The Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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4 S' 2 THE SPRINGIELD DAILY NEWS MONDAY OCTOBER 28 1918 ANOTHER RISE MISSING SIX REPORTS HE BRITISH IN IN MILK IS COMING NOV 1 IN ADDITION INTHISCITY TOTAL 187 ON SERBS WITHOUT LEAVING A WORD REMEDIES SUGGESTED and STORE Winter Coats every evening Important Notice CO MAN GASSED News of the 3rd Anniversary Sale THE WEATHER Will Be ound on Page 7 We SILVERWARE a and to JEWELRY Of All Kinds At Moderate Prices AES Main Main Main Main Main Main Mala 'JOHNSON'S BQQKSTORE carfare Wings MASHER INED $50 IN THE POLICE COURT upon the Ct be the MUST REGISTER WITH LEYDEN irst Trace of North Adams Woman Since She Disap peared from Home Noon 64 3000 70 Nephfew on Way to Camp Dev ens Sees Her in Main Street Store YEARS SEEN IN SPRINGIELD ATROCITIES INLICTED Austro Germans Are Despoiling Population and Destroying Property as They Retreat NEW ORDER IS ISSUED CERTAIN POSTOICE EMPLOYES EXEMPT Those Considered Indispensa ble to Be avored by Draft Boards 17 Cents Expected to Be Price ollowing 3 8 Cent Increase Granted Producers in Boston Market RENCH WAR CROSS OR LIEUT GARIELD Milkman Says He Runs Across Escaped Convict at White and Allen Streets INLUENZA CASES NOW Will Complete Inventory of Es tate of Everett Barney Succeeding Late arrows Special Dispatch to The Daily News Williamstown Oct 28 Lieut Stan ton Garfield son of Dr Harry A Gar field president of Williams college and head of the national fuel admin istration has been awarded the Croix de guerre by the rench government for bravery in action during the pist few weeks Garfield was a student in Williams college until May 1917 when he enlisted in the college am bulance unit and later went to rance Upon arriving there the unit disband ed and Garfield joined the rench field artillery He received his commission later for honorable service A letter recently received by his parents tells of his having been decorated but does not give the details He said he Was trying to get a transfer to an Ameri can regiment Private Alfred Barber Now Recovering In Base Hospital in rance Private Alfred Barber of Co 104th infantry and son of Mr and Mrs Warren Barber has been gassed according to a letter received by Mrs James Potter of North Adams from her husband Capt James Potter formerly of the 104th but now an in structor in an American train ing camp in rance The letter states that Barber is recuperating in a base hospital Son of Williams College Presi dent Honored for Bravery in Action One Registration of German Women Aliens Not Considered Enough West Side Health Agent Grad ually Getting His Mortuary Adding Machine in Run ning Order ITALY TAKE 5620 HUNS Takes in Those from 14 Years Upward Austro Hungarians Not Included At the request of the po'stoffice de partment the war department has amended the section of the selective service regulations In regard to the retention of postoffice employes whose services are considered indispensable and they will be exempt from the draft Supervisory officials postoffice clerks and carriers also automobile drivers mechanics and skilled laborers will come under this ruling It will be necessary for the postmasters to file affidavits with the local exemption boards before a deferred classification will be given the employes St St st st st st st sanitary drinkino errs askd AT OUR OUNTAIN Simple Gargle Said to Be Ex cellent Carcasses Hung on Trees Also Good 3010 54 He pleaded net George Henry of $500 was re of Antonio Bar He CARD WRITER AND WINDOW TRIMMER Mari to write signs arid assist wondow trimmer APPLY TO MR DOYLE ALBERT STEIGER CO Harvey 6 a NOONDAY LUNCHEON Carry at All Tinies a ull Line of CUT GLASS CARD THANKS We wish to express onr gratltnde tr tnir friends tor the sympathy and floral tribute extended Maltha: our recent bereare meat MHS SPENCER MR SPENCER A October 23 1918 Springtlcld Mass Bille el! Come On Down What boy wouldn't tqant Io show his chum one of these dressy long trouser suits the first time he wore it? Another increase In the price of milk is imminent through the action of the New England regional milk commission in granting an increase to the milk producers suppling the Boston market The price to dairy men supplying the Springfield market rises automatically with the Boston price by agreement and there is little doubt that the dealers will advance their price to the consumers to match the increased price to the farmers: It is forecast the retail price now 16 cents in Springfield will go to 17 cents Announcement reached Springfield this morning that the commission had set the Boston price at 9 centsa quart delivered in that city and at 16 Iri cents to the consumer Letters were sent out at once to the milk men supplying the Springfield market announcing the increased