Capricorn Full Moon June 2024 (2024)

Capricorn Full Moon June 2024 (1)

Capricorn Full Moon June 2024 (2)


  • June 15, 2024
  • Blog


How will the Capricorn Full Moon of 22nd June 2024 affect your sign? What about any patterns at 1 degree in your natal chart? Why are the Capricorn transits of 2024 so important to you? What if you have Cancer, Capricorn and/or Aquarius horoscope factors?

The Full Moon in Capricorn, June 22nd 2024

This Full Moon takes place with the Moon at 01 Capricorn 07 in opposition to the Sun at 01 Cancer 07, on Saturday 22nd June at 2.08am BST in London. Always allow the day before and the day after, to fit all global sleep cycles and time zones.

This Full Moon is important because it aspects Pluto at 1 Aquarius 33, which is almost exact. Do you have anything in your natal chart at 1 degree? Whatever is there, by sign and house, will be triggered by complicated situations on Friday 21st, Saturday 22nd, Sunday 23rd June around the world.

In this feature I will look at that for you, and also look at the 12 zodiac signs and the impact of this Capricorn Full Moon. It’s important, because whatever your sign is, you have Ceres and Pluto, also in Capricorn, in 2024 and this is the big sign-off from the most demanding, intense cycle in 248 years – in just one area of your life.

Capricorn Full Moon June 2024 (3)

How Your Sun Sign Is Affected by the Capricorn Full Moon

There is one area of your life where (since 2008) you have experienced deeper transformation than any other. Your solar chart or Sun Sign chart shows you where the headlines have been. This Full Moon is really important because it shows you what still does not add up. Who or what is still not a complete picture for you. Where you may want to try harder (later) but also give yourself a lot of space on 21st, 22nd, 23rd June as the Full Moon kicks in, around the world.

Aries – Career, success, status, ambition, position, mission, unpaid vocation, academia, goals, roles, social mountaineering, the system, the hierarchy, the establishment, corporations, institutions.
Taurus – Foreigners, foreign countries, multiculturalism, academia, lecture circuits, publishing, the worldwide web, study, teaching, languages, cultural differences, travel, emigration, migrants.
Gemini – Finance, property, business, charity, valuables, mortgages, joint bank accounts, divorce settlements, child maintenance payments, inheritance, wills, legacies, bequests , banks, shares.
Cancer – Husbands, wives, girlfriends, boyfriends, professional partners, separation, divorce, de facto relationships, feuds, disputes, lawsuits, judges, conflicts, battles, wars, differences.
Leo – Health, wellbeing, daily routine, dogs and cats, food and drink, doctors and nurses, housework, study, paid work, unpaid work, service, duty statements, chores.
Virgo – Courtship, the bedroom, pregnancy, abortion, adoption, fostering, IVF, schoolchildren, teenagers, young adults, godchildren, stepchildren, generation gaps, younger people.
Libra – House, apartment, garden, family, household, town, country, ancestors, culture, heritage, history, roots, belonging, real estate, property, renovations, redecoration.
Scorpio – Brothers, sisters, cousins, transport, travel, commuting, cars, short journeys, communication, the internet, public speaking, the media, speech and eyesight, hearing and sign language.
Sagittarius – Valuables, collectors’ items, banks, business, profit, loss, credit cards, shares, NFTs, cryptocurrency, charity, debts, charity, donations, loans, mortgages, sales, purchases.
Capricorn – Appearance, reputation, title, brand, name, face, shape, style, profile, image, the internet, social media profiles, photographs, portraits, film and television capture, identity.
Aquarius – Psychics, Tarot, mediums, rabbis, priests, nuns, monks, Buddhism, therapy, counselling, self-help, hypnosis, dream interpretation, meditation, psychologists, psychiatrists.
Pisces – Friends, groups, allies, societies, teams, clubs, trade unions, bands, groups, people power, political parties, grassroots organisations, charities, circles and social media networks.

