Comparison, similarity and simulation in Zaar, a Chadic language … · After a presentation of Zaar and its typological characteristics, stressing the fact that the predicative words - [PDF Document] (2024)

Comparison, similarity and simulation in Zaar, a Chadic language …· After a presentation of Zaar and its typological characteristics, stressing the fact that the predicative words - [PDF Document] (1)

Comparison, similarity and simulation in Zaar, a Chadic

language of Nigeria

Bernard Caron

To cite this version:

Bernard Caron. Comparison, similarity and simulation in Zaar, a Chadic language of Nigeria.Expressions de similarite dans une perspective africaniste et typologique, Jul 2012, Villejuif,France. <halshs-00770842v2>

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Comparison, similarity and simulation in Zaar, a Chadic language …· After a presentation of Zaar and its typological characteristics, stressing the fact that the predicative words - [PDF Document] (2)

Comparison, similarity and simulation in Zaar, a

Chadic language of Nigeria

Bernard CARON Llacan* (Inalco-CNRS, PRES Sorbonne Paris-Cité) Fédération « Typologie et universaux linguistiques : données et modèles » (FR 2559)

I. Introduction This paper discusses the linguistic expression of similarity, aka ‘similative’ in Zaar, a Chadic language

spoken south of Bauchi State, in Northern Nigeria. As the Zaar similative is related to other functional

structures, both morphologically (e.g. equative, simulative), or cognitively (e.g. comparison of superiority,

aka ‘comparative’), these will also be included in the discussion. After a presentation of Zaar and its

typological characteristics, stressing the fact that the predicative words expressing the standard of comparison

in Zaar are essentially verbs, not adjectives (Section 2), the paper does a quick morpho-syntactic survey of

the general cognitive operation of comparison (Section 3), showing how the equative, similative and

simulative structures are based on the preposition ɗan, ‘like’ whereas the comparative structure centers on

the verb mop, ‘surpass’. Section 4 studies the comparative, while Section 5 focuses on the preposition ɗan

and its morpho-syntactic status in relation with the equative and the similative structures. Section 6 shows

how the morphemes ɗan, ‘like’, the quotative tu, and the particle ku combine to form the simulative marker

ɗan (ku)tu. Finally, Section 7 summarises the contribution of Zaar to the study of comparison and similarity.

II. Zaar, a South-Bauchi Chadic language Zaar, also known as Saya, is spoken by about 150 000 speakers in the South of Bauchi State (Nigeria), in the

Tafawa Ɓalewa and Ɓogoro Local Government Areas1. Together with 30 or so other related languages first

identified by (Shimizu 1978), Zaar forms a sub-branch of West Chadic languages named the South-Bauchi

languages 2 . Apart from the dominant languages, i.e. English (official national language) and Hausa

(dominant all over Northern half of Nigeria), South Bauchi languages are surrounded by Niger-Congo

* Langage, Langues et Cultures d’Afrique Noire, UMR 8139. 7, rue Guy-Môquet, 93800 Villejuif. [emailprotected]. 1 Most of the examples quoted are extracted from a one-hour corpus published by the CorpAfroAs project (Mettouchi, Vanhove, & Caubet 2012), and completed by a two-hour corpus transcribed and annotated with the help of Marvellous S. Davan in November 2012 in Nigeria during a fieldtrip funded by IFRA-Nigeria and the EFL LABEX programme “The Typology and Corpus Annotation of Information Structure and Grammatical Relations”. Transcription: Zaar is a 3 tone languages with High and Low noted respectively (á) and (à), and Middle left unmarked (a). Contour tones are Rising (ǎ) and Falling (â). In the examples, the first line gives a broad phonemic transcription, with post-lexical tone realization and segmental assimilations, and the second line gives a morphological analysis. For interlinear glossing, we follow the Leipzig Glossing Rules (Bickel, Comrie, & Haspelmath 2008) adapted for the CorpAfroAs project. Abbreviations. 1.2.3: 1st, 2nd, 3rd person; AOR: Aorist; COP: Copula; CPL: Completive; CTP: Centripetal; DEM: Demonstrative; EMPH: Emphatic; EQ: Equative (copula); FUT: Future; ICPL: Incompletive; IMM: Immediate past; INCH: Inchoative; INDF: Indefinite ; IRR: Irrealis; NMLZ: Nominaliser; NP: Noun Phrase; OBJ: Object; OPN: Opener (reported speech); PL: Plural; POS: Possessive; POS: Incompletive; PP: Prepositional Phrase; PRO: Pronoun; PROX: Proximate; PTCL: Particle; QL: Qualitative (copula); QLT: Qualitative (modifier); REL: Relativiser; RES: Resultative; S: Sentence; SBJV: Subjunctive; SG: Singular; SVC: Serial Verb Construction; SVO: Subject-Verb-Object; V: Verb. 2 (Newman 1990) classified South-Bauchi languages as the B3 sub-branch of West Chadic. (Newman 2006; 2013) now treat these languages as a third sub-branch (West-C) within West Chadic.