price for November The dealers were notified also The decision of the commission to allow another increase in the price to the farmers was reached only after a thorough consideration of the situa tion Thousands of statements as to the cost of producing milk were sent in by farmers and it was on the basis of these sworn statements that tlie commission granted the additional three eighths cent The recent action of the food ad ministration in putting the ban on whipped cream in restaurants hotels bakeries etc will help the situation a little It is now against the regula tipns to sell heavy cream anything mere than 20 per cent being forbid den Cream as high as 40 per cent has been sold for whipping purposesand the 20 per cent cream cannot possibly be whipped This will result in a considerable quantity of milk be ing sold to the consumers as whole milk instead of being separated the cream being sold in the city and the skimmed milk fed to pigs onthe farm The New England milk association which represents the farmers has asked the commission to establish a cost accounting system on the farms of the members to deter mine if possible the actual cost of producing milk under New England conditions The high cost of grain and scarcity of labor are reacting on the milk supply and producing an actual shortage It is believed by agricultural experts that the shortage will be much more acute this winter than last LODGE GOING TO BOSTON Washington Oct 2S Senator Lodge republican leader of the Sen ate will leave Washington for Bos ton to nfght The minority leader called off his arrangements for de partdro Saturday night because of the seething political situation creat ed oy rne presidents appeal ror democratic Congress OX HUNT IS ON Perinerell Oct 2S With close 90 hunters and 400 dogs on the trail the I4th annual fall meet of the New England fox club opened here to day at the sound of the horn by the veteran master of foxs hounds William Simonds of Bed ford Many foxes are reported inthis section or People Recovering rom Grippe and Influenza We Recommend Oar palatable Errulslon of Cod fiver Dll with hvnnnhnKnhats rarw liable' remedy to restore health vOc a bottle Oar Syrup of Hypophoephafeo Com pound a valuable tonic and eiinoti lant for the affections of the reepira lory organs Poe a bottle Our Beef Iron and Wine It a prepara tion of great value during convalea ence of severe and prolonged ilhtrer Tfie a pint 40o half pint Vino! the modern tbrlc a rrp: mended preparation for general bllitv uhrskal exhaustion Iimmv erUhed blood and does ou4etai work where a good tonic needed $100 a bottle Heavy Corduroy Pants Special $89 HIGH PRICES OR TOBAGGG Lancaster Pa Oct 28 On account of the big demand for tobacco1 for the American troops the new crop herp to Jay started to sell at the highest prices on record The crop is perfect and the income iri this county will total almost $20000000 ENEMY ARTILLERY ACTIVE Havre Oct 28 artil lery was active yesterday especially against the front lines and our com the Belgian war office announced early to day THERE Turning out perfect work was never so important as now easy except in the hour before noon and ting Then is when you need Big John tobacco just a bit is enough Put a package of it in ybqr handiest pocket always keep a package the great point is put Big John tobacco there now 4 The jury sitting of superior court for vOctober came in at 930 a to day Judge Richard Irwin presiding rayer was offered by Rev Dr Newton Hall pastor of North church The new short list was called Judge Ir win announced that the court hoursfor the sitting would be from 10 to 1 and 2 to 4 AUTO LICENSES ARE REVOKED AND SUSPENDED Highway Commission Acts in Cases of Deaths arid Police Court Convictions Claude Taylor escaped convict is believed to be in this city At least a man answering his description waa seen about 6 o'clock this morning near White and Allen streets The man was first noticed by a milkman He was behind some bushes on the street and turned and ran when he saw the milkman watching him The incident was immediately reported to the police and detectives sent Jx that locality No trace was found of" him It is quite probable that' Taylor if it is he came up the Highland division railroad tracks Reports of his pres ence in Thompsonville Saturday night and yesterday fit in well with this here Taylor has now been at liberty since early riday morning and must be in need cf food Hunger sooner or later will drive him to some burglary or hold up when positive clew's will result State police of both' Massachusetts and Connecticut are running down all clews wth the aid of police depart ments in towns and cities Rumor had it that Taylor was teen near Palmer yesterday One man was quite positive he saw the convict board a freight train bound toward Spring field