The Capricorn Cycles of 2008-2024

Well, it all began for you on 27th January 2008 as Pluto entered Capricorn. Since then, just one area of your existence has been changed beyond all recognition. 2024 is sign-off year. This area of your life becomes less demanding in stages, as Pluto has gone until September 3rd, when he returns for a long flashback until November 19th. You also see a sign-off in stages with Ceres in Capricorn. She is in flashback mode too, so you will find progress is stop-start and go-slow. She went into this same zone of your chart on February 8th 2024 and will depart on December 7th , This really is the long goodbye for these Capricorn cycles, but you will find the classic gift of empowerment, if you use your willpower. You will be given control if you use self-control.

Capricorn Full Moon June 2024 (4)

Capricorn Full Moon June 2024 (5)Ceres and Pluto in Capricorn in Your Chart

Going to your natal chart or birth chart, all this takes place in your Tenth House of ambition and position, mission and goals. Roles and aspiration. This is your highest potential peak of success, no matter if you work, study or engage in unpaid work. If you have anything at 29 Capricorn then this is personal.

You will have a direct confrontation with the most dominating, controlling, obsessive, powerful people and organisations. From this you learn to push back, own your controls and hold your own reins. By firmly becoming ‘the boss of you’ as they say, you find empowerment.

Do You Have Capricorn 0-21 Factors?

If you have anything at Capricorn 0-21 then the whole year is about recycling, reviewing, returning – professionally. It’s the same with academia or unpaid work.

This is because Ceres goes 0-21 back and forth. Yet it ends on November 12th and from December 7th, this important dwarf planet (Pluto’s equal) has also gone.

Your Tenth House is empty of Pluto and Ceres then. It will likely feel strange at first, but it will be the New Moon in Capricorn on Monday 30th December 2024 that lets you know, this really is a new, new, new year. Welcome to 2025. This will be the first full year you have ever experienced without constant issues about power, or lack of power.

All About Ceres and Pluto

Ceres is the mother-in-law of Pluto. He is married to her daughter Proserpina. She is the go-between. They are equally powerful and locked in a power struggle. It can only be resolved by a new deal. A compromise. A new world. Sometimes astrology is literal. Your issue may be your son-in-law and your daughter. Your mother and your husband. Your mother-in-law and your wife. This is more likely if you were born under the sign of Libra. However, if you have zodiac sign Cancer placements in your chart you may also find the Ceres and Pluto transit is literal.

Pluto Is About Changing Power

You will notice the biggest Pluto and Ceres impact in the world of business, the professions and High Society. Even if you are not affected by either family dramas or career stories, those around you will be.

The change in the balance of power that comes with Pluto is deep and permanent. It’s atomic level. For example – he was at 2 Leo trine the Moon at 2 Aries at the start of the last war.

When that war ended and the power transformed again, Pluto was at 7 Leo and Saturn was at 7 Cancer. Pluto is about massive reshuffle. If you think about the relative positions of the USA and Germany at the start and end of the war (when America used the atomic bomb) you have some idea of just how huge these shifts in real power, really are.

Watching Ceres

The arrival of Ceres in a very long retrograde in exactly the same sign, same area of your life and same house as Pluto is important. She is about the empowerment of people or organisations who had no power. Through and intense and complex process, Ceres transits give firm control, real influence and great weight to people or groups who never had it. Ceres is also there when there is a deal, a bargain, a time-sharing or power-sharing agreement. For example, she turns up when your work schedules are reshuffled and you are told someone else will be doing your job, for half the time. If you are a Libra woman, for example, Ceres is in your zone of real estate, property, the family and your stake in that.

Child Custody and Ceres

Another example of Ceres at work is child custody agreements. In divorce or separation, the father takes the son for the school holidays (for example) or the mother has the lad on alternative weekends.

Capricorn Full Moon June 2024 (6)

Ceres and Four Seasons

Ceres rules the four seasons. In summer and spring she is happy and the earth laughs in flowers. In winter and autumn she is not, and it rains. In 2024 the big message for you on this Full Moon in Capricorn, in the same chart zone as Ceres in Capricorn, is to understand there will be seasons. No consistency. For example, if you are an Aries, this will be in your career, as there may be a massive departure in the organisation which means most of 2024 is spent going back and forth with reshuffled power.

Understanding how to deal with four seasons in your life, back and forth, all year, is part of Ceres’ demands of you in 2024. By Christmas 2024 you will realise that you have a new life, a new deal, a new arrangement. Your power and control in that situation will be a result of whatever willpower and self-control you’ve found.