Comparison, similarity and simulation in Zaar, a Chadic language …· After a presentation of Zaar and its typological characteristics, stressing the fact that the predicative words - [PDF Document] (3)


languages in the West (Izere, Birom); in the East (Jarawan Bantu3); in the South (Tapshin, Fyem, Kwanka)

and further South-East (Tarok). Two isolates inside South-Bauchi languages are Bankal in the North and Ɓoi in the South.

Four dialects can be distinguished within Zaar, named after the main villages or towns where they are spoken:

Ɓogoro (formerly called the Lusa dialect), Gambar Lere, Marti and Kal. The Kal dialect is very close to what

is generally called the Sigidi or Guːs language, so much so that Gu:s can be conflated with the Kal dialect of

Zaar (cf. Caron 2001).

Most Zaar people of the younger generation are Hausa-Zaar bilinguals. They are schooled in Hausa in

primary school, before learning English. The Zaar are Christians and use a Hausa translation of the Bible.

The older generation are not fluent in Hausa, whereas the younger educated elite, who often hold positions

in the administration, police and education, switch comfortably between Zaar, Hausa and English.

From a typological point of view, Zaar shares with its Hausa ‘big brother’ the main characteristics of most

Chadic languages: it is a SVO head-first language where TAM is conflated with the exponent of the subject

function into a pre-verbal pronominal cl*tic. Contrary to Hausa, this pre-verbal complex does not include the

expression of focus. This same portmanteau morpheme can be omitted in sequential clauses – a phenomenon

different from subordination, and appearing in narration to indicate consecutive events – and in Serial Verb

Constructions (more on SVC in section 4 on the comparative). Zaar uses prepositions and the genitival

modifier follows the noun it modifies. There is no case marking of object and subject. Zaar does not use

relative pronouns, but has a relative subordinator ɗan, different from interrogative pronouns, which will be

discussed in Section 7. Qualification is expressed either by a limited set of adjectives referring to age, size

and colour, or more commonly by verbal predication, and more precisely by quality verbs. This preference

for verbal predication of quality is manifest in comparison.

III. A brief overview of comparison in Zaar The linguistic expression of similarity, or similative, is part of the broader conceptual category of comparison.

Comparison presupposes an entity, called the comparee, in relation with some property, state or, more rarely,

a dynamic state of affairs. The comparee is the argument of a predicative word – most often an adjective –

representing a parameter of comparison applied to it, relative to some standard.

“The comparative degree of some predicate – typically an adjective – marks this predicate as applying to its argument (the comparee) to a higher extent than the standard; e.g. smaller. […] A comparison of equality is one that ascribes to the comparee the same value of the parameter of comparison as to the standard.” (Cuzzolin & Lehmann 2000, 1212 ff.)

In the comparative degree, some languages mark a difference between the comparison of superiority (more intelligent than) and the comparison of inferiority (less intelligent than). In Zaar, such a contrast does not

exist, and the comparison of minority is expressed through the negation of the comparison of equality (not as intelligent as).

As a consequence, we will focus on the comparison of equality (generally called ‘equative’ in typological

studies) and the comparison of superiority, which, likewise, we will call ‘comparative’ for convenience sake.

3 The name Jar, or Jarawa is misleading since it refers to different populations, speaking different languages: the Jarawan Dutse (Mountain Jars) speak Zarek (Zere, Zarek, Afizere, Ifizere), a Benue-Congo language, and the Jarawan Kogi (Plain Jars), speaking Jààr (Zhar), a Bantu language, commonly called Jarawan Bantu. Finally, the Jerawa are another population, speaking Zele, a Benue-Congo language from the Kainji group (Shimizu1975).

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A good starting point for the typological study of comparison is given by English, with a clear morphology

expressing the various logical articulators of comparison, such as (Haspelmath & Buchholz 1998)’s

descriptive framework for the study of equatives and similatives, which we will use for this work on Zaar:


My sister is as intelligent as you.

Comparee Parameter


Parameter Standard



The same framework can be adopted for the comparative:


My sister is more intelligent than you.

Comparee Parameter


Parameter Standard



This first dimension of contrast (equality vs. inequality) intersects with the contrast between scalar and non-

scalar comparison (Huddleston & Pullum 2008, 1099 ff.), producing the different types of comparison in (3)


(3) equality inequality

scalar equative (as … as) comparative (more … than)

non-scalar identity (same as)

similative (like)

difference (different from)

This contrast between scalar and non-scalar comparison has been used in the literature, although in different

terms, to explain e.g. the difference between equatives and similatives:

“Semantically, the difference between equatives and similatives is not so much that similatives express approximate similarity, while equatives express true equality, but rather that similatives express identity of manner, whereas equatives express identity of degree or extent, or in other words, similatives express quality while equatives express quantity.” (Haspelmath & Buchholz 1998, 313)

These five types of comparison are basically expressed as follows in Zaar :

(4) equality inequality

scalar equative: ɗan, ‘like’ comparative : mop, ‘exceed’

non-scalar identity: nàmbón, ‘one’

similative : ɗan, ‘like’

difference: mari, ‘different’

As can be seen in table (4), there is a strong resemblance between the equative and the similative, both

expressed through the preposition ɗan, ‘like’, as opposed to the expression of the comparative through the

verb mop, ‘exceed’, while identity and difference are lexicalised through the use of the numeral nambon,

‘one’ and the adjective mari, ‘different’ respectively.