As the man might attempt his escape by this means special police of all railroad lines have been doing special duty tours with the hope of landing him aboard some freight train or finding him hidden in the railroad yards Palmer was stamping grounds last year arid it is feared he may return His knowledge of the town and vicinity would be valuable to him Complete descriptions of Taylor nave oeen sent oroaacast over country frOpji the Wethersfield state prison Bloodhounds may used to follow the trail from prison APPLY TO BE TAKEN INTO Eight foot Law Violator As sessed $20 Appeals Case hWORTll I NJjrTO ST Henry Skinner was to day ap pointed by Register' of Probate rank Hodskins to act as appraiser of the estate of Eferett Barney 'late of this city Mr Skinner succeeds Charles Barrows who recently died leaving uncompleted his appraisal of the estate the bulk of which is eft to the city cf Springfield JURY SITTING COURT COMES IN Judge Irwin Announces That Court Hours Will Be 10 to 1 and 2 to 4 West Springfield Oct 28 The number of cases of Influenza in the town has reached a total to date of 187 three having 'Been last night and two this morning Health Agent Julius A 'iMorrill said to day thajt he will announce the total num ber of resulting from the epidemic the? latter part of the week There' were rid services in any of the churches yesterday except the Im maculate Conception church wher i three masses were celebrated at' 7 830 and 1030 on the lawn between the church and the rectory" Should the ban not be lifted by next Sunday the same practice will be carried out District Attorney Luke Kavan augh of Denver Col of Mr anl Mrs Luke Kavanaugh of New Bridge street in a letter to his parents re ceived within the psat week stated that at the time of writing there were 300 cases of influenza in that city and the deaths had been only three Contrary to the accepted opionion of some physicians in the East the pa tients in Denver are being treated in part with a gargle which though made of: simple Ingredients has been found to be highly efficacious in com bating' the malady Mr Kavanaugh said that so far as was known' not a life had been lost of a patient who had used the gargle The recipe was shown a well known local druggist who said the gargle1 was 'One of the best that he had seen It was wholly harmless to the per son using it in fact it would prob ably be effective Mr Kavan augh wrote particularly to his parents to urge the family to use the prepara tion and 'Mrs Kavanaugh asked that publicity be given to the recipe The ingredients and their proportions fol low: One teaspoonful of salt on? teaspoonful of boraclc acid one tea spoonful of baking soda (salaratusl dissolve In a glass of warm water and use the preparation as a gargle thoroughly several times a day An epidemic very similar to the in fluenza raged in Georgia some 50 years ago according to a Merrick woman who stated that its ravages were appalling until a Dr Randall who afterward she said became na tionally famous hit upon a method for successfully fighting the disease He went about among the stricken people and urged them and the au uioritles to kill calves cut the car casses into good sized chunks and hang them on the trees Dr theory was that the exposed pieces of meat would qttrqet the germs and if fresh pieces were 'continually dis played for a time the epidemic would die out The people and authorities laughed the doctor to scorn inally he took it upon himself to put his theory into practice He had calves killed and hung the carcasses on trees and bushes at night and in the morning the meat was found: to be "green as grass" due he said to' infection by the disease germs Very soon tho dis ease disappeared from that region and Dr Randall was hailed as the savior of the country 5VEST SPRINGIELD BRIES Expert prescription work nt Drug Store cor Day and Main streets Two automobiles were badly dam aged on Park street last evening when they became entangled in eeding Hills trolly car Edward Northway was east in his ma chine on Park street when he stopped near the trolly tracks to make slight repairs Soon a eeding Hills car came to a standstill in front of the' automobile' and the motorman in quired of Northway if there was room to pass Northway replied that there was and the' trolly car started At the same moment an automobile owned and driven by Mario Baizavirii of 122 North Main street Spring field crashed into car driving it' pgainst the trolly car No one was injured Balzarini claimed that the' arc light on the trolly cat was so strong that he was unable to see ahead of him apd that Northway had no rear light on his automobile The funeral of Mrs' Josephine A Kimball of '25 Elmwood avenue' Will be held to morrow after noon at 2JJ0 in her home Rev Myron Tubbs will officiate Thei burial will be In Park