The Philadelphia Inquirer from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (2024)

THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER, SUNDAY MORNING, JANUARY 10, 1930. PICTURE PUZZLES-CHESS AND CHECKERS-TRICKS TOWNS OF WYOMING Fill out the Coupon and tend before Wednesday to Pottoffice Box 1105, Phila. I ANSWERS AND AWARDS Th i-Mi-rni-i flii-frit lo thp lipo iHibhshpH Inn wrl. iff) in Thp imhIk.v lmpiirpr nrr: TOWNS OF ALABAMA Relk. Langa (Bell clung).

A GEOGRAPHICAL PUZZLE firit antwtr tin rid no betlrr chant than th provided it racht Th Inqtnrtr aide no laltr than th Widnttday fallowing publication, ny prrtan may ttnd mora than on antwr, hat nrh muH Hand on ilf own mrritt, and only on prin will given to any on ptrtnn. ha enntttt It open to anybody and tvrryhndy. Antutrt may writltn on th regular tnnpan or on ihttti I of timilar turn and thnp. Fifty print art nflertd lor th httt and nratttt anuntrt. 2 Klllen (Kill N).

3 Samson (Sam's nn). A Hoopj, Bnyd (Honpi, Boy 0). 5 Plnehelt (Plnf. Belt). TOWNS OF WYOMING Logan.

Dahoga (Log and a hog. A), i im Ami A lour, ll 4 THE WINNERS Aery mi pristpg have hepn awartim wwm the follnu inx Aclkinx. I -In kw. i hi i cl i unnil, Km ilv I l.lldlnw, w. 'A lurrnv, K.

I (mmm U'' i i A j. 8 i I 3, 7 8 9 10 a 14 ts 1 I ,7, 77 1 II 75" I I I I II I I I I I I I I HI li'jsMt'H, Chaj-U's I (iff I 'i rn lillllllllwill. I''. Iturnnilith. Iluliprt ItriUnin.

V. I I 'let lis I 'nrhrnii, Mrs. K. L. I fn.

Ii. 1 V. I'allMii. T. ,1.

I if it. .1. K. I'iiivlnn, Aniiii Miivillc, Kinnk ('. I'lirnni.

I vnn, I 'in Imi'ini' ih'nti, U'tlliniii mm ii'Nuir. Mrs. A. Nf iderlwrsrr. Marii 'MfTlirlill, II.

'fiiiitcr. K. S. I'anncr. Mrs.

W'altf Fran, -ps l' i'Yx. l.pim 'J'opprr. II. Ti'iinipnlill, A. Kiiyiipr.

I'. diihprf'inl. ilii li'nss, Hetty Aniln Si'liillinjii'i', Mrs. Spixnv, John Siiini. I 1 1 Iji*zlijJ ii igtrail rilslecp nide.

epa ccliine el i 'rova Hilcy i nit tin lidc pill lmri lrnrhulc una arrcll Icy arm in hell iprrinr tawnee I in ln en mo nry grim mi' shop II KIT anarch tcer mrly 'nut i'-'si I mder i li 'V Smmk. M. Winner ot the Geographical n'ihiv Mnrir 1.. Puzzle Have the Choice our, Arthur Sterner. M.

Hi bh. Wilher Cloc 1 1 Manieiire Set W'PMnn. V.illrr II. it' Alias nf the WnrM Klct-tric IVrcolalnr Fountain I'm rist atch llnndbac Camera ANSWERS AND AWARDS I'ocket Knif Document liox hilclienclte Tahleclnlh The inrreit niiMvprS In the l-TI ri I MtlTIIM II I II i.iccmc i nasi i ''1P Sunday me: Toili'l Sot Duliiinary Dnll Flashlight if i. a i 1 1 1 I iin Seoul Knife Roller Skates (r 11 D.iniask Table Cloth llridse Sel 1 SAILORS.