The identity of the preposition ɗan, ‘like’ needs further consideration, taking into account the possible links

with three other words and their variants: the adverb ɗan (var. ɗa4), ‘again’; the relative subordinator ɗan

(var. ɗa), ‘that’; and the deictic adverb ɗân (var. ɗáni), ‘there’.

4 Nasal phonetic variants are common in Zaar; e.g. the variation of the morpheme kutu/kutun, ‘as if’. (cf Section 8).

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The tonal, morphological and semantic differences between the deictic adverb ɗân/ɗáni and the similative

preposition ɗan, ‘like’ are too important to consider them to be either variants of the same word or to be

otherwise related.

In the same way, although relative markers are often derived from deictic determiners in Chadic languages

(Frajzyngier 1996), the falling prosody and the adverbial function of ɗân militate against its relationship with

the relative subordinator ɗan. In Section 7, we analyse the relative and temporal clauses as complements of

the preposition, and the relative and temporal subordinator ɗan as a grammaticalisation of the similative

preposition ɗan, ‘like’.

Finally, the cognitive relationship between repetition and identity or similitude argues in favour of a lexical

connexion with the adverb ɗan/ɗa ‘again’:

(5) Máman sumí ɣá dəːlí gón ɗaŋ.

má mán su =mí ká dəːl -i gón ɗan

1PL.FUT come return =1PL.OBJ at open space -INDF QLT again

We will go back to another [tale] again (SAY BC NARR 01 SP1 001).

However, the grammaticalisation path is not clear from the clause-final adverb ɗan to the hom*ophonous

preposition ɗan. The relative scarcity of documentation of related Chadic languages concerning similitude

and comparison makes it difficult to get any extra information that would help. The only related lexeme is

found in Miya with the verb ɗám(à), ‘equal, reach, be as…’, contrasting with the verb rà, ‘exceed’.(Schuh

& Ciroma Tilde Miya 2010) There exists no such verb in Zaar, which would contrast with mop, ‘surpass,

exceed’ (cf. Section 4). It is tempting to imagine that such a verb *ɗan has existed, and given birth to the

preposition ɗan, ‘like’ and the hom*ophonous adverb ɗan, ‘again’ before disappearing. Unfortunately,

nothing more can be said concerning a possible etymology or grammaticalisation path for all the uses of ɗan.

Before moving on to the following sections for the study of the comparative (Section 4) and the

equative/similative (Section 5), let us see how identity and difference are expressed through the adjectives

nàmbón, ‘one, single’ (Ex. 6) and mari, ‘different’ (Ex.7):

(6) Tá wáːnì miːtsə nàmbóŋ?

tá waː -ni miːtsə nàmbón

3PL.FUT perform INCH burial one

Will they do the same funeral? (SAY BC INT 02 SP2 40).

(7) Maːndə séː tə ɲólɗi ɣá dàtəpi wón mari. maːndə séː tə ɲol -ɗi ká dàtəpm -i wón mari

fight only if 3SG.SBJV go out CTP at road INDF QLT different

Fighting must arrive in a different way. (SAY BC INT 05 Morals SP1 149).

IV. Comparative The comparative (comparison of superiority) in Zaar is based on the verb mop, ‘surpass, exceed’,5 a labile

verb which can be intransitive, monotransitive or ditransitive. The basic transitive use of the verb is

exemplified in (8).

(8) Káɗâː ɬyà ɗûː tə móp karfíwâːn.

káɗâ àː ɬya ɗûː tə mop karfi =wâːn

NEG3 2SG.SBJV drink beer 3SG.SBJV surpass strength 2PL.POS

5 The verb 'surpass' is the frequent means in African languages from various families to code comparison of superiority.

Comparison, similarity and simulation in Zaar, a Chadic language …· After a presentation of Zaar and its typological characteristics, stressing the fact that the predicative words - [PDF Document] (6)


Don’t drink more beer than you can stand. [lit. Don’t drink beer so that it should exceed your

strength]. (SAY BC INT 05 Morals SP1 035).

The intransitive use of mop expresses set comparison (comparative of absolute superiority):

(9) Gjòː ɣəndá wò mop deːdéjoː?

gjòː =kəndá wò mop deːdéː oː which =COP2 3SG.FUT surpass exactly EMPH

Which one will be most suitable? (SAY BC CONV 01 SP2 021-2).

This verb is used in two different strategies for comparison in Zaar: the Serial Verb Construction Strategy,

and the ditransitive strategy.

A. Serial Verb Construction Strategy Looking superficially like the equative/similative structure (see Section 5 below), the comparative use of the

SVC is exemplified in (10) below:

(10) Âː wò colák mop kə.