This Full Moon in Capricorn in June 2022, then, requires a lot of time, space and thought because it sets up the future.

What a Full Moon Is In Astrology

A Full Moon is a tug of war between the Sun and Moon in opposite signs. They are in opposition, like two political parties, or two football teams. You will experience inner conflict, depending on your birth chart, or be dealing with others who are at odds with you, or those around you. It’s a complicated, challenging time when the zodiac signs involved show the differences. Capricorn is ambitious. Capricorn wants to be at the top of High Society or big business – or in its field.

The Cancer and Capricorn Split

Cancer values home more. Comfort and belonging. Capricorn leaves the farm to go and make it in the big city. Cancer stays at home, or goes back home. What you will see on that Full Moon on 22nd June 2024 is a lot of front-page news about those themes.

Capricorn is about leaving a small town in order to emigrate to New York or London to be a big shot. Cancer is about putting a house, garden, apartment, family circle, sense of belonging – before hitting the heights. This is all pretty familiar isn’t it? Cancer and Capricorn are ancient archetypes, always opposite.

The Full Moon will make this stand out as if it was spotlit, in your life and in the news.

Capricorn is about successful women who have made it. They have been to university and become leaders in their field. Cancer is about mums who become single parents and work in a store to pay the rent. Capricorn is about prestige, perhaps fame, certainly kudos and clout. Cancer is about ‘my children come first’.

Pluto in Aquarius and the Full Moon

This date is also about Pluto (power) in Aquarius (with the group of friends). So this is a real moment for shifting controls, thanks to the potency of allies in a diverse circle of people. Black, white, old, young, rich, poor, male or female and so on.

The Full Moon in Capricorn is semi-sextile Pluto in Aquarius. The Sun, at 1 Cancer, is quincunx Pluto in Aquarius.

What happens in politics near that 22nd June Full Moon is important as Pluto tells us that the White House and 10 Downing Street, in 2025 and following, belong to a circle of men and women who know how to holds the reins together, horizontally.

When Pluto was in Capricorn, power was held from the top down, by just one man, or maybe a tiny number of men. That’s virtually over.

Capricorn Full Moon June 2024 (7)

Do You Have Cancer Factors?

Avoid the Full Moon as it’s a tug of war from the Moon (which rules Cancer anyway) against the Sun in Cancer in your Fourth House of family, real estate, home town, homeland, household and belonging.

There are easier times to discuss, sign, accept signatures, negotiate the relationships and so on. Wait for the Full Moon to go out of Capricorn and the Moon to pass into Aquarius.

Then all you have to think about is the Sun, Venus and Mercury in Cancer and so the stage is set for far easier agreements about it all.

Do You Have Capricorn Factors?

Again, avoid the Full Moon for an easy life. The emotional Moon in Capricorn is being pushed against by the Sun, coming the other way. You have Ceres there in Capricorn anyway so there are a ton of issues which are irrational, based on feelings (strong feelings) and particularly female-led thinking.

This will squarely be about your career, unpaid work or academic career. Decisions can and will come out of this, later on, but the actual Full Moon itself is a big full stop in the sky. A big white full stop. That’s your cue to pause.

Do You Have Aquarius Factors?

Pluto in Aquarius only recently landed in your Eleventh House of friends, allies, groups, circles, clubs, societies and teams. This is also where we find bands and charities.

The power is there for all to see. It is with you, them, he or she. There are major questions here about who and what is in control.

This Full Moon will aspect Pluto in a way that means the jigsaw pieces do not fit. So you may want to choose quite another time to try and focus on your friends or groups.

Main Image: Dreamstime. Images: Rawpixel/Dreamstime/Justin Tabari

Capricorn Full Moon June 2024 (8)

Jessica Adams

Jessica Adams B.A.. has written horoscopes for Elle, Vogue, Harper’s Bazaar, Bloomingdale’s and Marie Claire during a global career as a professional astrologer. Her astrology books include Astrolove, Handbag Horoscopes and 2020 Vision (Penguin) and the #1 Amazon bestseller 2020 Astrology – Your Five Year Horoscope Guide. Jessica is also a novelist published by Penguin. She lives in Tasmania, Australia and edits The Holiday Goddess Guide to Paris, London, New York and Rome (HarperCollins).

