We Will Carry On! (A Pokemon Story) - Ashlie & Chuster VS Arceus-Ash - Page 4 (2025)
We saw the AU versions of my old selves fuse into another version of me and Chuster, unconscious.
"To make sure we can't undo this with time travel, Dialga and Celebi can't affect the past here with time travel!" My Goomba shouted.
"Four wishes left..." MissingNo gasped, as we saw Jessica and others appear, "You guys have ideas?"
"First let the traitors of this world learn their mistakes..." Jessica sighed, "Everyone deserves a second chance..."
"Great..." AU Marshadow gasped, getting close to collapse, "Keep going!"
We saw AU Mew faint next to us, showing Jessica's wish worked!
"Huh, neat..." Darkrai and Ray groaned, "3 le-"
"I got this..." MissingNo gasped, "My wish is for the the other AU dwellers here that helped me learn the error of my ways to return back to their own timeline without making an alternate timeline where they never returned as a way to pay them back..."
"WAI-!" Me and the gang suddenly started disappearing and flying back to our own world's present, "MISSINGNO!!!"
"So...1 wish left..." I coughed loudly as my world's Goomba looked concern, "Goomba, then Marshadow, you make it now..." Marshadow nodded as the other Legendary Pokemon that haven't fainted yet looked at Marshadow as he looked down crying.
"My wish..." This world's Goomba sighed as he looked at the Ketchum from the future fading away, "...is to allow her to stay alive without fading away, even though I hate her for what she tried to do, it's not right for her to vanish either..."
"W-what...? F-for r-real...." She gasped while crying and passing out from her disappearing body returning.
"My wish now..." Marshadow gasped, "My wish...is...to make sure the Infinity Gems are destroyed, for good, so we don't deal with this again..."
POV: Love and Despair Goomba
The Infinity Gems shattered as MissingNo and Marshadow collapsed, me and Rai caught Marshadow before he hit the ground while MissingNo just shattered entirely
"S-Shadow?" I gasped with my eyes closed, "I'm sorry, my friend..."
"It's...not...your...fault..." Marshadow gasped, "I'm sorry....and...thank...you.....Goomba and Rai....take care of the chosen one...okay?" His eyes stopped moving as me and Rai saw his soul appear.
"Shadow..." I gasped crying, "...I'll do my best my friend..."
"Hey Ashlie," I looked and saw mom and the others looking at me with a worried look, ", you okay? You were out for a while."
"I'm okay...." I groaned as Chuster woke up next to me, "How long was I out?"
"Two hours, and it's 1 PM!" Alice exclaimed, "How much energy did you use?!"
"I fought f***ing Arc-Ash, what do you expect?!" I shouted as everyone sweatdropped, "What?"
"I have got to stop my cursing around her..." Dusk groaned.
"Yeah no kidding!" We heard a younger version of Dusk's voice exclaimed as we saw a boy behind everyone.
"Benny?!" Goomba exclaimed, "How did you get here?!"
"I heard from Dusk you guys got back from your epic showdown and wanted to help but you left me!" This Benny dude exclaimed, "Anyways, how's Ashlie?"
"Hi!" I greeted him as Chuster waved at his Pikachu.
"I see you like Lightning, he's a great friend!" Benny chuckled, "Anyways I wanted to give Ashlie something I won in a bingo game this morning."
"He plays bingo?" Tari questioned, and Dusk shrugged.
"I don't know, I'm not Benny himself!!" Dusk shouted.
"Anyways..." Benny chuckled as he handed me a plane ticket, "This leads to [INSERT GEN 9 REGION NAME] which is a pretty cool region, I'm also heading there for the league as well!"
"Sounds great!" I giggled as I looked at my families, "Guys, can I go too?"
"We're not forcing any choices on you kid," Ray stated, "If you want to go for it!"
"Yeah!" My Kanto mom giggled, "I'm allowing it!" My Alolan Family nodded as Goomba pulled something out of his pockets.
"Well, I think you should consider using this." Goomba sighed pulling out a yellow orb, "This can contain Chuster's powers to when you really need them so others have a fair chance, but when you use it all the power Chuster originally had will add onto the power he currently owns. You don't need to but it would be a bit more fair." Me and Chuster looked at each other and nodded.
"We'll use it." We stated as I gave Chuster the orb as it went into him, "There."
"Well guess I'm usin' mine too!" Benny chuckled as Lightning glowed a tiny bit before stopping, "There!"
"Okay tomorrow the plane leaves, so I guess we'll wait for tomorrow then." Neo sighed, "I'm just wondering what will happen..."
"Eh let's wait for tomorrow, also we should probably say sorry to Goomba for doubting the fact he could 1v1 Greninja with Rai." Peter sighed as both started saying sorry to Goomba and Rai for doubting him.
"It's fine, you don't need to do that guys." Goomba chuckled, "The only times it happened were removed from memories, anyways, let's go get lunch!"
"Yeah, I'm starving!" I giggled as everyone laughed.
Okay, well we're probably reaching the end of the book here, the next chapter will most likely be the last chapter of "We Will Carry On! Ash Betrayal!" but honestly, I've been thinking about some things that I'll make into a poll after the final chapter is out for this book, as the Journey Continues!
(Also note to Neo and Peter: STOP discrediting my Raichu, or Ash's Pikachu! Pikachu did f***ing better in the Kalos Finals!!!)
Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800
Phone: +9752624861224
Job: Forward Technology Assistant
Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself
Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.
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