"0 Membrane. ery niee prizes have been air arm I i', Minus. 17 Twin crystal. (foddess of iusliee. I'l Southeasterly direction.

oil Walking sticks. Fleet ri lied particle I. I l.ndsay. Clyile HORIZONTAL 1 Sandpiper. I liiissinii antelope.

'I Former French coin. HI lily fruit. 17 Slender sdijift with pointed head, is Wraih. Ill IVrltiutiiiK lo Ml- Climb. I Slice verv 1 bin.

ottnnwonil tree. Human language. .10 Hear down. II Sprints. Sharp niouniriin pur or ridgtt, 1 1 Spirits of the Unman dead.

100 PRIZES FOR BEST SOLUTIONS the 100 Boy and Girl tending in the bent and neatctt totutiant to thtt puzzle The Inquirer will award desirable prizes JJ Variety of carp. J.I Spanish inn. Fulls in. Fried iptickly with lillle jtrease, I. I 1'nlestar.

Coarse hulled Indian corn. JiiJ--l'oriiuucse islands in Atlantic Ocean. I Marsh. lie I. arse, extinct Zealnnd bird, til' Kinbiinktiient.

li7 I'eetaininc to boron. iti.s Mohauimeilnn prineea. 1 7n Scoff. 7 1 Mobatiiinedan ileity. TJ heaves, 1 Tales.

71 Spoil. V-') (jarnient worn by Ifoman nialrons. Sluills of columns. Tax. Hlade show in; direction of ind ill Swiss collates, (i sword hilt.

Small jolt. i i I he lollovvina: A Katlierine lAnnani, Fretl W. It. lienson. Lillian llenkeri.

lliirlnn. 1 1 1 1 1 Jtl k. llratlley. ley Hr.nllev. W'illiain l.e.

k. Hot lb aty. Jeanne r.ritlin. Jeniiio' 1'harles Invar. Iinrolliv I -mvell, ('.

I 'nrrinuton. U. 'bristv. Chrirles i 'roi kett. K.

It.olriok. II. I i v. I lerirksolt. l-'mnko.

Anna I I kf I I. I' I'llillp unk. Kdnri in I nil ot illumination. 1 17 Kurnpenn thrush. IS Support for rupture.

Courses of professional Mvm. jol Fpalhery ornament on helniPt 'J'ip nr incline In one side, Continued story, ol Paralysis, jo, Nnsai ulcer. I Sweet heart. Fnivei'se. Spanish friend.

'i't Kdible mushroorn. Hit Past the prime. Conipleie suit of nrmor. Hunts the surface of. '17 I ni'oiniriin.

I'l Stable. -l liniialion silk. JJ Win-slinped. 14 lleavv nialleis. In 1'ratt le.

Matrix. Ill Serpent lizard. I'm Hleat of sheep, ill Tangle. l.voiis, Frances MonrP. John Meliee, Marker, lieliy Stanley Miller.

Waller Mitchell. Joe Melcher. Fd Culluiiili. Ni Icy. Miller.

I'lllsy Vcixgcr. Kthel Millny, Asm Mc lie mint t. M. Musnnfr, Carrie I li'ine, I liivpr. Alice nine I'a ike r.

Joe I at ion. Verim slier, l-'ve Ii 11 Faines. M. Ifider. Ilobbv If.lsliiig, Kraneis Ifuilolph.

Joseph Siiiiih. la M. Seai-cli, A nine in ii k. Mince heetz. Manila Slapelforcl, Hilly Spire.

Amlrey Sowers. John Jlertha Stniih. Ifiilh rencn. Stanley 't'aylor. Jack hlon I' ininson, Khun Vedler.

