Progress (Good Day/Week) - Page 15 (2024)

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6 posters

Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes::General::General

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Progress (Good Day/Week) - Page 15 (4) Re: Progress (Good Day/Week)

Progress (Good Day/Week) - Page 15 (5)byElectricboa Sun Oct 22, 2023 12:07 am

Laze wrote:I’ve heard a lot of people say the Mace omi is really good, but I’m still skeptical. I can definitely see the merits on defense, but often we aren’t using JMK on defense. And on offense, what I’ve heard is that it works more like a forced taunt for everyone, which is different than Mace’s normal shatterpoint which just gives him the option to attack shatterpoint, but he can attack other characters too. Doesn’t that disrupt the flow of battle, by preventing you from focusing down the character you want? Or is that not how it works?

As far as I know, it’s not a forced taunt. It’s completely optional, just like Mace normally. But my caveat is I’ve almost always used it with JMK against Jabba. In that scenario Krrsantan will pretty much always regain the taunt if you remove it, so you effectively get to choose between Krrsantan and whoever gets shatterpoint. It has never disrupted the flow of battle for me.

But you get a couple super-helpful benefits. First, you save CAT’s one-shot and there are a decent number of times Boushh gets shatterpoint and you just get to freely take her out without getting to JMK’s ultimate. Or omi-Embo, losing him early really takes steam out of the team. Constantly jumping around with the shatterpoint is beneficial because you are reducing their defense, offense, and max health by 10%. It might not seem like you’re doing anything at first, but that does add up quickly and at a certain point, you’ll just start melting through them.

Here's it in action:

Now, using Echo like that does break up whatever Bad Batch team you might have, but I think it’s a consistency thing. For TW, a lot of our wins come down to being as efficient on banners as possible and that team does usually mean you don’t lose anyone. Jabba walls do seem like the main banner-eater in TW for us and guilds we go against. Leia will likely be worse, but we’re not there yet.

There’s also a little future-proofing built in, since the omicron isn’t tied to anything other than LS allies. Whether it would ever be worth using Mace outside of a Republic or Jedi team would remain to be seen, but there is definitely the potential.

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Progress (Good Day/Week) - Page 15 (10) Re: Progress (Good Day/Week)

Progress (Good Day/Week) - Page 15 (11)byMarc Mon Oct 23, 2023 2:55 am

Laze wrote:Hey all, it’s been a minute since I checked in here. What I’ve done the last couple months:

LV: unlocked, R8, 11/12 ult
Reva: unlocked, R7, lead omi applied
Baze: R8
Marauder: 42/100
Gideon: R3
Iden trooper G12 project: DONE
Dad bod boba: G11/R3

After unlocking and gearing LV and Reva, I’ve been chasing a couple side projects. I knocked out Baze because we needed him for TB ops. I brought Gideon up from G12 so I could have a Gidme team, or flex him to Troopers, as needed. He also seems like a safe investment long term. I’m currently gearing Boba for TW, then I’m going all in on Leia.

The current bonus shards are really nice. I can scrape the gear together in a couple months, so I was expecting Drogan shards to be the limiting factor, but now it looks like I can have it all ready to go in a couple months.

Outside that, I’ve been slow farming shards for the Cal event and have most of them around 6 stars. I red boxed conquest, although this was the most grindy one I can remember, since not having Aphra and Leia kind of pushed me into doing all the global feats. If CG hadn’t reverted the difficulty jump on the teams, I would have had to choose between red crate or farming datacrons. Thankfully I didn’t have to make that choice.

Hope everyone has a great week.

Nice work. You've got some fun new toys to play with now. Enjoy!

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Progress (Good Day/Week) - Page 15 (16) Re: Progress (Good Day/Week)

Progress (Good Day/Week) - Page 15 (17)byElectricboa Wed Oct 25, 2023 3:06 pm

The additive drops really did give me a boost on my Leia progress. I outright finished Kneesaa and Scout Trooper and got them both to R7. Drogan finished with only 100 shards away and I got about 20 more now that he’s in the Cantina. I had briefly considered buying the rest, since I was relatively close, but no need now. Cantina farms are pretty quick and I can use the time to get the rest of the gear I need for him

I did actually take advantage of the zeta drops after I finished Kneesaa. It feels like I’ve just been keeping up since I did Rey way back when. As soon as I save up zetas, new ones come out and I’m all out again. As it is, I just got what I need for Drogan and Jedi Cal with 10 to spare. Now, I need 6 more full zetas for Leia herself.

Speaking of which, Jedi Cal has been unlocked and I took him to R7. Between that and the Leia Now being imminent, there’s no real point in doing side projects right now. I really didn’t think I would have Leia by the time the raid came out, but there’s a decent chance now. I’m currently being held back by gear. I need one more ArmaTech multi-tool to actually finish Drogan, but I have everything to relic him.

Another thing is my next omicron. I was going to start saving for Fulcrum and UFU Cal, but I guess now I’m probably going to do Drogan.