street cemetery 1' The Merrick fire station received a telephone call last night to extinguish a smudge on the North end bridge The firemen were compelled to rip up a few planks Traffic was held up for some time' The cause of the fire probably was a smoldering cigar or cigaret The registrars of voters Saturday added 32 names to the list of voters for the state election 366 Main St jCor esse Place The automobile belonging to Leshure of this city stolen night from in front of the Nayasset club was returned to day by the Greenfield police In a badly damaged condition The car a Hudson limou sine was found in a ditch on the Bernardston road near Greenfield ear ly yesterday morning Bloodstains' on the cushions indicate that the oc 'cupants were injured when the acct dent occurred No trace of them 'has' found as yet It is believed theyj John Smith Druggist MAIN ST Opp Washington Oct 28 orecast: Unsettled probably rain to night and Tuesday: cooler Tuesday Weather conditions: A well de fined area of low pressure central over Lake Superior is causing un settled showery weather in near ly all districts east of the Missis sippi river og was reported along the north Atlantic coast The temperature continues high in the eastern districts but is low between the Rocky mountains and the Mississippi river rosts were reported as far south as Shreve port La Atlanta G6 cloudy Atlantic City G2 cloudy Block Island 58 cloudy: Boston 62 cloudy Chi cago 46 rain Denver missing Hartford 56 cloudy Hatteras 7 (J cloudy Kansas City 34 clear Nantucket 58 cloudy: New Haven 45 cloudy New York GO cloudy: Norfolk 46 part cloudy Northfield 5G part cloudy Pitts burg 66 cloudy Portland 48 cloudy: St Louis 4G clearMinneapolis cloudy Wash ington 64 cloudy Atmospheric Conditions Reported ny the Lewis Midnight Temperature GO Barometer 3015 Moisture 56 Two charges of illegal selling of liquor and one of illegal keeping were preferred against Guradelli Podavini 30 of 39 Mechanic Street in police court this morning The charges fol lowed a visit of the vice squad at place Saturday night Lieut Joseph A Murphy led a squad of plainclothesmen there in connec tion with' the present vice crusade The cases cf three women arrested last week as stfeet walkers were dis posed of this morning Yvbnne Can tin arrested the 16th was committed to the Sherborn reformatory She changed her plea to one of guilty Alice White arrested the same date bn a similar charge was placed on probation and will go to the House of the Good Shepherd Nellie Kelly a third street walker caught by the rice squad was given a suspended sentence to Sherborn reforma tory SOLDIER IS HELD THE CHARGE RAPE Private Juries: Morey of Ad ams Is Accused by J1 Years Old Girt (Special Dispatch to The Daily News Eoston Oct 'i li cense issued to Wendell Browr LOti la Springfield lawyer has tien suspended by the highway commission pending an to determine his responsibility for an automobile accident October 19 which resulted in tho death of Jerry Vassello of Shrews bury The commission hasrevokad the Ji cense: of Kazietnlerz Skomro of Chicopee as a result of his conviction on a charge of driving whllo intoxi cated and has suspended the right to operate motor vehicles in Massachu settsof the following as a result if their? covictlon on a similar JohnR (plover of New Britain Ct Charles A Davis of Bennington Vt and Howard arrington of Wilming ton yt The license of Michael Connors of Great Barrington has been sus pended The commission declares that ne is not a proper person to drive motor vehicles HOLYOKE REALTY TRANSER Real estate on the easterly side cf St Jerome avenue 150 feet south of ranklin street Holyoke was to day transferred by Orrin Allyn to Si mon A lynn of Holyoke MUNICIPAL MARKET DATS The municipal market on Vernon jtreet Will be open on Wednesdays aud Saturdays only for the remainder of the seasorf Specif Dispatch to Tho Daiiy NewsAddins Octv Private Charles Morey of this torin came on a fur lough from Camp Devens last week to visit At his home recuperate from influenza He is now being held on a charge of rape upon an years old His bonds hdve been at 81000 Private Mbrey was arrested Saturday evening The alleged attack according to the testimony of the girl took place riday evening He was arraigned in court this morning THURSDAY IS OPENING DAY Dr Howard Streeter of the state board of health stated to day that in the meanwhile if there is no increase in the epidemic the theaters pool rooms soda fountains saloons and public gathering places may reopen beginning Thursday NO SUBSTITUTE DATE YET The health week campaign which was to have been held in this city this week with the opening meeting to day in the Auditorium has been post poned until after the abatement of the influenza epidemic The date win probably be set in the near future btit