Can. line While. Anna Wahliuan, W. Wiupenny. A'ernit Wise, Inrv Waaer.

liussell V.t II. I 'hrisliitn Wriley, Tom Mcl'rnev. June MHiraih. Kiln I Kiiw. T1IKSK I'KTl'KKS RKI'KKSKNT VARIOUS KINDS OF PORE; UDA ELRATUKOR'ROT ST RE SPOTPASIACER LA DECOLLATE VERTICAL I lnviS'trat inj medicine.

nit in pronouncing. 4 Feminine name. Coarse seaweeds. II South African anlelnpe. 7 Inner secrets or mysteries.

Turkish decree. II Architectural niPinhpr, half convex inul half concave. Ill Ite ye re tin I fear. II Fast JniliHti sailors. 1J hrnw' i the lunu.

Primitive Christian love I I Pace wiili mnsonry. In Clothe. Jt liinliineiitary seed. Jo Fleeced. Ar.h Filler.

W. .1. I'fank, Ivi'tte l.iistnfson, liilTan. Marie liallnfher. .1.

tlolTntiin. Koberi I latise, Mai riret llaitiiner, l.iiniii llrirvey. Jane 'Writ your answer on the coupon low or make a nimilar coupon and it out. Send your answeri to Pottoflice Box 1610, Philadelphia CHESS AND CHECKERS OD I LAD 'HE MAI till I'KVN 1.IIII IH. f8 lB i0PAL AGQl I billys ii its lid MiE(i 111 5 L08 1 1 iM 1 1 1 li HnSi ll j.

"LAI "I IfiTi lo IT jC 1bhb poe I TRAUMAT I LEV i In rt ntn ii. Km her Whit play ontl mate in The I meruit! tonal Toiinume.i, 'J'J it fj i eld at tlnhn(. Kiu'lniid, linilieii Kl! early in ,1. I 'ainihlain I I' li rainire, Hi-! prize wiihoni the los oi I HENS Ll PERE SO AS: i A lex. i -i-oves.

nt If at KHI: II Jacobs l.illian imiiios at lltlfl I Iv I i 11 1, Mi I red MOLL AH I AMBUS tt I anil int. III.ACK at I.M!sii; at ER I BEAST OD A at ijKtl anil lo. it UN '-'( IM' Kt it I It i 'JT It Ii7 I 1 4 Ml "0- lie ii KxKil1 -K Im'J LEA SLA 5 a name, lie won fnnr nml ilreiv tne. Hi-. M.

Mlmar. the I "I.itntu phiyer an I probiihlv loihiy one of the lronel of the Knropenit itiplniett uiiii out the loss o( a tn The full More IoIIohs; J7 Shops. Filer disorder mid confusion, joj Nutritive milky fluid formed durini; disesi ion. -Kings loudly. I hand ineasttres.

Kiener. Anna Klei kller, Klilily Ktilp, frviu Kain, Kilmi -liner. am Jen, t.ive.sey, I a very. Joseph l.enz. A.

Problem No. 2f22 F.y (ioilfrev I leal I HI AiK I MHKK PI KITS Mll.lTION Tl I. AST M.MI.WS I'l I i J7 II Krj Ktvl' II I I Mm -K i I li lti, Ii Mi-r-ii; I'lil nil This MII.ITKI.V TO YtSTKHIl.U'S 11 J. rim I a ii' cl in 1 BRAIN TESTERS IU.ACK- HI. King T2.

'M. Kinss I-, I t. it i i- into I'auii for a MIL' Mth' 'll lll- itiein a link on the I' blein No. l'JH by A. Koar, i.

THE BATTLE OF THE BRIDGE dlrea I hi his ani" M.noezv Tllklll-H Tli'iinni 'tnter Men, Ink I'l Ml-- Me, 1 tie Itlr 11 I apahlani'a now wtth Kt! solveil us pillows: HI.ACK-;i, is. -ji. wniT ji. Kin- it. ipal lanea plm mz lo Kl i fo owilli: wits the nit itliinlion Illii, to play atid in -Knp; KuKi.