Kneesaa – Finished
Scout Trooper – Finished
Drogan – 21/100

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Progress (Good Day/Week) - Page 15 (22) Re: Progress (Good Day/Week)

Progress (Good Day/Week) - Page 15 (23)byMarc Thu Oct 26, 2023 4:29 am

Kneesa - 86/100
Scout - 45/100
Drogan - 25/100

Reva - done
Jedi Cal - done

Both Jedi Cal and Reva are now R8. Reva got omicrons on her lead and unique while Jedi Cal got his TB leadership omicron.

Really enjoyed the Jedi Cal event. I thought CG did a nice job on it.

Now that Drogan is farmable on a Cantina node, I'll likely have him finished before Scout Trooper, who should be done in two weeks at the most. Kneesa is probably a few days away from being finished. Just checked and it looks like I have all the gear and relic mats needed to bring all three to R7. Woo hoo! Didn't expect I'd be able to start the Leia event so soon.

My guild moved to a new strategy in RotE. We still get 36 stars, but the strategy provides a path to reach 38. The old strategy capped at 36 stars. We are currently filling three platoons on the R9 mixed planet Vandor and getting a star there. I still have to gear Armorer to R9 for platoons, but got the okay from leadership to finish the Leia farms and gear her first. I can now start accumulating gear and relic mats for the latest and greatest GL.

Have fun out there.

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Progress (Good Day/Week) - Page 15 (28) Re: Progress (Good Day/Week)

Progress (Good Day/Week) - Page 15 (29)byMarc Fri Nov 03, 2023 7:57 am

GL Leia - 170/330

My trigger finger got itchy, so I spent some crystals to finish Scout Trooper and start the Leia event. Tier 2 was tough and I needed to adjust my mods a couple of times before I found the right set up. I lost the first three battles before rattling off three straight wins to move on to tier 3, which I have one once already. From what I understand, it's smooth sailing once you finish tier 2 of the event. Fingers crossed.

Unless I've overlooked some lower level gear pieces, I have everything I need to take her to R8 once I activate her. But I am low on zetas (only 70) after giving a bunch to Reva and Jedi Cal.

I cleared the special mission on Bracca with Jedi Cal and Cere easily. Only 2/3 people were able to do it this TB. Most of our players are in the midst of a gear crunch as one of our officers told me privately that we had 21 Jedi Cal unlocks. So the attempts will start to rise in the weeks ahead.

After finishing Leia, I need to take Armorer to R9 for RotE platoons. I have 21 gyrda keypads right now, but will likely be short zimbiddles and impulse detectors. Then I've got my eye on a few tanks -- Old Ben for Leia, Mace for GR squads and Royal Guard for LV. All three are R5 and I'd like to get them to R7, maybe even R8. But by the time I get them to R7, I may want to shift focus to the new Bo-Katan req toons. Plenty of time to see how things shake out.

Keep grinding with a smile on your face. And enjoy your weekend.

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Progress (Good Day/Week) - Page 15 (34) Re: Progress (Good Day/Week)

Progress (Good Day/Week) - Page 15 (35)byElectricboa Fri Nov 03, 2023 2:46 pm

With that, Leia is mine. I obviously finished Drogan and got straight into ticket farming. Tier 2 was such a pain. After all the requirements, it’s painful to lose tickets like that.

I only have two problems. First, I only have 2/6 zetas, which is unfortunate. I was also very low on relic materials, so she’s R5. Both are a direct result of me figuring it would take a lot longer before I finished farming Scout and Drogan. Even at a fraction of her strength, I’ll at least have something for the next GAC, though. Sometimes weaker teams can get holds if they get underestimated.

I am planning on taking her to R9 as soon as I can. With my current mods, she’ll be pretty solid:

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Conquest is going well. Another side effect of speeding up Leia is now I needed the Drogan and Scout Trooper Datacrons, which I didn’t think was a priority last Conquest. I already got the Drogan one with 60% health and 150% defense, which is pretty nice. My Leia will hit hard. Some of that is giving her the unicorn Health circle I’ve had on SEE forever. I’ll also probably take Drogan to R9, since he’s part of the Leia package. R8 at least. You figure we should be getting the Endor raid soon.

Drogan – Finished
GL Leia – Finished

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Progress (Good Day/Week) - Page 15 (41) Re: Progress (Good Day/Week)

Progress (Good Day/Week) - Page 15 (42)byMarc Mon Nov 06, 2023 2:17 am

Electricboa wrote:With that, Leia is mine. I obviously finished Drogan and got straight into ticket farming. Tier 2 was such a pain. After all the requirements, it’s painful to lose tickets like that.

I only have two problems. First, I only have 2/6 zetas, which is unfortunate. I was also very low on relic materials, so she’s R5. Both are a direct result of me figuring it would take a lot longer before I finished farming Scout and Drogan. Even at a fraction of her strength, I’ll at least have something for the next GAC, though. Sometimes weaker teams can get holds if they get underestimated.