as yet no definite plans have been made The health committee which Is in charge of the arrangements rep resents the clubs the committee on public safety the council of nationaf defense and the patriotic league GIRL SCOUT AAIRS The Girl scouts of this city will held two all day camp meetings at Watershops pond this week the first on Wednesday and the second on ri day The hours will' be from 10 in the mornirtg until 3 in the afternoon on both flays On Wednesday after the midday meal the scouts will hold an impromptu entertainment Orig inal songs will be sung by the dif ferent: troops cornet and bugle solos will be given and stunts of various kinds will be engaged in Each troop will be represented by at least one members A adflress the girls on the Victory riiovement: riday will be devoted to leai'ning scout games i Alien German women must register with the United States authorities Deputy United States Marshal Edward I Leyden to day received an order from United States Marshal John Mitchell of Boston to register Germanwomen aliens of 14 years of age and upward Heretofore such women have regis tered with the chief of police All in Hampden county are now called upon to call immediately at Mr office room 332 Court Square theater building 31' Elm street for applica tions to fill out They must also bring three recent photographs of them selves not more than three by three inches nor less than two by inches It Should be uriderstdo'd that this order does not include Austro Hun garians but only Germans It includes German women by birth but of course does not include those born in Germany who have afterward become American citizens through the fact of their marrying American citizens DWIGHT ST WIDENING SUITS ARE ON TRIAL folKrrrmGriy JBWELER 4S2 MAIN STREET PODAVINI HALED IN BY THE VICE SQUAD Liquor Charges Against Him Street Cases Are Dispose Of nights south of statement said 1 in the Morawk valley they reach 1 the southern outsKirts oi cupi'ija 1 rne enemy set nre to the station and depots at Krasujevatz inflicting atrocities on the population and de spoiling MR BLOODY LIMOUSINE IS RETURNED His irst LongJ rouserSuit Yours too the latest High School Models right here in our Depart ment where you used to buy your $15 $1850 i0 $25 Particularly a new arrival of little styles Ages 2 to 6 years Not only are they warm with their quilted linings but the style touches are enhanced with fur collars and graceful high waist lines $5 to $1650 Other Coats tn all a piaterials and all sizes ipg 3U Applications Coming in to Chamber of Commerce in Large Numbers Eleven men already have applie1 for enlistment in the motor transport corps at the chamber of commerce where the official headquarters for this branch of service hag been estab lished Of the men registered nearly all express a desire for immediate service overseas So great is the enthusiasm of those who have been questioned it is felt that a large number will be obtained from Spring field When the offices opened this morning men were waiting to see Secretary A Hapgood who ig the official recruiting officer appointed by the New England department of the corps Chauffeurs mechanicians and one stenographer were registered To those persons who are particularly desirous of getting into service at once and going to rance the de partment offers a splendid opportun ity Men of ability along special lines will receive commissions anl the chance of earning 'them in tho army through this branch is ex cellent All men whb registered in September are eligible and even thos? who are in deferred classes will be accepted Thilty men arc needed for this work in rance 1 Parts Oct 28 Servian troops have' reached 'the hights south of the "im portant town of Kragujevatz the rench war office eastern communique announced to day The Austro Ger mans have set fire to the station and depot in that place and havq Inflicted atrocities on the nonulatian Servians reached the were 'professional auto thieves XCEPT' SUNDAY wc arc serving from 530 to 9 a dinner of unusual goodness moderately priced at'60S Individuals or families that ate used to the best of food will find it more Reasonable to dine here han at home Continued from Page One Mayor Defends Health Han i diIng of Influenza Situation Two hundred and siv naR ni in fluenza and six cases of pneumonia have been reported to the health de partment from Saturday noou until noon to day Three deaths during this time of pneumonia following in fluenza have been reported The board of health met at 3 this afternoon to discuss the epidemic sit uation Mayor Stacy said the board of health is doing its utmost for the benefit of the public health during the epidemic He said the members of tho board have worked hard and done well in handling the situation Ho pointed out that the death rate from the disease in