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Capricorn Full Moon June 2024

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24 Responses

  1. Hi, Jessica. I feel like this post totally speaks to me having bunch of Cancer, Capricorn, and Aquarius factors. This year has been stressful at work, at home, and financially. I want to make some good changes (I have a Jupiter return), but nothing is happening. Will you share your wisdom about my horoscope?


    1. Your gridlock ends in two stages. December 7th 2024 then January 11th 2025. You are heavily Cardinal and so can become gridlocked when there are Cardinal transits. It’s the Cancer/Capricorn/Aries/Libra combination of natal chart factors and transits which is challenging you. You are over the halfway mark and 2025 will be completely different. In fact you can draw a line under many years of family, house, apartment and household obstacles. All gone.


  2. Great Golly Gumboots Jessica! Thank you for yet another informative, insightful timely article! I am a Cancer Sun 29 degrees indeed with Capricorn rising ! I also have my Nodes at 26 degrees on this axis! 26degrees Cap NN – Cancer SN. Jupiter is at 0 degrees for me in Capricorn and Neptune at 2 degrees Sag… ( so Im thinking that the 1 degree orb applies and all of this makes it a particularly significant time ?)
    Curious to see how this plays out for me, as always I would be super grateful for any insights. Ps I have finally signed up for the Sun Sign school , total value for money and absolutely love the Learning opportunities. Of course given that Ive followed you for quite a while now and have been lucky enough to reap the benefits of both your guidance and wisdom through some mega uncertain and bleak moments .. I kinda knew this would be a goldmine! You never fail to shine such a bright light, in a sea of wanna be , inauthentic and opportunistic energy , I do feel so blessed to have acess to you!

    Oh and btw Modi has been downsized… true to your predictions he has been forced to share power , which will obviously greatly impact law, policymaking and overall governance in India. There has indeed been a transfer of power from one male to many! And I am keeping a close eye on upcoming female leaders who have recently been voted into power !

    Thank you for all that you are and all that you do! Signing off from rainy, sunny India xo!


    1. Thanks Kimberley. Waving to you in India. Thank you also for signing up for The Sun Sign School. The best way to learn astrology and Tarot is by using your own chart. You have Salacia at 1 Aquarius which will be caught by the Full Moon at 1 Capricorn in a semi-sextile. By nature you operate in two different worlds, with friends and groups. Neither of them are particularly real. Salacia was Neptune’s wife and functioned in the ocean and on the beach. Salacia in Aquarius in the Eleventh House of social life, social media, clubs, teams, communities is common in the charts of women who take a holiday from reality, by joining (say) a ballet class or drinking a lot of wine (for example) in a wine-tasting club. The Sun Sign School has a social side, as you know, and that would qualify. The Full Moon suggests other people have an inner conflict, or there is a split situation around you, which very much affects the friendships or the group. You do have Jupiter at 0 Capricorn, just one degree away from the Full Moon, so your lifelong ability to land on your feet, with your career, unpaid work or academic career, is on the line on the Full Moon. By nature you tend to be optimistic about your chances, particularly professionally, and have a history of being downright lucky (though you use your luck extremely well). This now comes into play.


  3. Hi Jessica. First a big heartfelt thank you for your posts! Always super interesting, informative and an invaluable resource navigating choppy waters in recent years. The podcasts are wonderful, too.
    Asking for help as this one hits up close. I am Sun Sagittarius with North Node in Capricorn, South Node in Cancer, Moon in Aquarius, Mars in Aquarius, Psyche In Aquarius, Jupiter in Cancer, Uranus in Cancer, MC in Cancer, IC in Capricorn, Chiron in Capricorn, Salacia in Capricorn, Ceres in Sagittarius, and Panacea at 1 degree Taurus. Mix with a highly triggered Capricorn partner and a dental malpractice suit being planned. Can happily hide in the studio weekend of the full moon but this feels serious. Any suggestions appreciated. Enjoy your weekend and thanks again. LTC


    1. Thank you LTC. I can see your chart on the screen, as all Premium Members’ personal horoscopes appear when I answer your question. You were born with Panacea at 1 Taurus. The Full Moon falls at 1 Capricorn opposite the Sun at 1 Cancer. So this is about your finances, possessions, business, charity and property. It is about your natural ability to fix things, repair situations and find remedies. This may in fact be your dental malpractice suit. Panacea is a symbol of moral and ethical questions which surround any solution. The solution is never in doubt but there are always grey areas. If something works, but some see it as morally dubious, is that an issue? I would expect the Full Moon to give you a bridge to cross regarding the same. It may not be the lawsuit at all. It may be a tax dodge, for example. It’s legal but is it ethical? It’s on that level.