I am planning on taking her to R9 as soon as I can. With my current mods, she’ll be pretty solid:

Progress (Good Day/Week) - Page 15 (43)

Conquest is going well. Another side effect of speeding up Leia is now I needed the Drogan and Scout Trooper Datacrons, which I didn’t think was a priority last Conquest. I already got the Drogan one with 60% health and 150% defense, which is pretty nice. My Leia will hit hard. Some of that is giving her the unicorn Health circle I’ve had on SEE forever. I’ll also probably take Drogan to R9, since he’s part of the Leia package. R8 at least. You figure we should be getting the Endor raid soon.

Drogan – Finished
GL Leia – Finished

Congrats Boa!

Those are some sweet mods. And R9 already. Nicely done.

I unlocked her yesterday and got her up to R8. I was able to give her 4 zetas, but she's missing the ones on her basic and first special.

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Progress (Good Day/Week) - Page 15 (48) Re: Progress (Good Day/Week)

Progress (Good Day/Week) - Page 15 (49)byElectricboa Thu Nov 09, 2023 5:09 pm

I got Leia to R9 and am up to 3/6 zetas on her. I got Drogan up to R8. I’m up in the air about R9 for him or R2. I feel like the whole Leia/Drogan Datacron could be skewing everything right now. When the set is gone, Leia might not be as unbeatable, in which case R9 would be excessive. I’m at 5/12 on the ultimate. I was able to complete the Endor Escalation Leia tier as-is. I used Mothma and Katarn as my last two. The Mothma healing/revive was very useful.

Outside of that, I’m actually freed up on my next project. The new Bo-Katan is somewhere down the line, but that’s two other characters that haven’t been released, so pretty far out. I guess Dark Trooper Gideon? His gear isn’t too bad. Of course, that’s 3 more zetas that I probably won’t have.

I’m also really tempted by the Imperial Super Commando. I’ve seen video of him and Gar Saxon 2v5 a GAS team. I’m not ready to go all in. I want to recover some of my gear hoard and farming Leia’s ultimate, signal data, and Conquest has severely depleted by crystal stockpile.

My guild is up to 29 Leias, which should make the Endor raid a lot more manageable. We’ve gotten spoiled on the 265 million rewards. I think everyone else is actively working on her, so it’s just a matter of time. Some new info on the raid came out and I have a bad feeling. They’re changing so much that we’ll almost certainly have to re-mod. I’m just going to let others figure out what needs to be done and follow that.

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Progress (Good Day/Week) - Page 15 (54) Re: Progress (Good Day/Week)

Progress (Good Day/Week) - Page 15 (55)byMarc Tue Nov 14, 2023 5:07 am

Leia's ultimate - 6/12

Leia is R8 with 5 zetas at the moment. I'm just 2 pieces short of having enough to slap the last one on her basic.

I was able to max out her mods and after some calibrating these are her main stats:

Health - 150k
Protection - 87k
Speed - 564

Her health and protection will get nice boosts when I get around to bumping her to R9 since she's a tank.

I finished my last R9 assignment for RotE platoons, which means I have 1 of only 37 relic 9 Armorer's in the entire game, according to

My guild was one of only two guilds to hit 37 stars in RotE last time out. We did it with 496 million GP, the other guild was even more impressive, doing so with a little more than 495 million GP. And today we just crossed the 500 million GP threshold.

So now it's time to stock up on signal data and relic mats. Some of it will probably be needed for whoever turns out to be the key characters in the speeder bike raid. I agree with Boa. It looks like CG is going to force us to re-mod in order to post good scores. Don't like it. Not one little bit.

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Progress (Good Day/Week) - Page 15 (60) Re: Progress (Good Day/Week)

Progress (Good Day/Week) - Page 15 (61)byElectricboa Thu Nov 16, 2023 9:56 am

Up to 4/6 zetas on Leia and 10/12 on her ultimate. I think for the time being, I’m going to stick with R8 on Drogan. My salvage supply is pretty low, so I’m going to be spending the foreseeable future refilling that. Same with signal data.

On the omicron front, I guess my plan is Fulcrum and Baby Cal. I’ve got 17 so far, so 23 more to go. The new GL events should help speed that up considerably. Not to mention the Leia omicron event. There is also a chance my guild will ask for the Scout Trooper omicron, which would take priority. But I’ll leave that up to the people figuring out the Endor raid to determine Not really sure what I’d do after that. Other TW omicrons my guild recommends, but aren’t requiring are Trench lead and Sidious. Dark Trooper Gideon is a wild card. He’s got TW omicrons and could jump in line, since there’s LV potential there. Or as a full Remnant team. Then again, the last 3 omicron TW character was Scion Boba and he’s just not amazing. He can be useful, but it’s so narrow. DT Gideon seems more generically good.

Because of that, I’m probably going to passive start saving up for DT Gideon and Stormtrooper. I’m definitely going to gear Gideon because he will be useful in some form. Whether on a team with LV, Maul, or even generic Empire team, he’s going to have viability outside of the Remnant. But if Remnant is good, Stormtrooper is not that difficult to get to G13, since he’s already G12. No zeta, though. I’d do DT Gideon’s before Stormtrooper anyway.

Speaking of which, I did get the max Conquest crate, so I’m on track for DT Gideon. It was a lot easier now that I have Leia.