HvKt Ink. tviille io'M lo. line phiv i'i lit IH ii re, he St oll'' i bo t.ilsj preenl Solution: o- It 1W. ji l.t II. I J-ll, JI--J7.

jj is. ni jii. r.i-ir,. jii-j: onnm phuer 'I'he fart I hill II able to ill Answers to Brain Tester! i On This Page th P' 'f ra i nl nl ft I. S-o.

'tntl P.lni'k wins, Snliiiions receiveil from Ifoberi i'J -lt II I' Ki 1 1 i I lo KiV. Hj If II KKi.V IT l' II. anil While iv il ii a iniiinj; A i. 1 pomls liie ei e.l ioini' plaM't's in this totilli; Ilietit proves nhilily a pl.uei. Miss Men, lok was lioru in Unss, bill ll, her i hrss I e.eape.

line. -1 III I I IIIIKK IMKl'KS NV'hiie to piny mnle in line ,1, OS. III IT) hi i.Isii: i at i.iKi.V I III.ACK ni t.iliti; II ni Klfsq; 1 Kt. H' lie. ll I MiKiaiKl.

She Ins resnieil at llasiinas tnoM of her life. It is an nitereslniu fai lo I'robleni No. is In II M. I'loblem No. 'Jlil-S j.

I hv Ki l', Soblllolis from Milton II. Ilerknirin. linLpi, Ciinne. luintpuo, IT. Mnrm ,1, the 1 irlll bile no longer a i oiini; inan BATTLE OF THE BRIDGE ll VMlllhl have taken less nine ll i liai kett up aiel pet initte, Sn Maine lo luvt.

The ntolilen he snh in this eiiuitl the tnmilier of i ee ik nil I be til he tin Then i- Cm mm-' Hair 't iMiltal Ibe leti1h of tne 'JX C(tial 'Ite tlllinne envefetl liy rts nlu I I lenle, Mi, I I. I di'iws. John llllill.v. (ienrse J. Conine.

John lb, Inn. Franii? I. Iievine, i.yniini II. (iilhert. Artiu llallmayei, John H.

in use. John Kline. F. l.alTeriy, Knsler ,1. Sliennaii Ccnrles Feitenooil.

Kilnnnul N. Flu la rser and John Wpsienbnrser. I'robleni No. IJIU is snivel lows HI.AI'K Kiiijjs I t. wm i F-IJ.

JI. King JJ. While (ii plnv ml Solution: JJ-17, 14-11. 17-JJ. Il JJ Fi n.

Jo JJ. H-ll. JJ 17. li b. I.

1S-M, 1.1 17. H-ii. 17 JJ. mi Hi. JJ-17.

in pl.iv ihmiiirli tlie enttr 'Ihoiil sni.le loss, ji Inn iiu draw ii Harris. Charles W. Kmloe, iWtllar.l I'. Kinder, S- .1 nul ll. Ueriuir.l lllle.

Charles J. M. Zonk. CHECKERS Problem No. 1213 Hv W.

I). Henstcnd HI.AI'K louiluinieiil of Ihe I'blt, HI) 'v It, I Km laioe wiiine. and I he ill The hiinipionsl M.iiilinttan hess 'ona IK roll'; enl ink, for mi in i Problem No. A. lb hi llt.M II I'lK, pulls Flee.

'I'lten I lenrs eluiiitpioi, of ihe His a a on in orrible I I lob. while fiov upper, I II. Drawn. lie ui his I'M nil pioltnliilil h-nilers when I In il mid e.iiaU 'iiinnilie'tt in''' iliviile.l lo I nicr In I. over I ward eipinls 111., kwnril I'liunls 1.

will lie nnioin Mo-toil, nrillf'U is lo ila'e nio inu 1 .0 a i met I in lllie I'. lire, l.H Ins lee 'I be.e I 1 nil. I Keee llioies ex a The seor, I'lrMfl's. II. Sleiner I Krlslnlan Pinklls If.