this city has been considerably smaller than in other cities of this vicinity In conjunction with this point he emphasized the fact that many of the deaths here been those taken into local hos pitals from other cities and of sol diers stationed here The mayor said the death rate and handling of tho situation by the board of health has not been such as to have the bodies pf victims waiting for clays above ground in the ceme teries for burial and other such con ditions which have occurred in other cities He said the sjate board of health had not susreested any im provement of the efforts of the local health department and that if im provement in the conduct of the lo cal board were possible it would nat urally be suggested by the state board through its local representa tive Dr George Nothing has been done yet with re gard to the proposal of the emer gency health committee headed by George Dwight Pratt for the taking over of unoccupied houses as tem porary hospitals for influenza pa Hen Spectators Barred from Spperior Court Because of Epidemic Only those having business in ths1 eourt room will be allowed there dur ing the sitting of superior court whlcli opened to day Judge Richard Ir win presiding justice this morning made the order excluding spectators from proceedings The order was made as a precautionary measure against the influenza epidemic Parties witnesses attorneys and court officials are the only persons who will be al lowed in the court room Day Nursery Appeals for Cots Cribs Blankets and Clothing The management of the Day nursery On William street to day sent out an appeal for donations of cots and cribs together with blankets to go with them for the use of well children of influenza patients in case as now seems likely there will be large riCed of them at the nursery It is espe cially desired that the articles be not sent to the nursery until communica tion ig had with the institution by tele phone The management wants to know just what supplies it can depend upon ana will call for them when wanted if they cannot be sent The board does not want anything sent to the institution without instructions There will' also be need of clothing for children 12 and 15 years of age as old clothing probably will be destroyed In his sermon iri Trinity church yes terday morning Rev Dr red Adams paid considerable attention to the influenza conditions as they af fect the churches his topic being killed His point was that the city is in danger of killing God its materialism He said in part: the present epidemic as an' illustration What is the atti tude of the" city toward religion and the public' worship of God and the power of them to combat disease and keep" up the morale and spiritual tono of the community? oes the city put fts trust Iri 'the 'material to almost the exclusion of tlie: spiritual? I suppose the ariswer depends to some extent on who 'aflrriinis'ters the affairs of the citv Some cities have fought the present epidemic by closing schools and Ohurches theaters first and sa loons1 poolrooms bowling alleys last or not at all Other cities have closed the saloons and poolrooms before ihev closed the and left the churches: last of all as most essential of all pub lic assemblies to remain open for the welfare of the comipunity Still other towns like Hartford and New York have not "closed schools theaters churches assemblies but sought to regulate them in the interests of I A BICYCLE means Mme xafned and saved High Rnide Enrekas Red Instalment turns if desired Cnlnmhtns ete £3L S'lff ADAMS A CROCKETT Inn 288 Brider Bpokstore'Building391 Main St These Quaint Teapots Delight Everybody they they things I ever Second floor Books Stationery Pictures Promnt attention to mall orders Shoe Storer for Men Women and Children' 861 Sults Coats Waists Corsets t363 Lynch Luneh Waitress or Self Service 365 Hairdressing and Manicuring 36A Trunks Bags Suit Cases Roys' and Girls Clothing and urnishings 367 Men a Clothing Hats and urnishings 369 Damon and Others Sue City for Damages for the Taking Suits against the city for the taking of real estate in connection with the widening of Dwight sti'eet were placed on trial in superior court this morning before Judge Richard Irwin a jury The claimants in the begun Baker realty trust rof which Charles Damon and others ara trustees and the "Baker extract company The jury took' a view Of the premises and the taking of evi dence was begun this afternoon The real estate taken consists of 20 feet of the land and building at the northeast cornet1 of Dwight and Bridge streets The realty trust owns the real estate and the extract com pany was the lessee and occupant of three of the four stories Openings in behalf of the plaintiffs were made by Elisha Brewster who with William McClintock appears for the realty trust and by Edward