The next Datacron set has the Aphra one returning, took BT-1 to R6 and might go farther. I already have Aphra, HK, and IG-88 at R7, so it’s only the Aphra droids at R6 and R5. If I take them to R7, they’ll be usable in TB and generally better in TW and GAC.

My guild unlocked Zeffo this time, so we're on track for 38 stars. We're sandbagging Zeffo for a couple phases to make the most of it at the end.

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Progress (Good Day/Week) - Page 15 (66) Re: Progress (Good Day/Week)

Progress (Good Day/Week) - Page 15 (67)byElectricboa Wed Nov 22, 2023 10:03 am

Leia’s ultimate is finished and she has all her zetas. The anniversary rewards gave me the last one, which was really nice. At least I can now say I’m officially finished with Leia. Now, I start saving zetas for Dark Trooper Gideon. The good news on that front is I don’t necessarily need the leadership or first unique zetas immediately if I’m going to try him with LV or Mauldalorians. He won’t be in the leader spot and the team won’t be full Remnant. Obviously if his Remnant team is amazing, I’ll eventually do that. I would need to gear up Stormtrooper, too.

I did take BT-1 to R7. I’m considering 000, but am holding off for now. The next Datacron set is bringing back the Aphra one, which I was able to use against Jabba teams before with R5 droids. I am wondering how useful the leadership omicron for Aphra is. Right now, I’m consistently beating Zorii teams (with or without their omicron) without Aphra’s. She can apparently take on Jabba teams with B2, which would be nice. Still, it’s 5v5 only, which sucks. It might require more than one, too. Then again, I do want to finish off Fulcrum and UFU Cal for TW. I’m at 28/40 to do that.

My guild got 38 stars in TB, which was nice. 39 is on the table, if we can fill all of Vandor’s platoons. That might not be for a while, though, since relics are at a premium right now between Leia and the Endor raid. But the Zeffo rewards were pretty nice.

Happy thanksgiving, everyone!

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Progress (Good Day/Week) - Page 15 (72) Re: Progress (Good Day/Week)

Progress (Good Day/Week) - Page 15 (73)byMarc Thu Nov 23, 2023 1:13 am

Leia's ultimate is done, as are all of her zetas. Only 1 gyrda keypad remains and then I can promote her to the hallowed R9 level.

Pumped Drogan to R8 and Range Trooper from G12 to R3 to give me a little more pop in the speeder bike raid. Next up, Iden Versio.

I promoted IG-12/Grogu up to G11 so he only needs another 100 kyro pieces. Also tried my luck with the 1,299 crystal pack. Five attempts netted me 35 shards. Oh well! It's Grogu, so I dared to dream.

I will be unlocking Malicos (310/330) after this coming Conquest and could also unlock Dark Trooper Gideon (220/330), but am thinking of using the currency for impulse detectors instead of the 20 Gideon shards. It wouldn't be the worst thing to unlock Gideon a month later, plus it would give me a chance to see how he performs since TW Conquest units don't have a good track record.

And finally, took both Luminara and Kit Fisto to G12 in my ongoing project to get all toons to G12. Ima-Gun Di and Jedi Knight Guardian are my only remaining Jedi below G12. In total, I have just 23 characters below G12.

My current stockpile of key resources:

zetas - 42
kyro shock prods - 575
kyro battle computers - 342
rare signal data - 150
crystals - 13.2k

Happy Thanksgiving!

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Progress (Good Day/Week) - Page 15 (78) Re: Progress (Good Day/Week)

Progress (Good Day/Week) - Page 15 (79)byMarc Fri Nov 24, 2023 1:01 am

[quote="Electricboa"My guild got 38 stars in TB, which was nice. 39 is on the table, if we can fill all of Vandor’s platoons. That might not be for a while, though, since relics are at a premium right now between Leia and the Endor raid. But the Zeffo rewards were pretty nice.

Happy thanksgiving, everyone![/quote]

I did a little research and a guild needs 41 stars before you get a bump from 1 to 2 gyrda keypads and 3 to 4 impulse detectors in the reward box.

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Progress (Good Day/Week) - Page 15 (84) Re: Progress (Good Day/Week)

Progress (Good Day/Week) - Page 15 (85)byElectricboa Tue Nov 28, 2023 3:47 pm

The double drops are a nice little bonus this week. I really didn’t need anything specific, so I just used the opportunity to stock up on valuable gear and resources. I mainly focused on the high tier signal data, since the drop rate for that is normally very low. Plus, I’m venturing into maybe doing higher relic characters, so I need more of that. For Kyrotech, I mainly focused on Shock Prods. That was both for Leia tickets and the double drops. That seems to be the more needed of the two and I always seem to get the other one showing up in the stores. Now that the dust has settled, I’m sitting at:

Kyrotech Shock Prod – 970
Kyrotech Battle Computer – 628
Fragmented Signal Data – 164
Incomplete Signal Data – 152
Flawed Signal Data – 265

With Leia being done, I decided to take Fulcrum to R7. If I’m going to do her omicron (35/40 now), I might as well get more out of her. She’s also always going to be with Cere in GAC, so there will be value there. My guild is shooting for 39 stars next, so we need a bunch of R9s. I took Bastila, so she went from R7 to R9. She’s a solid Jedi, so I’ll at least get some use out of her. Her protection is 99k.