âː wò ʧolák mop kə ah 3SG.FUT be smooth surpass 2SG.OBJ

Eh, he will look nicer than you. (CONV 02 SP1 111)

Although it appears in the same position as the preposition ɗan, ‘like’ of the equative/similative structure,

mop is a verb: kə in (Ex.10) is a 2nd person singular Object Pronoun, belonging to the paradigm of verb

complement pronouns, whereas prepositions in Zaar take Independent Pronouns as complements, e.g. ɗan

kyáːni, ‘like you’. This comparative structure uses a Serial Verb Construction (SVC) strategy, as

characterised in (Aikhenvald & Dixon 2006, 1):

“A serial verb construction (SVC) is a sequence of verbs which act together as a single predicate, without any overt marker of coordination, subordination, or syntactic dependency of any other sort. Serial verb constructions describe what is conceptualised as a single event. They are monoclausal; their intonational properties are the same as those of a monoverbal clause, and they have just one tense, aspect, and polarity value.”

In this construction, the first verb (ʧolák, ‘be smooth’) is the major verb, an intransitive quality verb6 which

functions as the comparative predicate, and expresses the parameter. The second verb (mop, ‘surpass’), is the

minor verb, and functions as the standard marker. It is a transitive verb which takes the standard as a direct

object. The resulting structure is shown in the table below, with the translation of ‘Mopshi is taller than


(11) Comparee Parameter Standard Marker Standard


Mopʃí á lûː mop Dənɗa

Mopshi is tall surpass Dœnɗa

6 There exist ‘true’ adjectives Zaar, but they don’t appear in comparisons where synonymous quality verbs are used, e.g. lar ‘be red’ is substituted for ‘ʒa’, ‘red’.

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The subject pronoun of the major verb (Parameter) can be repeated before mop, ‘surpass’ (the second verb,

and Standard Marker), e.g. in (Ex.12):

(12) Kə ʧí vìː kə móp yeɬí.

kə ʧi vìː kə mop yeɬí2SG.AOR eat speech 2SG.AOR surpass bird

You are more talkative than a bird. (SAY BC READ 03 Sermon 272)

B. Ditransitive strategy The ditransitive strategy is the only one available for parameters expressed by non-verbal predicates. The

comparative predicator mop remains as the single main verb, with the standard as the first object, and the

parameter as the second object.

(13) Nə gyóː ɣəŋ á môp kámʃi ɗəɣroː?

nə gyôː kən á mop kâːm -sə -i ɗəkər oː COP1 which COP2 3SG.AOR surpass friend -PL -INDEF madness EMPH

Who is more stupid than his friends? (lit. ‘who surpasses the friends (in) madness?’) (SAY BC

READ 08 NAR Men-Naar 38)

The resulting structure is as follows:

(14) Comparee Standard Marker Standard Parameter

NP Pro V NP1 NP2

Mopʃí mop Dənɗa gyaːl

Mopshi surpass Dœnɗa sense

The same structure can be used with a parameter expressed by a nominalised verb:

(15) Diːla mòp Záːki saɣátkənì òː.

Diːla mop Záːki sakát -kənì oː Jackal surpass Lion be clever -NMLZ EMPH

Jackal is more clever than Lion (lit. Jackal exceeds Lion in being clever).

The parameter is omitted when it can be contextually recovered, as in (Ex. 16), a question typically

concluding tales describing a competition among a group of friends, and for which there exist two varians in

the corpus, with and without the parameter kúːskənì, ‘being evil’:

(16) Nə núː ɣəŋ á môp kámʃi (kúːskənì òː)?

nə núː kən á mop kâːm =wôs kúːs -kənì oː COP1 who COP2 3SG.AOR surpass friend 3SG.POS be evil NMLZ EMPH

Who is more evil than his friends? (SAY BC READ 09 36)

Mupun, another Chadic language from the Angas famly spoken south of Zaar, uses the same structures to

express comparison, e.g. (Ex.17) for the Serial Verb Construction strategy:

(17) naloŋ ret met damuan

Nalong pretty surpass Damuan

Nalon is prettier than Damuan

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The second complement of the ditransitive strategy is prepositional in Mupun, e.g (Ex.18):

(18) damuan met naloŋ n-ret

Damuan surpass Nalong PREP-beauty

Damuan is more handsome than Nalon (Frajzyngier 1993, 247)

V. Equative/Similative structure

A. Equative The basic structure of the equative is exemplified in (Ex. 19):

(19) Tâːs Dənɗa á njîrə ɗan ʃémdi.

tâːs dənɗa á nʤirə ɗan ʃémdi

hand.POS Dœnɗa 3SG.AOR be cold like ice

Dœnɗa’s hand is as cold as ice.

This structure can be represented as follows:

(20) Comparee Parameter Standard Marker Standard

NP Pro V Prep NP

tâːs Dənɗa á njîrə ɗan ʃémdi

Dœnɗa’s hand is cold like ice

It should be noted that the equative in Zaar does not use a parameter marker. Due to the dominantly verbal

nature of the expression of quality in Zaar7, the comparative predicate which includes the parameter is a

quality verb, e.g. lúː, ‘be tall’; ʧolák, ‘be smooth’; saɣát ‘be wise’, etc.

B. Similative In English, the difference between the similative and the equative lies in the absence of parameter marker

and the use of like, a standard marker that is different from the equative as. Since the Zaar similative uses

the same standard marker as the equative (i.e. ɗan), and the equative does not have a parameter marker either,

the same structure is used for the equative and the similative:

(21) Á fí maːndə ɗan záːki.