Broadhurst who is counsel for the defense Charles Beckwith city solicitor made an opening for the city during whicK he said that the defendant would claim that the' construction of the building was of a cheap quality A fine of $50 was imposed Pheotke Stafanatos alias Stephanat 40 of 107 Tenth street in Police court this morning for dis orderly conduct He accosted a wo man on the street Saturday and fol lowed her for some distance Patroi raan Maranville arrested him He pleaded guilty and said he thought the woman called him Dusty Geffori 5G of 794 Main street Was fined $10 for" violation of a city ordinance Lieut A Littlefield ar rested him yesterday morning on State street for spitting on the side walk begging on the street James Connors 63 was fined Patrol man Arthur Slifford arested him Saturday night at Main and Clinton streets 'Patrolman John Lamondla arrested Harris Judelson 26 of 343 Walnut street for violation of the eight foot law' According to the patrolman Judelson passed so close to a stand ing trolly car that he narrowly escaped running down a person who had alighted from the car He was found guilty and fined $20 He ap pealed The case of Morris Goldberg 25 of 60 Greenwood street charged violation of a city ordinance was con tinued to November 8 upon his plea of not guilty Arthur Hamilton 24 of 171 Tyler street pleaded not guilty to a larceny charge and will be heard No vember 14 The case of Louis Calabrese 23 of 5 Union street charged with carry ing a loaded revolver was continued to isovember 14 guilty Patrolman arrested him Bail in the suni ouired in the case batola 44 of Ornheum avenue was arrested following a 'fight over sorne chickens Lieut Joseph and Inspector Blodgett arrested The case went over to November 7 He is charged" with assault With a'' dangerous weapon ACQUIRE REALTY A deed under power of sale was filed in the registry of deeds to day by which Ida Bailey acquires real es tate on North Main street The prop erty was sold to her under foreclosure by the Westfield savings bank which held a mortgage given by An gers The property was bid in 'for $8296 Dispatch to The Daily News North 'Adams Oct 2S Mrs Minnis who six years ago left her family' consisting of hep husband WlIHaxa Benley' and seven children the youngest one year old and ofwhom absolutely no trace has' sinde been hbard was seen iri a Springfield store "'on 'Saturday evening by her nephew' Private Roy Bailey of Ben nington Vt who was on his way' to Camp Devens to join the army ac cording to word received here this mornifle bv Mrs daughter Mrs Unfortunately Private Bailey did riot learn the address as she did not seem anxious to be recognized Although she made nd attempt to con ceal her identity After conversing briefly with hen nephew she hurried away Private Bailey telegraphed Mrs Kenley's daughter Mrs Brown who now lives in Williamstown to this ef fect this motaiing Mrs her home in North Adams after supper one evening six years ago last May with the simple statement that she was going to one of the stores rom that time until Saturday night when her nephew Pri vate Bailey who had a little time' on his hands while on his way "to Camp Devehs sto'pped off arid visited one of the Alain street stores in Springfield not a single word has ever been re ceived from Mrs Benley and no mem ber family hag ever! heard what has become or her Mr 'and Jirs Ben ley had been married 30 years when She disappeared jand tfjey aad'had 10 childen seven of whom were living when the mother took flight It appears that there is an estate to be settled up and Tor this as well as family reasons Mrs daughter Mrs BrownT'naw of Williamstown rts anxious to haveAier mot her communr cate with the family They doubt ifhe is living under her real name The name Benley does not appear In the Springfield city directory HENRY SKINNER IS APPOINTED APPRAISER DINING ROQ? 26 Worthington Street Springfield Mbm London Oct The British who attacked with the Italians on the Piave river have captured 5620 Austro Hun garian prisoners and 29 guns the war office announced this afternoon in a statement dealing with operations on the Italian front? It follows: night our line stood south of Stabinza Spolo di Piave Borgozan etti Borgomalanatte and Clasega prisoners number 5620 The 14th British corps took 3520 prisoners The 23d division took 29 OLD COUNTY TRAINING SCHOOL AS HOSPITAL 'K ii I eiLL I I I I '4PTHV 1 I iiimiii.

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Author: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

Birthday: 1994-06-25

Address: Suite 153 582 Lubowitz Walks, Port Alfredoborough, IN 72879-2838

Phone: +128413562823324

Job: IT Strategist

Hobby: Video gaming, Basketball, Web surfing, Book restoration, Jogging, Shooting, Fishing

Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.