  4. Hello, Jessica another informative post.
    I am reaching out as I am curious more so because my husband has Ceres in Capricorn 1 degree, Proserpina in Virgo 1 degree.
    I have cancer stellium and my husbands chart is heavily Aquarius. You have both our charts. In 2008 our first child was born…. We left the UK in 2017 and moved to Munich- we are still here…. the house / home resonates with me …. Im unsure where we will retire here bc we still have a UK property. In laws also an issue I guess for both of us…. more for me and his parents ( his sister) than with my mum for him (have little to no contact from my side of the family) I would love to know your interpretations.
    Thank you


    1. How much will this Capricorn Full Moon affect you and your husband? It’s about his career, unpaid work or academic career. It’s about his status, ambition, mission and position. This is a bridge to cross for him. If you have a Cancer stellium you are in luck as from the second half of 2025 to the first half of 2026 you have your best transits in 12 years for renovation, moving, property investment, or an increase in the value of your home. The family will also expand at this time. It is very common for there to be a child born, or for a relative to marry.


  5. Hi, I am a Sun Virgo with my North node @ 2 Pisces, Jupiter @ 2 Scorpio and Midheaven @ 29 Taurus. How does this interprete?
    Thank you.


    1. Years of issues about power and control with courtship, the bedroom, any children, pregnancy, younger people – slowly fade in 2024. The Full Moon in Capricorn on 22nd June brings feelings to a head, about this. You then spend the rest of the year deal-making with others, culminating with the end of Ceres in Capricorn on December 7th. That’s a huge sign-off. It’s not quite over, but it’s nearly over. And if you use your willpower you will become empowered.


  6. Thank you so much for the amazing and thorough work you do Jessica. I have my vertex at 1 degree of 6th house Virgo (but other charts say 7th house Libra – this confuses me). Sun sign Cancer. How might you interpret this, and do you place much importance on the vertex?


    1. Thank you. Actually you have a vertex and anti-vertex. I never use them. They are fictional points in the chart. You will see astrologers across the web giving you different takes on where your vertex actually is, based on the house system they use. There are over 30 house systems. For the record, I use the Natural House System which puts Aries 0 on the cusp of the First House and uses whole-sign houses.


  7. I have mercury at 1 capricorn and about 6 other big placements at 1 degree how will this effect me, feeling pretty nervous. I just got divorced and moving to my new purchased apartment in July will also be splitting custody with my ex and started seeing someone new recently.


    1. Your huge Libra stellium in the Seventh House of marriage, divorce and partnership is the story here. You are going through the South Node in Libra and North Node in Aries transit, not seen in 18-19 years. It ends in January 2025 and so does the karma with your ex, as well as any karma with the new man. That can happen too.


  8. I’m not sure why but I thought of kate middleton as I was reading your article.


    1. Yes, the Princess of Wales has Bacchus at 1 Capricorn in the Tenth House of position, ambition and mission (Bacchus is enjoyment). That Full Moon falls there as she makes her first public appearance in months.


  9. Yikes! That’s falling on my birthday at 0 Cancer and I have IC, Ceres, and Moon in Capricorn, plus North/South Nodes at 1 Libra / Aries.


    1. The classic Cancer-Capricorn conflict will be underlined by the Full Moon, but it’s just a bridge to cross and nothing more. Capricorn is your ambition to have a certain position and it is very much about a strong sense of mission. The top is where you intend to be and usually are, either socially or professionally. What the Cancer side of your chart does, is pull you towards major family or household questions and that is a significant stretch. It can also pose questions about your town and country. You can never have it all on a Full Moon and so a trade-off or compromise is usually the way.