á fi maːndə ɗan záːki .

3SG.AOR do fight like lion .

He fights like a lion.

The only difference lies in the scalar property of the comparative predicate. If it is scalar (e.g. luː, ‘be tall’;

saɣát, ‘be wise’), the structure will be interpreted with an equative meaning. It if is non-scalar (fi maːndə, ‘fight’), it will take a similative meaning. See (Section 6) below for more on this opposition between the

similative and the equative.

7 There exist ‘true’ adjectives Zaar (cf. (Ex.13), yír ʤìː, ‘black eye’), but they don’t appear in comparisons where synonymous quality verbs are used instead, e.g. lar ‘be red’ is substituted for ‘ʒa’, ‘red’.

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C. Morphological status of the parameter marker ɗan Ɗan is followed in Zaar by different types of constituents, i.e. Noun Phrases, Prepositional Phrases and

Clauses. If, as a consequence, it is analysed as changing its lexical category with each context, i.e. as

preposition or conjunction, this results in a multiplication of the syntactic functions of ɗan. Instead, using

Ockham’s razor, and inspired by the discussion of English than by (Huddleston & Pullum 2008, 1103), ɗan

is here analysed as a preposition taking NP, PP and S-complements:

(22) NP complement, e.g. Mopʃí, a proper noun.

Dənɗa á wâː ɮàr ɗam Mopshí

Dənɗa á waː ɮàr ɗan Mopʃí Dœnɗa 3SG.AOR do dance like Mopshi

Dœnɗa danced like Mopshi.

(23) PP complement, e.g. dàgà Pújì, ‘from Tafawa Ɓalewa’

Ríːɣən dàgà zúwa Zwàːl ɗaɗân á fîː ɗan dàgà Pújì

ríː -kənì dàgà zúwa Zwàl ɗaɗân á fi -íː walk -NMLZ from around Zwal there 3SG.AOR do -RES ɗan dàgà Púʤì

like from Tafawa Balewa

The walk from Zwal there, is like from Tafawa Balewa (CONV03 SP1 206)

(24) S (clausal) complement, e.g. á tûlíː, ‘he arrived’.

Ɗaŋ á tûlíː á ɬən tu voláŋ gùŋ àː fíː.

ɗan á tul -íː á ɬən tu

like 3SG.AOR reach RES 3SG.AOR go and get

volaŋ - gùŋ àː fi -íː groundnut POS chief 3SG.CPL do RES

When8 he arrived, he found that the King’s groundnuts were ripe. (SAY BC READ 06 NAR Longa 053)

VI. Semantics of the Equative/Similative structure Depending on the semantic and discursive contexts, the equative/similative structure with ɗan will take

various meanings. Phrasal complements will induce equative or similative interpretations (both specific and

general), as well as a functive interpretation. Clausal complements will induce similative9, accord and

substitutive meanings.

At phrase level, ɗan appears in exactly the same structure with equatives and similative functions. The

difference is due to the semantic nature of the comparative predicator, i.e. the parameter. A scalar parameter

will induce an equative interpretation (Ex. 26 & 27); a non-scalar parameter will induce a similative

interpretation (Ex. 28). The opposition specific vs. general depends on the specificity of the standard. See

(Ex. 26 & 27) for a contrast between specific and general equatives.

8 See (Section 7.1) for this use of ɗan introducing a temporal adjunct. 9 We have no example of the structure being interpreted as a simile, but there is no reason why it should not.

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A. Specific equative In the following example, the scalar parameter is the quality verb luː, ‘be tall’; and the standard is a

referential, individual item against which the comparee is set, i.e. Dənɗa, a person:

(25) Mopshí á lûː ɗan Dənɗa.

Mopʃí á luː ɗan Dənɗa

Mopshi 3SG.AOR be tall like Dœnɗa

Mopshi is as tall as Dœnɗa.

B. General equative The following example, a stock Zaar insult, is a general equative where the scalar parameter is the quality

verb ɓaŋ, ‘be bitter’. The non-specific standard producing a general equative is ránga, ‘mahogany’, which

stands for the abstract, highest degree of bitterness (a synonym of wickedness).

(26) Kə báŋ ɗan ránga.

kə baŋ ɗan ránga

2SG.AOR be bitter like mahogany

You are as wicked as the Devil. (Caron 2005, 9)

C. Similative In (Ex.27) the similative meanings are produced by the two non-scalar parameters, viz. the action verbs kítâr,

‘run’ and ɬə, ‘go to’.

(27) Tôː ɣə dìŋgá kítâr ɗan ɗûːn hár ɣə ɬǐːːː ɗan Wǔːr Vùŋ.

tòː kə dingá kítâr ɗan ɗúːni hár kə ɬə -íː DM 2PL.AOR continue running like here up to 2PL.AOR go RES

ɗan wuːr - Vùŋ like mountain POS Vung

then you would start running like here till you go to... like the Vung Mountain (SAY BC INT 03 Calendar

SP1 358-360)

The same similative meaning appears when the standard is expressed by a clause:

(28) Clause level similative: Parameter = S = Mopshí wâː ngîl, ‘Mopshi sang’.