My guild made it to the 424 million Endor crate on our second try. A lot was because of the C-3PO cheese. If CG fixes that, we might have a much tougher time. But we were over enough that we could probably still do it. Leia can solo the max tier for very good points. Still, we’re getting more GRT3 than the Krayt raid (taking into consideration the longer gap between raids).

In less happy news, I finally dropped into Kyber 2. I had two losses this past round that were really close. One was by 2 points and the other by 8. If I had won either, I’d have stayed in Kyber 1. But I shouldn’t be out in the cold too long.

I also took Ima-Gun-Di, Ewok Scout, IG-86, Kit Fisto, and Qi’ra to G12. I wonder how Kelleran is going to be. You figure he’ll be a Republic Jedi, but it’s not like JMK or QGJ really need anyone new. I wouldn’t be opposed to a new Jedi team, maybe a rework on some of our weaker Jedi, like Kit or Plo.

DT Gideon will be here soon. I have a zeta for his unique. The other two are only if he’s in a Remnant team, which I’ll need to see if they’re viable first. I’m mainly thinking about LV. On paper, he should be really good with that team.

Marc wrote:I did a little research and a guild needs 41 stars before you get a bump from 1 to 2 gyrda keypads and 3 to 4 impulse detectors in the reward box.

That's a ways away for us. But I guess with the way the raid is going, that's not impossible. It certainly has made doing higher relic characters much easier. You figure you can buy salvage outright with GRT3, but you can also get gear with GRT2 and just scrap it.

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Progress (Good Day/Week) - Page 15 (90) Re: Progress (Good Day/Week)

Progress (Good Day/Week) - Page 15 (91)byMarc Thu Nov 30, 2023 3:15 am

Leia is now R9, so don't have to think about her anymore. I took both Iden and Mace from R5 to R7 -- Iden for the speeder bike raid and her ship, and Mace to have another strong tank for GR and Jedi squads. Iden may get one more relic level, but I haven't decided yet and am also completely out of impulse detectors.

Shock prods - 712
Battle computers - 581
Fragmented signal data - 104
Incomplete signal data - 107
Flawed signal data -265
Crystals - 18.2k

I was able to score about 10.3 million points in the speeder bike raid. My guild's leadership is pushing each players to hit 8.4 million in the raid so we can reach the 424 million reward box, which seems doable although it won't be right away. I didn't see our final score, but think we ended around 350 million on our second crack at it. We are already getting more GRT3 than we did from the Krayyt raid. It's also nice to see players who geared Ewoks to R8 for RotE platoons being rewarded now with some excellent raid scores.

And on a final note, I geared both Ima-Gun Di and Jedi Knight Guardian to G12, so all my Jedi are now at least G12.

Be well。

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Progress (Good Day/Week) - Page 15 (97)byElectricboa Wed Dec 06, 2023 2:29 pm

For the third Endor raid, I got 10.28 million, which I was quite happy with. Interestingly, that was without any C-3PO cheese. I got a really good run with him the first time, but he died. I decided to roll the dice and keep it.

On the Conquest front, I got both the Boushh and Aphra Datacrons I needed. I got Tusken Chief, but don’t have the re-rolls to go for Warrior. I might just leave it there. I’m considering doing L3 and Vet Han, too, since they get their bonsues at R5. Then again, L3 goes with Rey and Set 12 is inferior to Set 11. My guess is when 13 comes out, it’ll be better than 12, too. Vet Han just goes on my random scoundrel team, so there’s not downside. I also got IG-11, which didn’t seem useful at the time, but with the Lightspeed bundle, I guess I’m keeping.

Honestly, this Datacron set is not that great generally. Outside of the specific level 9s, it’s not like there’s much use in doing level 6 for Jawa, Tusken, or Hutt Cartel. I could use a few extra Scoundrel ones, but that’s about it. Everything is else would just be level 3s. Stacking offense can be nice, though. It’s just there’s not much point in going beyond level 3 for most of them.

I have all the gear I need for DT Gideon and two full zetas going on a third. I originally planned on maybe doing all 3 DT Gideon for a Remnant team, if it’s good. But with the BAM bundle, I might do Kuiil and IG-11 first. Cara really isn’t a priority right now, but eventually it would be nice to have. The Phoenix bundle (assuming that’s what it is) will be nicer, since I already have all their zetas. It’ll just be modding them.

I did both Fulcrum and Baby Cal’s omicrons, so I’m finally caught up with that. Seeing as Darth Bane is our next Conquest unit and he’s a SEE lifter, I’m probably going to be saving for him next. I’m assuming he’s going to be another 3-omicron character, though I’m hoping he’s not going to need all of them. But I’ve got all my Sith at R5+, so Bane is definitely going to be useful.

