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Heat wave continues indefinitely and winds increase in Montana
NonStop Local Digital Journalist
Kai Williams
Two men have been sentenced for the murder of William Harris. Jay Hubber was found guilty of deliberate homicide by accountability and aggravated burglary. And Nicholas Jaeger was found guilty on deliberate homicide.
BUTTE, Mont. -Two Butte men have been sentenced to 60 years in prison after a fatal shooting back in 2021.
Jay Hubber was found guilty of deliberate homicide by accountability and aggravated burglary.
Nicholas Jaeger was found guilty on deliberate homicide.
According to court documents, Hubber and Jaeger were both trying to pick up a wanted felon who had a warrant out. After getting to the house, Jaeger shot William Harris in the home where the felon was being harbored.
Both Hubber and Jaeger will have the opportunity to appeal their cases and have 20 years of their sentenced suspended.
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Kai Williams
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...RED FLAG WARNING IN EFFECT FROM 2 PM TO 9 PM MDT SATURDAY...The Fire Weather Watch is no longer in effect.* Affected area: Fire Zone 110 (Deerlodge/West Beaverhead). FireZone 111 (East Beaverhead).* Impacts: The combination of gusty winds and low humidity willresult in critical fire weather conditions, increasing therisk for new and existing fires to spread quickly.* Winds: West winds 15 to 20 mph with gusts of 30 to 35 mph.* Minimum humidities: 8 to 15 percent&&
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