPRIGHT PIANO, large sideboard, burean. 3126 Hartville.

streex. McCANX'S STORAGB HOUSE can? be aeen. 251 physician's instruments, medical books. 1103 MEDIUM BIZE safe. CAN DA" TOOLS, raw in a ten a 1, fixtures, etc.

1 inn pom "pnonea. pa cheap ACTIVE FORTUNE range, left-hand oven, good condition. 1306 N. 60th st. ELECTRIC, meat chopper.

horse; for cash. HO Germantown ave. Spring Garden. Silver's. 60th ana unesinnt, 23d st.

shlppm g. moving, r-y snip. THREE-PIECE leather Snit Mahogany Table. reasonable: 3045 N. Stillnian.

STEAM RADIATOR. 12 sections. 45 Inches high. 36rt5 X. 12th St.

CASE for sale. Call 2014 Callow- $15 BICYCLE, coaster brake, value $35. Wal DiimnnHc Special barratn in diamonds. lamonUi watches and Vwelrr. yful-ter's Iyan Office.

S. E. cor. 11th ROWING MACHINE, chain drive: good as new. $25; worth $73.

Chair Exchange, 8. E. cor. fith and ine. SHOW hill.

NEW TAPESTRY parlor suite for sale, three Pieces, reasonable. 3641 X. 17th. MEAT and delicatessen case, standard make, good as new. 110S Germantown ave.

ter umce. inn ana Arcn sts. 11-PIECE oak dining room suit, also refrig- I era tor. 5617 Willows ave. TWO VICTROLAS.

wholesale price, with rec- AUCTIONS BABY COACH, good condition. 1731 Bristol FINE antique walnnt bed and spring, po deal VIOLIN" with bow, $10: also teaching. Shelly. X. fth st.

VEHICLE FENDERS. P-160. Inqnlrer office. COMPLUNG scale. Dayton, also cash register.

National, jios Germantown T(. ords. 702 AV. Allegheny ers. 1300 A Allegheny ave.

iMcetown. FURNITURE AND RUGS, pert or all of six rooms. 721 S. Cecil. abinet gas range.

Heywood baby MAGIC, Keller and Thnrston: wagon load SHOE repairing machine, also fixtures, tools. QUALITY TALKING machine, solid oak. double doors, good tone, fine condition; cost $15. Model Loan 145 Market St. LION BRAND hot water beater, Bissvlls sweeper, cheap.

1752 X. iT s. uonnaion. trunks, props, cheap. Mciusaer.

zij, su. gecond-hand snoes. cu Montgomery ave. TUESDAY. 10 o'clock, at Anctt clean stock abont 5O0 lots.

Tools. carnage, new TWO new nickel-plated Pyrene Fire Ex-tingnishei-. $4 each. 4249 N. 6th.

RANGE. Active. Fortune, left hand, good condition. 4223 N. Darien ft- pledged for HOUSEHOLD effects, white metal bed.

gas LARGE coffee milL in good condition, cheap, range, etc. 2302 X. Park ave. 4428 X. 15th St.

PAWN ticket, diamond ring, $100. L-233. Inquirer office. hatchets, pliers, wrenches, bits etc. hardware, locks, goods, mixed paint, wire, window screens, enamelware.

chin WANAMAKER upright piano, in best condl-tion. sacrifice. 2Q16 S. lftth st, 50 LARGE OAK TABLES. C.

Horn Co 422 N. Orinnna st. PAWN ticket. 1H -carat diamond solitaire LARGE ELK and moose bead, cheap. Can be i UPRIGHT piano, la good condition, for sale.

GAS RANGE, with oven; good condition. TjIAMOND cluster ring, pawned $35: value AA. Lehigh ave. $125; perfect blue-white diamond; sell tick- GOLD for sale, a ladies' cold wrist watch. I et $10 Inquirer office.

$12: cost $26. 543 N. 23d. ipOR SALE Invalid elevator, first to second CHIFFONIER, rocker and lot of linoleum for' floor, running order. 6047 Kershaw street.

390 X. fith st. ring, pawned for Situ. inquirer of! glassware. stoves, sieos.

wagons, wl seen at 137 Market. DINING room set. Quarter oak. upholstered In leather. 245 W.

Cheltefl Gm tn. BLOCH baby coach, white reed, reversible, $10. 740 X. 1Hth st. snaqes at rontn ieconq street.

HOUSEHOLD goods; no dealers. Call 819 Rit- NICE- fence wire for a tennis court, also 1 10-PIECE dining room suit, player piano, new. EXCELSIOR RANGE, complete with boiler, left-hand oven. 4221 X. Cth St.

ner street. cheap. D-22U, Inquirer office. oak chiffonier. 6220 Spruce.

West Phila. -521 st. sale cheap. STOCK OP FRESH GROCERIES, Tn WHITE-REED coach, for sale, reasonable. Call No.

DESK, roll top, oak. good condition. George FOR SALE Boiled top desk, oak, 64x30. 515 TRUNKS. $3.50 up; traveling, packing nnd wardrobe trunks; also chests.