That’s pretty much it for this week. I am trying to save up salvage material again after using it all for Bastila last week. I’d still like to get Jabba to R9 eventually.

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Progress (Good Day/Week) - Page 15 (102) Re: Progress (Good Day/Week)

Progress (Good Day/Week) - Page 15 (103)byMarc Fri Dec 08, 2023 1:10 am

Paz - 15/30
Maruader - 70/85

My big achievement this week was beefing up Rey to R9. Six of my eight GLs are maxed out now, leaving just SEE and SLKR at R8.

And since I got the Aphra cron, I pumped her up to R7. BT-1 (R5)is also tempting since he hits like a truck.

I finished Conquest yesterday. l'll be unlocking Malicos and will have to decide how many omicrons to give him. I currently have 55 mats and could give him two and when the next one's ready give it to Cere. Or maybe wait until we see Bane's kit.

And I stuck to my plan last week with Dark Trooper Gideon. I used the Conquest currency for 10 impulse detectors instead of Gideon shards, so he'll be activated in January since I'll end this Conquest with 310/330.

Be well.

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Progress (Good Day/Week) - Page 15 (109)byElectricboa Fri Dec 08, 2023 10:16 am

Marc wrote:I finished Conquest yesterday. l'll be unlocking Malicos and will have to decide how many omicrons to give him. I currently have 55 mats and could give him two and when the next one's ready give it to Cere. Or maybe wait until we see Bane's kit.

As far as Malicos goes, you’re probably looking at a minimum of two for both uniques.

Echo of the Fallen Order gives you a savior mechanic for everyone else. Right now, that’s a little nerfed because Malicos’ Datacron bonus gives him resilient defense, meaning he’s basically taunting. When that’s gone, it’ll be harder to focus Malicos down first with KRU there. Echo also gives extra stacks of Edge of Madness, which ramps up his damage.

Strength is Power basically lets him assist whenever an ally uses a special. More damage and more EoM. His team also gets crit immunity for 2 turns, which helps against blitz teams.

The special omicron is pretty decent, but probably not required. It makes him ramp his damage more quickly, but also does true damage to everyone. That can hit like a truck, especially since the team takes so long to take apart. It’s the first move he’ll use, so by the time it’s off cool down again, it can take someone out or even multiple units.

It’s also worth considering Cere’s omicron, too. It makes the team more durable overall and does ramp their damage more. I would say the leadership is more important than Malicos’ special. It’s a very omicron-hungry team, but at full power it’s probably the best non-GL team out there. Some GLs can’t even take it out.

That being said, SEE seems to be a solid counter. I’m not sure how much the omicrons matter there, since I don’t have the more detailed swgohgg for people who pay. I’ve used Malgus, but that can sometimes get dicey. It’s tricky trying to balance Malicos, Fulcrum, and Cere. A lot of times, it takes so long that Cere of Fulcrum takes someone out. Cere needs to get around the taunt, but I’ve had a Fulcrum knock out my Malgus before. Though that is normally with the stacking defense level 6 for Cere’s team. Without that, it might be easier to manage.

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Progress (Good Day/Week) - Page 15 (115)byElectricboa Wed Dec 13, 2023 11:35 pm

Well, I unlocked DT Gideon. He seems decent in action, so I took him to R7. I’ve saved up a lot of signal data, so it wasn’t a huge deal. Early reports seem like Dark Trooper is better than Stormtrooper, so I’m glad I didn’t relic him yet. I did end up giving him all three zetas. The additive zeta drops from the Cantina really came in handy. I also decided to bump up Dark Trooper to R7 so he’s just shy of 11k damage now. He was on my list for a while, but there’s a little more incentive now.

The other big thing this week was the BAM lightspeed bundle. I went ahead and did it. I also took Vandor Chewie to R5, so I finally have the ideal scoundrel team. It’s been a long time. I also gave Vandor, Kuiil, and IG-11 their zetas. Like I said, those additive zetas were really helpful. I probably ended up getting at least 80 and there’s still one day left. That was 100 and 200 refreshes. My guild’s TB road ahead is to finish the Vandor platoons, bump up Hondo and/or Young Lando to R6 to be able to better do 3/3/3 in P2, then Young Han and Qi’ra for more GET3 in P1. I’m not quite ready to pull the trigger on Han and Qi’ra, though. We’re about 50/50 on them as a guild now.

The next big thing is the next lightspeed bundle. The datamine revealed that the Thrawn/Palpatine one does indeed have Phoenix and some other. The only one I don’t already have is Farmboy Luke. Honestly, I dreaded the day he would become a requirement for something, so I guess having him is better than not. But the main prize is the Phoenix. Only R3, but I have the signal data to bump them to R5. Now my Rebel Rex has a new 5v5 home and his omicron will be a lot more tempting. The Phoenix all have their zetas, so I’m all set with them.