  10. Goodness Jessica – you’ve been publishing articles all month that really speak to me and I’m glad to have signed on to the Sun School to be able to appreciate them better – please can you provide me with insight on this period in particular as I feel big changes are coming or may in fact be already here . All the best Eli


    1. Thank you for subscribing to The Sun Sign School, Eli – I hope you can become your own best astrologer and psychic with the tutorials there. You are quite right about big changes as 2024 is the last year you will ever have to be so concerned with how you appear, how you look, and how your exterior functions. This is sign-off year for the North Node in Aries in your First House of profile and image. In your solar chart it’s sign off year for Pluto and Ceres in your First House of profile and image. This can be about your marriage (you don’t say if you are single or married) as much as your profession or role. It can be about your position as a mother (you don’t say if you have children) as much as it can be about unpaid positions; rather like being patron of a charity or honorary secretary of a club. Ever since Pluto changed signs in 2008 you have been on a long, long course of total transformation where your public self is concerned. You have been shown what it feels like to find real power through that, but also been shown that some things about yourself just cannot be controlled. All you have is your self-control. There will be a bit of deal-making with yourself and other people near this Full Moon again, but you will sign off from the transit on 7th December and in fact, Christmas and New Year will mark the end of an era.


  11. Thanks so much for another insightful post, Jessica – so interesting! As I’m new to astrology, it’s a bit overwhelming trying to piece everything together. I preordered your book and I’m looking forward to its arrival in October! My MC is 21 Capricorn and IC 21 Cancer, as well as Ceres 4 Capricorn and Psyche 5 Capricorn. How do I interpret these factors and should I be considering anything else in my chart? Thank you!


    1. Thank you. You are a Capricorn with a number of factors there. The Full Moon is about your image, profile, appearance and the message you send through photographs and clips of yourself. It’s also about what you don’t say, as much as what you do say. There are a number of relaunches in 2024. You have now had two, positioning yourself differently with the world. A Full Moon is always a big ask, or a significant stretch. It’s not easy, but the reshaping of your public image will be over on 7th December and in fact from 2025 you will no longer have to think about how you are seen and how you appear.


  12. Hello Jessica, hope you are doing well. I have been having an awful May and June. Jupiter in Gemini has done nothing for me except break up professional and romantic partnerships when it was meant to be the opposite. In May, a company I had joined after months of being unemployed dismissed me after a week with no explanation although I have fairly good reason to believe it was due to internal matters rather than myself. In early June, just when Jupiter connected with Pluto, my boyfriend decided to abandon me suddenly with no explanation. We had dated before and got back together again this year. I had mentioned him to you before and you had mentioned he is a past life connection which was very true as we have synastry of Saturn conjunct his South Node and also his Pluto conjuncts my sun and my ascendant. You also mentioned that I should avoid sharing the rent with him considering my placements so even though he wanted us to move in together, I avoided doing so. I am quite distressed with the back to back loss of job and partner. Would you be able to take a look at my chart and kindly advise if I may secure work soon and if my boyfriend might come back to me, please? Many thanks, Jessica.


    1. Thank you. Jupiter in Gemini can in fact break up a partnership if your boyfriend is not offering you expansion, growth and fulfilment. He left in June near the Jupiter-Pluto conjunction. I am sorry he’s gone – but you had broken up before too. Jupiter transits of the solar Seventh House are always good and you have this one until June 2025. So it’s possible this second break-up is part of a larger pattern of change, when you actually get what you want from him. Or, just as likely, he is being removed so that a superior man can come in. I advised not splitting the rent with him, because in both charts I use for you, there were issues about power and control and there is always a risk of a break-up with Eighth House factors like that. In fact, he suddenly abandoned you without explanation. Take a deep breath and know that he will either change (after this second break-up) or exit completely, leaving a space for a better replacement by the end of the transit in June 2025. Your job is not a partnership issue. You were hired by a company who then let you go, for which I am sorry. You did not need it, along with the departure of your boyfriend at the same time. The next job will give you freedom and independence so may be part-time, job-share or in an organisation which gives you greater room to move, in terms of your daily routine, schedule and time off. In fact, the more you think outside the box, the better. Enjoy the freedom while it’s there as from August you could easily go into another job, or jobs, plural. Have a look at courses too (paid courses in particular) as you are a natural lifelong student and will always do well from increasing your skills.


Capricorn Full Moon June 2024 (2024)
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