Willi, inn Samuel, I. Hol-WlU A Knpibik THEFT The pntieiiee of a lliief who stole 1HN miles of telephone wire in short sections has been mill, lied by the perseverance of local police who. alter tracini! Ihe wire ihrntiKh junk dealers to, (i, lints a st far away as St. Funis, arrosleil the alleceil thief. The wire was laken from poles on Failie Island, near here, where it Inul been strtuis by a locnl lunuseiiieni coiiipany deveh.pini; the island.

The colliplllilll filed l'iiai'2e, (feorP Me- lleoi-je. who lives mi ihe island, with 7 "II Air, 1 i i rh Inn.lo'il the 1 I "IIITK ie tour sin, II I'lnl, i SIM- Ihe sere bile- Vc I lo then, iif ihe pounds. Corpti i lirtsti news in ihe Houston liis-l- us (illHllille nioM lorwrii.l. If (imvilillf Inieks up Inst, it is no In cilii'lilale fioni ihe alone lein llllll 'be l.nril 1 1 lii i 1 Ii iin'tt in 110--1111; woiil.i be II', i i-onils. The vab is ..) i sima' i I I v- I proeeeilillir MoliM be shoel-r If F.iee liaekl HI'.

Mil II vine bit" "iil.l i ii I. llllll 'i'l' lo Inril.e III This obviotish less and I bei elore I ins i- lie i the ln inelboil-1 A logical "mid be fay i.i', wind is llillil) I lit" i. tl-ltt nili-'i te lie wnil.l b- uo-ible (be full speeil of his Ino wloo uvaine htieUeil up. Kn in- oi ne 1 ml, (iiiwti'i'c ntoveil r-u xv .1 1-, nisi a- il a F.l'ee htnkeil tip. so In, I In "old tb'lateil while tile in revere.

DEACON AND SOUIRF. will win wiM, tin. I "iltiK uniir ptK, While In plnv anil win. li I' 1 1 I DKACOX AM) sQuinn LETTER DIVISION i I i Snnkn I In iter 1 I- .1.111 lis .1 1 toil 5 LACK' EGLBEjPCPRELCA (BRD I iMorre 5 Tp iQi' PBKREC PBSSAC PPUBK te cll-'llll Mrirsinll ilo iil itb. obit, 'iv Tlte loliow mi; inl ei e.l i I'll, I il in olislnp nt of Ihe Cbiii.

The lere.l the siuileiu oil Ililoplllts tlie ilefen, i ense (nin ciu the cnrte.p. i Itiic: of specll accouni to Frank Cnpn Hlack wotkeil out I lirst While O.J li "7. HI i 11-17 I': critic ,1 for AEBKEA AEBKFA lie llllll, e.s accurate! a brilliant vie IO 1, Ll iftttd iiUilili. I In it for til K5- tn-tr. LETTER DIVISION Since and represent ui forces.

Ruy Lope Riqelnw HI.ACK I -I' KI il- I Kt IS KJ II I' l.iKi I 7 I 'a. i les I' l.Minl D- I' Knibl I')- IMv, Two doughty knights of the Round Table, Sir Erec and Sir Cawaine, were each on one of their journeys in search of advencur. On this particular day, according to an ancient chronicle, they met with a most adventurous adventure in a quarter least expected. The two knights were bound in opposite directions, and it happened that hoth approached a certain bridg at the r-'ame time. Both were in a terrible hurry.

Spying each other across the stream, Ereo hailed Gawain amicably enough, and (iawaine answered in kind. Then, with true knightly courtesy, lioth immediately started over the bridge, which was so narrow that only one mounted man could pass over it at time. It wps impossible for the two to pass each other. The two met head-on, of course, ami there was an impasse. "Sir Ercc," quoth Gawaine, "I'm in an awful rush.