134 X. fttii. COAL RAXGE. Cottage Novelty. H.

O. Apply 5206 Addison st- HORSE FOR SALE. $75. Ellwood Allen Lumber Trenton ave. and Ann sr.

224 N. jessup odiorne. b. 4tn st. S.

57th sL ciock. at Auction nonse. 8 talking machine. 2.V casea soap. ni' vinegar, catsup, olive s.

salmon. ns $1.50 CAMP. BUNGALOAV. boat lanterns. worth $4.

Weil's Curiosity Shop. 20 S. 2d. MERCER steamer, hot water boiler for sale. S.

AV. cor. 13th and Wallace. CASH REGISTERS, second hand, cheap, re Thos. D.

Trasa- NEW. "Ouality Cabinet" gas rang to sell st ROLLED top desk for sale. MAHOGANY TALKING MACHINE, will sell cheap. Call Sunday. N.

Pork ave. pair all makes. Keystone. rzi sp. once.

$40. 15io A ine. ford. 1613 Sanson i st. sujear.

nuru koook, er.c.. noaea l' SEWING MACHINES, A-l condition. $7 if maranwi, foqcn rreiviq STreet. right-hand oven. MAHOGANY bed.

burean, box spring, mat KITCHEN ranee, hof-water tank, used two i RANGE, with new boiler, PAPER ROUTE for sale: sickness cause of selling. T-193. Inquirer office. BARBER CHAIR. Barker's, white enameled.

hydraulic, line condition. 319 W. Berks st. GRANDFATHER CLOCK, black walnut. S-day.

tine condition. 31! W. Berks st. sold tonay. -4i uimn si.

tress, pillows, rng. L-238. mi. on. months.

Phone Germantown f.CtlS-AV. 23 Iel.igh are. FINE upright piano. Walnut case, at a sac- rifice. 5718 AValnnt at.

MAGIC trick apparatus, books and tables. Ca 11 442ft Germantown ave. WESTIXGHOU8E 16-inch fan. direct enr- rent, good condition. $12.

Camden BABY COACH, crib, sulky, cheap. 33 S. 10 SALE Show cases, counters, nxiures 1811 3. 20th st. WATER MOTOR WASHINO MACHINES for sale.

5404 N. 5th St. condition. FOR SALE cheap, right-hand "Faultless" coal Oriental design. GRA FLEX CAMERA.

34x5. will sell cheap. T.0 VELVET rug CYLINDER PRESS, lirst class cheap. Call 21 Callowhill st. range, practically new.

wooaiano ih-m lOO others. Weil's Curiosity Shop. 20 S. 2d. C-271.

Inquirer office. HEATERS ACD RACCES CaU HANDSOME gas chandelier and bracket, line BAY HORSE, harness, wagon: Xor nucs- i HANDSOME wall and floor cases; will sae- REA'ERtJIHLE coach, in good condition. t27 B. 17th Dickinson 54S. LAROE FREIGHT ELEVATOR; good as new.

Janett'a Livery. Norrlstown. 4 Sol. Tiff. dtn.

ring, pure white, ner- 1 feet, val. $225. Loan 54 N. 13tb ner- dor? i. cheap.

Call quick. 21 ine. 62d st. ster. Hear J3 uneuen ave.

I tltlce. ail Pi. otn sr. ai i siemm umg boiler, a boo Smith, BABY COACH. Bloch.

full size, almost new Bnsqoe- HEATER. Saxon 232. hot-air pipe, cheap. 2604 BELT LACES. -Inch rawhide.

per 100 TAPESTRY living room suite. 3 Pieces, good TABLES, chairs and cooking utensils, suit Irrgw FOUR 36x4 diamond tirea. 314 W. BLOCH cosch. almost new.

cheap. 735 X. 2Hth st i i i i. I7tn street. reasonable.

Sift. I. Dewey st. feet. Motor Exchange.

327 X. 3d. N. St. able for any business.

320 X. fith. hanna ave. as new. cheap.

811 S. 58th st. sr BABY COACH. Eloch. nearly new.

sell cheap, ahogany, three doors. 1b good BOOKCASE. bet.S COMPLETE housefurnings for sale at 3026' BEAUTIEUL back snd front bar cash register. FOR SALE. 33-lnca sot air dition.

243 N. K4th mt tr st. 6x8 FEINTING PRESS, 60 lbs. typ atand. trays.

$35. 6107 Cedar ave. NO. 5 Underwood typewriter, excellent condition. $45: bargain.

Q-219. Inquirer office. 7 N. 20th st. condition.

2230 tKKl St. Page st will sscrifiee. 320 X. 5th. TICTR0LA XI.

oak and records, almost new. 8246 Chestnnt. VICTROLA and 11 records, nearly new. cheap. 600S Kdmund st.

HOUSEHOLD furniture, one Im pe rial electric WANTED Good second ha aad le. sheet metaL portable. 12 GARAGK for Novelty Apply 301 CABINET GAS RANGE for sale. W. Susquehanna ave.

FOR SALBBlorh coach, cheap. Call mora-Ings. 1413 N. Wanamaker. Bel.

76J8-M. HOUSEHOLD OOODS for sale, on account of moving. 1436 X. 13th st. ELECTRIC meat grinder.

Toledo scale and ot her akes. chen 320 X. 5th. 470S N. Broad.

vacuum cleaner. ni r. et. neater, mam ga. by 2Q.


The Philadelphia Inquirer from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (2024)
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Author information

Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.