Things i'm sure will be said in 2019 :) (2024)

1. I'd rather have mod management alone than any feature of the QoL we got. I like the simable GW but the rest us underwhelming.

2. Excessive but pretty much accurate, credit heist dropped 1.5 + 2.5 in both of my accounts last time. I would prefer a smaller discrepancy. We should all be getting at least 7.5 per heist minimum.

3. I don't get why the game revolves around certain months so much. I understand that when a star wars movie is about to come it's gonna bring content, but generaly speaking any time is right for a good content release.

4. That will never happen on auto.

5. I don't know about 1 shot, but rancor needs a new tier.

6. Well that's true, unfortunaly, challenge gear is trash other than syringes and carbantis. We need added tier for that as well.

7. No

8. Well I don't think that to counter one extreme you need to go to the other. That's exactly what they are doing to rebels. Unfortunately too many new characters are anti rebel, I think they are done for good this time. I mean they gave us a Wampa that by itself destroys CLS and titans...

9. That should have happened already, in fact the longer they delay it the more underwhelming it's going to be because then they will simply say: "too many people have him by now so we can't make him very powrful". Eventually he will get a decent TB kit, with maybe some ok damage for the new raid and they will say, "there you go, our job here i done". Just don't expect to see him anywhere near arena.

10. Don't worry, some people will justify it, it's common here.

11. For some reason it's not just the whales, you have people who claim to be "f2p" who support this kind of practice and then you realize they average top 3 in both arenas so you know what's up.

12. Hhm, personally I hope GK remains a solid tank FOR EVER. He is far too awesome of a character to go away, especially with how long his farm is.

13. Actually the game is not broken and most people havr legit complaints. You just don't hear them out through the noise of the comment section.

14. No comment

15. Look at 13

16. And he shouldn't come at all. Revan isn't even canon, I'd rather get Bossk, Embo, Jango, Hondo, Aura, Kallus and a bunch of reworks. We also have a bunch of movies coming out. We don't need Revan, we never needed the Triumphant in the first place but ohh well.

17. Well I hope it gets figured out by then

18. Amen, all of the old stores are forgotten.

19. Dude, I was good with everything you said so far but to say rancor rewards are fair has my head spinning. I could use 2 hours to explain how it's not but let's just leave it at that. Let's just say that they can use some rethinking

20. We won't see characters with 4 zetas because that would require alot of reworks to make more characters relevant again. 3 zetas will probably remain the limit for ever, I would say there is a minor chance for a 4 zeta character but that won't be the norm.

21. We do need new ships, we can use a legendary event for Anakin's star fighter, Luke's star fighter, Husk's capital ship, grievous caputal ship and more. And yet resources are spent on an EU, non canon raid.

22. 21

23. Uhh, TB battles can take a while to do and they are repetitive, that usually leads to sim. Personally I would rather see light side TB get cut down to 4 waves.

24. You could say that as is, I'm facing some gold Sions in my arena since day 1 so you can make your own conclusions.

25. It's possible but it would suck for old content. I don't see why our current speeds are not viable long term.

26. Well at some point it will, Traya is the closest thing we have to this happening. I guess we'll have to wait and see.

27. I don't see why ties are possible when both sidea end up getting second place. That's a bad design, a tie braker/decider is not a bad idea.

Things i'm sure will be said in 2019 :) (2024)
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