So if you'll be so kind as lo la tip" "Wait a minute." retorted Erec, "I'm in a hurry myself. And since my nag here is faster than yours, I am half again as far on my way over as you are. So if YOU will be so kind as to back up" "I know your mount is faster than mine," roared Gawaine, "and that's just why you ought to hack uo. Why, I've already been twice as long on this bridge as you've heen. Come on, now, get off this hridgel" "Why, you younger son of a younger son of a villein!" bellowed Erec through his visor, "1''' cleav you" And wi(h true chivalrie pride the two warriors drew their swords and had it out.

Now if Erec and Gawaine had heen as smart as we puttiers they xvnnld hvp calmly fzttrerl quiiktsl way for the two tn rross the bridge, and all this sword play would have been avoided. However, they probably would have gotten unto a fight anyway, for it is quite' a problem at. that. We have already indicated that Erec had gone half again as far over the bridge as Gawaine, and that Gawaine had taken twice as long as Erec to reach the point where they met. Now it appears that each knight could back up one-third as fast' ns he could go forward.

Under these conditions, which would tak the shorter time: for Erec to go back up and let Gawaine over and then to cross himself, or for Gawains to back up first? Which method, asks Paul Carlson, to whom we are indebted for this fine puzzle, would land bo knights mor quickly on the rhores they wanted to reach. problem is lo nml in, is vnici, i the first 11 times 1 I nil Is 0, iiiuiioi be ll list he- 'I 'us in tutu SIM'S lis Iiiiini'ier of relniion.liips troin hi. vnpies of Ihe oilier Iciers nniy lie I'lend. 'I''1" tcn-lcHi'' (-j i 7 i a It i f. V'V ill 11, Morrell WMITF.

I-I'-Kt Kt-Klo! II Ki-'i I -It III I 'i)s le li 7- II Kt" s-l' I- IM' in- PxKt 1 1 i)V i-K i l.i-l'-K. 17 Kt-lf 1 H-H'J r.i 0 ivj Cyrus Bernstein, our first "Ccnuinon of Alalhe-niatics," by virtue, of solving 100 straight letter divisions, contributes today-' piubiem. He also rjives his two fundamental principles of solving: first," the method of interrelationship. Thus you learn that one lettter equals another letter plus one or two. Secondly, the method of limitations.

Thai is, if jnu know that one letter is trreater 'than another, 'the lesser letter cannot be nine. The letters in the ahop nr a word, numbered in order from 1 to'l). The numbers are arranged into a properly worked out sum in long division. From the the value of each letter may be ascertained and the ten-letter word deduced. For exampl.

see from leaving and from leaving E. Therefore eithsr or is zero, and if one of them is irro the other must 1 1 H-KKt5 Here is anuther fine problem, liy Willie Ryan, famous checker player, from one of the rrirular Saturday afteinoon games of the Dearnn and the ST-iire. The Deacon, nlavinir black and moxintr dr.xvnwai u- ii-k is Nn nnovallnn I is the ne.U tram nut this has five men and one kinR. The Squire, playinR white, twelve ii'docW. fir." 'lutV ''rre before 1,1.1 1 H.

(ell KVliJi-K IS I.1-K7 HI Hi It J(V HxP Cl-RiIU'cb one una one man and lour kings, and one would think he has quite an advantage. Yet, if black makes the riRht move he can force white 'into a losing position in just eipht moves. Can you do it? Kemeniucr that E'ce must be jumped whenever possib't. cue befeir sier nr. er run Prom ihe New l'rk Crn- 'Ml PxFt i'l Lines Masawn.


The Philadelphia Inquirer from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (2024)
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Author: Terence Hammes MD

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Author information

Name: Terence Hammes MD

Birthday: 1992-04-11

Address: Suite 408 9446 Mercy Mews, West Roxie, CT 04904

Phone: +50312511349175

Job: Product Consulting Liaison

Hobby: Jogging, Motor sports, Nordic skating, Jigsaw puzzles, Bird watching, Nordic skating, Sculpting

Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.