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Progress (Good Day/Week) - Page 15 (121)byMarc Fri Dec 15, 2023 3:36 am

Electricboa wrote:Well, I unlocked DT Gideon. He seems decent in action, so I took him to R7. I’ve saved up a lot of signal data, so it wasn’t a huge deal. Early reports seem like Dark Trooper is better than Stormtrooper, so I’m glad I didn’t relic him yet. I did end up giving him all three zetas. The additive zeta drops from the Cantina really came in handy. I also decided to bump up Dark Trooper to R7 so he’s just shy of 11k damage now. He was on my list for a while, but there’s a little more incentive now.

The other big thing this week was the BAM lightspeed bundle. I went ahead and did it. I also took Vandor Chewie to R5, so I finally have the ideal scoundrel team. It’s been a long time. I also gave Vandor, Kuiil, and IG-11 their zetas. Like I said, those additive zetas were really helpful. I probably ended up getting at least 80 and there’s still one day left. That was 100 and 200 refreshes. My guild’s TB road ahead is to finish the Vandor platoons, bump up Hondo and/or Young Lando to R6 to be able to better do 3/3/3 in P2, then Young Han and Qi’ra for more GET3 in P1. I’m not quite ready to pull the trigger on Han and Qi’ra, though. We’re about 50/50 on them as a guild now.

The next big thing is the next lightspeed bundle. The datamine revealed that the Thrawn/Palpatine one does indeed have Phoenix and some other. The only one I don’t already have is Farmboy Luke. Honestly, I dreaded the day he would become a requirement for something, so I guess having him is better than not. But the main prize is the Phoenix. Only R3, but I have the signal data to bump them to R5. Now my Rebel Rex has a new 5v5 home and his omicron will be a lot more tempting. The Phoenix all have their zetas, so I’m all set with them.

Nice work. I did catch a bit of Ahnald's video on Dark Trooper Gideon and he seemed mostly impressed.

All of my Phoenix are at various relic levels except Zeb (G12), so that bundle does nothing for me. Honestly, I'm a bit mad about this bundle because Phoenix was one faction I had invested in over time that most players in my GP range had ignored. It was something I thought would put me in a good position for the future. Oh well, I suppose not everyone will buy it. And at the end of the day CG does need to make money.

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Progress (Good Day/Week) - Page 15 (127)byMarc Fri Dec 15, 2023 4:02 am

Paz - 8/65
Marauder - 19/100
Malicos - done

Malicos went straight to R7 and based on Boa's advice, I gave him the omicrons on his unique abilities. For good measure, Cere got her leadership omi, so that should give me another strong GAC squad for opponents to tackle. But that leaves me with no omi mats in the bank.

IG12/Grogu, Paz and Beq have been prepped to G11, so they only need 100 kyros each to reach relics. I still have 438 shock prods and 331 battle computers, so I should be fine to gear Dark Trooper Gideon next month.

And I'm now hard at work on a personal project to have a full squad of R9 Jedi. This week I brought Jedi Cal to R9, so he'll slot in with JML. The other three will likely be GK, JKL and GSky, although I'm not sure on the order just yet. And it's going to take some time since I only have 24 droid brains left.

That's all folks. Happy weekend.

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Progress (Good Day/Week) - Page 15 (133)byElectricboa Tue Dec 19, 2023 9:05 pm

Got to do the next Endor raid and I’m not going to lie, I’m less impressed with my previous score. I don’t remember exactly what it was. Maybe around 11 million? I went out of my way to re-mod most of the teams and played them manually. This time I only re-modded Leia and played her and Han/Drogan manually. The rest kept their regular mods and I just autoed it. I got 10.6 million. Lower, certainly, but not by much. And it was a lot easier and quicker, so I guess that’s my plan going forward. There are talks about going for the next crate above 424 million, though.

The Thrawn/Palpatine bundle came out and I did it. I also took all the Phoenix characters to R5. That used up a lot of my signal data hoard, but I prefer R5 as my minimum for usable characters. That does mean I lose Rebel Rex from my Bad Batch team. I’ve been holding off on Omega in case we get a LS Crosshair, but that seems less and less likely. I guess Cody or Sergeant can be the 5th again.

My guild got 39 stars in TB, with 40 possibly in our grasp when we finish the Vandor platoons. The Clone SM on Zeffo crushed me this time. Not sure why, but I got wiped out in the first wave.

I’m in a bit of a weird place. I don’t really have any specific project to do right now. The Bo-Katan requirements are quite far off from being done. If my guild does go for the higher crate, I would likely need to bump up Iden or Scout Trooper to R8. Probably Iden for her ship. The other guild-related possibility is Young Han and Qi’ra. They need to be R5 for their P1 SM. Now that I have Kuiil and IG-11, that should be a pretty easy node. Gar Saxon and Super Commando are still on my radar. I guess another option would be NS. SLKR hasn’t been using Daka and Zombie as much as he used to, so I could just go for a full team. After all, I do have Merrin at G12. That would also give me a shot at the highest tier of Secrets and Shadows. I’ll have to think about it.

Paz Vizsla – 22/65

Marc wrote:Nice work. I did catch a bit of Ahnald's video on Dark Trooper Gideon and he seemed mostly impressed.