Dənda á wâː ɮàr ɗam Mopshí wâː ngîl.

Dənɗa á waː ɮàr ɗan Mopʃí waː ngîl

Dœnɗa 3SG.AOR do dance like Mopshi do song

Dœnɗa danced like Mopshi sang.

Here, the clausal complement of the preposition ɗan exhibits some morphosyntactic reduction with the bare

verb waː appearing without repeating the Subject-TAM complex á of the matrix clause.

D. Functive Another function of the structure equative/similative structure is that of role phrase (Haspelmath & Buchholz

1998), also called functive (Creissels 2011), where the NP introduced by ɗan works as a secondary

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predication expressing ‘the role or function in which a participant appears’ (Haspelmath & Buchholz 1998,

321-4). Only one example of role phrase was found in the corpus:

(29) Nə myáːni ɣəŋ mə mân ɗan ndwáːtsə mə gəm longa tu àː lǎːp.

nə myáːni kən mə máni ɗan ndwáːtsə COP1 1SG.IDP COP2 1SG.AOR come like old person

mə gəm longa tu àː láːp

1SG.AOR release rabbit COMP 2PL.SBJV follow

"I am the one who came (disguised) as an old man and released rabbits for you to follow. (SAY BC

READ 12 NAR Kadi gi kitn 063-5)

E. Substitutive A noticeable case of semantic inversion is observed in substitutive clauses: the preposition ɗan and the

structure of the substitutive clause is identical to that of the similative. With the proper context, and without

changing anything to the structure, the preposition ɗan takes a substitutive meaning (‘instead of’). In the

following example, the substitutive interpretation is induced by the 2sg.Aorist kə used with the verb ɲáːr,

‘thank’ instead of the Completive usually associated with this verb:

(30) Context: [you saw something worthless,] you went and took it too, instead of thanking God [for what

you had already.]

kə ɬíːɗa ngápkən ɗaŋ kə ɲáːr ʧoɣŋ

kə ɬə -íː ɗa ngap -kənì ɗan kə ɲáːr ʧokn

2SG.AOR go RES again catch NMLZ like 2SG.AOR thank God

you went and took it too, instead of thanking God (SAY BC READ 05 Song Swari 162)

F. Accord clause Accord clauses are not distinct formally from other clausal structures using ɗan as a standard marker, as can

be seen in (Ex. 31 & 32) below.

(31) Gəɗíː ɬən fi ɗaŋ gəɗíː fúːtə .

gət -íː ɬən fi ɗan gət -íː fuː =tə woman -RES go do like woman -DIST tell =3S.OBJ

That woman went and did as that [other] woman had told her. [2012-11 like 21 #19/168]

(32) Ɗam mənáː fuː ɣə nàːyáːwón myáː súː àː gámá lǎːnníː ɣəndá àː ɬə.

ɗan mənáː fuː =kə nàːyáːwón myáː súː like 1SG.REC tell =2SG.OBJ yesterday ISG.ICPL want

àː gamá laː -ən -ni -íː 2SG.SBJV finish work -PROX -INCH -DIST

kəndá àː ɬə .

then 2SG.SBJV go .

As I told you yesterday I want you to finish that job before you leave the town. [2012-11 SIM 12]

Their function as manner rather than temporal adjuncts, or frame-setting topics (cf. Section 7 below) derives

only from the semantic or informational context.

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VII. Grammaticalisation of the equative/similative

structure When followed by a clausal complement, the semantic drift of the preposition can lead on to more

grammaticalised meanings, e.g. when used to introduce temporal adjunct clauses, relative clause, and finally,

at discourse level, topics.

A. Temporal adjunct The preposition ɗan, ‘like, as’ can function with a clausal complement as a temporal adjunct. The resulting

meaning is that of approximate simultaneity between the matrix clause and the adjunct clause.

(33) Kətáyáː fî wúr ɣá láːpkən ɗaŋ kə fáːrá ndáɣən á láːpkənì?

kətáyáː fi wuriː ká láːp -kənì

2SG.REM.ICPL do how at follow NMLZ

ɗan kə faːrá nda -kənì ká láːp -kənì

like 2SG.AOR begin enter NMLZ at follow NMLZ

How did you practice your faith when you converted to Christianity (lit. when you started

following)? (SAY BC INT 05 Morals SP2 47)

This temporal transposition of the comparative meaning of ɗan is quite common in other languages of the

world, and is observed e.g. in English as, or in French comme, as in the opening verse of Arthur Rimbaud’s

Le Bateau Ivre:

(34) Comme je descendais des Fleuves impassibles, Je ne me sentis plus guidé par les haleurs: ‘As I was floating down unconcerned Rivers,

I no longer felt myself steered by the haulers:’(Rimbaud 2009, 162)

The discursive function of temporal frame-setting, derived from the semantic interpretation of broad

simultaneity, can also be narrowed down to a more precise temporal relationship between two events, such

as concomitance, which involves both simultaneity and succession: ‘just as S…; after S, then...’. This occurs

very often in the discursive context of a narration, characterised by such TAMs as the Aorist (narrative), or

the Remote Past10:

(35) Ɗaŋ á tûlíːɗi aʃí sáy Zhíː wùl ʃí tu […]

ɗan á tul -íː -ɗi as =ʃí as 3SG.AOR reach RES CTP at 3PL.OBJ

séː ʒîː - wul =ʃí tu

then leopard AOR say 3PL.OBJ COMP

When he [Dog] arrived near them [the monkeys], then Panther told them to… (SAY BC READ 13

NAR Gung-Meer 013-4)

B. Topicalisation and frame-setting Ɗan appears with non-clausal complements in left-dislocated position where the resulting phrase functions

as a topic. Ɗan can then be considered as having been grammaticalised into a topic particle, e.g. in (Ex. 36)

10 This is not possible e.g. in French where comme used in temporal clauses requires the use of imperfective TAM’s, e.g. Present, Imperfect, and Pluperfect.

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where ɗan is used with the topic particles àmá, ‘but’ and kàm, ‘indeed’, to introduce the contrasting topic

‘Godiya’, the name of a young boy taken as an example when discussing the various types of mourning


(36) Àmá ɗan gòːdiya kàm […] tá wâːnì miːtsəy gyàkgyàk kúrûm.

àmáː ɗan gòːdiya kàm

but like Godiya indeed

tá waː -ni miːtsə -i gyàkgyàk kúrûm

3PL.FUT perform INCH burial INDF anyhow only

But like Godiya on the contrary […] they would only be wailing. (INT 02 SP1 367-73)

This left-dislocated position is favoured by temporal adjuncts in Zaar as in French (Ex. 34) above. The

subordinate clause introduced by ɗan appears then before the matrix and functions as a frame-setting adjunct:

(37) Ɗam míyàː ŋáːs tə ɣáyíː, kíː yèl láː áyàː fi wuriː?

ɗan míyàː ŋáːs =tə =káy -íː as ICPL.IMM.1SG tease =3S.OBJ =ANAPH -RES

kíː yel láː áyǎː fi wuriː 2SG.IMM see work 3SG.ICPL.IMM do how

As I was teasing him about it, did you see what happened? (CONV 01 SP2 106)

C. Relative clause Finally, the preposition ɗan, ‘like’ has been grammaticalised into the default relative subordinator ɗan, which

behaves like the English subordinator ‘that’.

(38) Mə ŋàl ləpwón ɗam má ɬəɣáy.

mə ŋal ləp wón ɗan má ɬə =káy

1PL.SBJV look for place some REL2 1PL.FUT go =ANAPH

We should look for a place that we will go to. (CONV 01 SP2 028)

Alongside the temporal adjunct structure, this is another extension of the function of the preposition ɗan

when it takes a clausal complement. In this case, the resulting prepositional phrase functions as a noun


It should however be noted that the Zaar relative subordinator ɗan is not a relative pronoun, has no

relationship with interrogative pronouns, and does not mark the syntactic function of the modified noun

within the relative clause. In (Ex.38) for example, the gap left by the relativised constituent ləp, ‘place’ is

filled by the locative anaphoric pronoun =káy. Consequently, although ɗan is used for both equative,

similative and relative structures, Zaar is characterised as using a preposition, and should not be included in

the languages using a relative-based strategy.

VIII. Simulation Before the final section which summarises the findings concerning comparison and similarity in Zaar, this

section focuses on another use of the morpheme ɗan when combined with the quotative tu and/or another

morpheme, ku, producing pretense clauses, or simulatives, with the meaning ‘as if…, as though…’. The most

exhaustive combination is the form ɗan kutu e.g. (Ex. 39):

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(39) […] vìː ɗaː mán mbaː astə ɗaŋ kutu mur ɣə ázùmí dóːlêː káwêy

vìː ɗa àː mán mbaː as =tə mouth then 3SG.ICPL come be white POS =3S.OBJ

ɗan kutu mur kə ázùmí dóːlêː káwêy

like as if man POS fasting seriously merely

[…] his mouth had become dry as if he was fasting seriously. (CONV 01 SP2 126)

Ɗan kutu can be reduced to ɗan tu, e.g. (ex. 40) below:

(40) Á fím ɗan tu ma gəngá.

á fi =mə ɗan tu ma gəngá

3SG.SBJ.AOR do =1SG.OBJ like OPN 1SG.FUT vomit

I feel [lit. ‘it does me’] as if I’m going to vomit. (CONV03 SP2 255)

Ɗan kutu can also be reduced to kutu, eg. (ex. 41) below:

(41) Kíː yèl láː áyàː fi wuriː? Kutu wò ŋgwáːr.

kíː yel láː áyǎː fi wuriː kutu wò ngwáːr2SG.IMM see work 3SG.ICPL.IMM do how as if 3SG.FUT weep

Did you see what he was doing? As if he was going to cry. (CONV 01 SP2 107)

In the combination ɗan kutu, tu is identified as the introducer of reported speech. This morpheme could be

a word originally meaning ‘say’ (<*t-; cf. Hausa ʧêː), which has disappeared in Zaar where the verb wul/wu

is used instead. Tu is the default reported speech opener. It can appear alone, at the beginning of the sentence,

without any other verb:

(42) Kə tú gíː nə niː? — Tu nə kúŋ ɬùː.

kə tu gíː nə niː tu nə kúŋ ɬûː 2SG.AOR get DIST COP1 what? OPN COP1 dry meat

What have you found ? He said it’s dry meat. (NARR 03 SP1 202)

Or it can follow a verb or phrase expressing an act of speech, thought, opinion, etc.:

(43) Dón tə wû tu kàːsuwa cáː yuɣəy ɗaŋgəní.

dón tə wul tu kàːsuwa ʧáː yúkn -íː ɗangəní

because 3PL.AOR say OPN market 3SG.ICPL fill -RES now

Because they say that now the market is really big. (CONV 01 SP2 040)

The quotative tu is also used to introduce a proper noun:

(44) Səm gón tu Kèrèŋkéːshe, səm gón tu Dàːgùláw, səm gón tu Vwàːgàní

səm gón tu kèrènkéːʃe səm gón tu dàːgùláw səm gón tu vwàːgàní

name some OPN Kerenkeshe name some OPN Dagulau name some OPN Vwagani

One was named Kerenkeshe, one was named Dagulau, one was named Vagani. (NARR 02 SP1 004)

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In the complex morpheme ɗan kutu the notion of simulation is associated more precisely with the morpheme

ku. Ku is never used as an autonomous morpheme in Zaar, and is associated with no other function than the

similative. An equivalent can be found in Mupun, a geographically close language belonging to the Angas

Chadic family. In Mupun, there are two preposition expressing non-scalar equality comparison: too, ‘as’,

expressing similarity; and ko, ‘as if’, expressing simulation:

(45) wu le siap mopun *too/ko ngu mopun sə 3M speak Mupun as if person Mupun DEM

He speaks Mupun as if he were a Mupun person. (Frajzyngier 1993, 283)

Another source for the notion of simulation can be traced to the association of ɗan, ‘like’ and tu, the reported

speech opener. The combination of comparative and quotative as a strategy to express simulation and other

related notions (pretense, hypothesis, or irrealis condition), seems to be a straightforward cognitive operation,

as exemplified in (Ex.46) taken from Naija (Nigerian English Pidgin):

(46) Lai se na ju bi mi, hau ju f du dis tḭ pas sɛf ?

lai se na ju bi mi


hau ju f du dis tin pas sɛf how 2SG IRR do PROX.SG thing EMPH PTCL

If you were in my place, how would you have done this very thing? (9JA WAR 12 001)

From these observations, it can be inferred that there exist two competing strategies to form pretense clauses

in Zaar, which can also be combined: one involving the combination of the similative ɗan and the quotative

tu, and the other involving the “pure” simulative ku.

The way the simulative is expressed in Zaar reveals strong tendencies at work all over the language:

borrowing from Hausa and other neighbouring languages; fusion between original Zaar strategies and

borrowed strategies; and finally, cumulative use of all the available strategies: synonymous morphemes can

be used individually or piled up in the same structure.

IX. Conclusion As a conclusion, the main properties of the expression of similarity in Zaar can be summarised as follows.

With reference to the descriptive frame set by (Haspelmath & Buchholz 1998), i.e. Comparee – Parameter

Marker – Parameter – Standard Marker – Standard, the equative in Zaar does not have a parameter marker.

Due to the dominantly verbal nature of the expression of quality in Zaar, the comparative predicate which

includes the parameter is a quality verb. The comparison of superiority uses two competing strategies: a

Serial Verb Construction Strategy and a Ditransitive Strategy, both based on the verb mop, ‘surpass, exceed’.

Similitude and equality comparison share the same syntactic frame in Zaar, based on the preposition ɗan,

‘like’. There is no difference in Zaar between specific and general equatives or similatives. This same

equative/similative structure based on the preposition ɗan is used for different functions: role phrases and

accord clauses. Surprisingly, in the appropriate context, this similative preposition can take the substitutive

meaning ‘instead of’. Simulation is expressed in various combinations which can involve the similative ɗan

(or its Hausa equivalent kaman), with the quotative tu, and the specialised morpheme ku, probably related

to Mupun ko. Finally, the similative structure ɗan + clausal complement, has been extended to take on

different grammatical functions that are more loosely connected to the original meaning of similarity: time

adjunct (‘as, when’); relative clause. When combined with left-dislocation, the structure <ɗan NP> is used

as a topic, and the structure <ɗan S> functions as a frame-setting adjunct.

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From a typological point of view, the expression of comparison and similarity in Zaar is quite different from

what has been characterised as the “Standard Average European” equivalent (Haspelmath & Buchholz 1998,

325-6). The three main differences are (i) the verbal nature of quality in Zaar; (ii) the absence of parameter

marker; (iii) the non-relative/interrogative base of the standard marker, which in Zaar is a preposition

expressing manner.

Finally, Zaar, a head-initial language, confirms the main typological claim of (Haspelmath & Buchholz 1998,

289): “in head-initial languages the order should be ‘parameter - standard marker – standard’, and in head-final languages the order should be ‘standard - standard marker – parameter’.”

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