All of my Phoenix are at various relic levels except Zeb (G12), so that bundle does nothing for me. Honestly, I'm a bit mad about this bundle because Phoenix was one faction I had invested in over time that most players in my GP range had ignored. It was something I thought would put me in a good position for the future. Oh well, I suppose not everyone will buy it. And at the end of the day CG does need to make money.

I also tried out DT Gideon on a LV team in my squad arena. He’s actually pretty solid there, too. I’m happy with him at R7.

Yeah, the lightspeed bundles are amazing if you need them, but kind of suck if you already did it the hard way. I had been procrastinating on them for years and as soon as we got those first lightspeed bundles, I knew they were going to do one with them, so I waited. In my guild only 12 people didn’t do the bundle or already had Phoenix geared. So there will definitely be people who skip it.

Marc wrote:Malicos went straight to R7 and based on Boa's advice, I gave him the omicrons on his unique abilities. For good measure, Cere got her leadership omi, so that should give me another strong GAC squad for opponents to tackle. But that leaves me with no omi mats in the bank.

Incidentally, Malicos with SLKR and a 3rd (usually KRU or 9th Sister) is a decent counter to GL Leia in 3v3. I’m not sure how important the omicrons are for that, but I’m sure they all help. I used it for the first time last round with 9th Sister. Malicos Datacron vs Drogan Datacron. It was scary, but I think it was reasonably reliable.

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Progress (Good Day/Week) - Page 15 (139)byMarc Wed Dec 27, 2023 2:23 am

Paz - 1/85
Marauder - 66/100

It's been mostly quiet in-game for me since my last progess update. But I did continue with my R9 Jedi project. I pumped General Kenobi to R9 figuring it wouldn't hurt to have a maxed out tank who slots into both Jedi and GR squads nicely, plus it added about 8k to my GP since he pilots a capital ship. I feel it's a good time to work on side projects since the beginning of the year is traditionally a quiet period in terms of new developments in the game.

Other than that I geared a couple more old school characters as I work towards getting every toon up to G12. This week it was IG-86 (should help with the upcoming Conquest feat) and Qira.

My guild hit the 424 million crate in the Speeder Bike raid, so I'll have more MK3 raid tokens to spend going forward. I myself am scoring 11 to 11.4 million without any remodding, so I don't see the need to promote Iden or Scout to R8. It seems doubtful that our leadership team will push for the next prize box since most of our players have quite a bit of stuff to work on at the moment.

kyro battle computers - 519
kyro shock prods - 684
crystals - 24k

Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas.

Happy New Year!

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Progress (Good Day/Week) - Page 15 (145)byElectricboa Sun Dec 31, 2023 9:37 pm

I decided to take Kelleran, IG-12, and Paz to G11 and I have the gear to get them to G12 when they’re farmed. I figured I might as well, seeing as I’ll be going for Bo-Katan anyway. I’m at about 700 each of the kyrotech.

My guild is going to go for the 665 million raid crate, which means a new goal of 13.5 million per player. We do have a basic idea of who to gear and point goals.

To that end, I took Chewie, Gideon, Death Trooper, and Stormtrooper to R7. Iden went to R8 and Ackbar went to R5. The idea being we maximize the Imperial Remnant team while also doing raid teams. I could have taken Iden or Scout Trooper to R8 with the same results, but I figured a little boost to the TIE Defender would be better. There was a raid when I was short on two teams and I got 12.4 million. After finishing them all, I got 13.36 million:

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It’s not quite there, but it’s awfully close. Now, that is only remodding Leia, Han, and Piett. If I really wanted to, I could do Scout and C-3PO to R8 and that’s apparently another viable tier 6 team. We’re aiming for February for the next crate, so I’ll probably leave it there for the time being and wait to see how everyone else does. A nice little side-effect is my Imperial Remnant team is now all R7. My guild hasn’t made any decisions on DT Gideon’s omicrons, but I do have one ready.

My guild did actually get 40 stars in in the last TB of the year, which was pretty nice. Conquest is going reasonably well. The feats don’t seem too bad this time around.

Paz Vizsla – 18/85

Happy new year, everyone!

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Progress (Good Day/Week) - Page 15 (152)byMarc Fri Jan 05, 2024 1:30 am

Paz - 39/85
Marauder - 84/100

Not much to report this week other than I continue to plug away on the farms above. I stopped doing refreshes for the Marauder since I'm in the final stretch and it's unlikely it will be a requirement for anything major in the next few weeks. Even if it is I'll be able to finish without any trouble.

Brought Nightsister Spirit up to G12. My list of characters below G12 is fairly short now:

Boba, Scion of Jango

The group of four listed above require a substantail kyro investment, so will likely stay where they are now until needed for something bigger.

Nightsister Initiate
Ewok Scout
Bodhi Rook
Clone Wars Chewie
Hoth Rebel Soldier
Hoth Rebel Scout

I didn't include the three reqs for Bo Mandalore since they will all go straight to relics once I have completed collecting their shards.

My guild's leadership has said we will be gunning for 38 stars in TB next week and will make it if everyone repeats their past success rates in CMs. Guild GP is just about 519 million.

Over and out.

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Name: Nathanial Hackett

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